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Posts posted by GhostRider3/3

  1. Nice battle... and the AAR is great. I would say great job.. at close range gettng hit by the JgdpzIV or Panther surely has wreaked some havoc, but nicely played.

    Say im not sure if you have one.. but (and I could be wrong here) the 57mm UK AT gun is one powerful.. Mother!!! It may depend on the year, but it has I think 4-6 APDS rounds that can basically penetrate Tiger's or Panthers like butter from anything under 600m.. I would say that it is crazy effective.. (lost 2 Tigers in street fighting 400-350m) and 3 Panthers from side and front shots from around 600+ meters.

    The tanks Menace... ATG's

  2. The map being used is a section from one of the master maps. So you'll be able to at least approximate it by finding the area and cropping a map out for yourself. Early posts in at least one of the two threads specify which master map was used.

    Ah ok great, thanks Womble.. I read most of the 50+ pages.. :)

    Its a great looking map, it is complex in its own way as stated by both participants in the battle, with Urban and wooded areas great for infantry and nasty Piats... and then it has open spaces where the Kats can do alot of damage.

    I must say those AA vehicles are brilliant and can do a heck of alot of damage, as they should being 20mm and 37mm

    As a Marine I got to see what the AH-1W SuperCobra's could do with their 30mm's Impressive, building walls meant absolutely nothing.

  3. Aye.. my new tactic with HT/s is point at enemy.. conduct (Brief Target Area) at possible building windows, hedges to suppress those blasted snipers.

    I have to say the US.. M2 (.50 cal) is bloody devestating.. and I have not even got to the AA HT's yet. Those tracks can take out German HT, AC, and disabled two PZII recon tanks... it was completely upsetting.. :)

  4. The Panzer IV J (late) is a new vehicle that came with Market Garden.

    It is my understanding that the late versions only had three return rollers, while the ingame model has four.

    Of course, there is no reliable or fixed definition for putting vehicles of one Ausführung into early/mid/late/latest category, but maybe someone around here knows for sure if the vehicles that were around in September 44 already had only three return rollers or if those only came from a later production model.

    This site was nice, but I also have many books and video's.


  5. Yep...I always thought they should be able to suppress areas with their MG's but they always get sniped.. LOL, tanks commanders as well, but thats just life.

    I will never send in Armor without infantry rolling with them.. however even Armored car commanders in turrets always take a lucky hit from sometimes over 300m... thats a heck of a marksmen taking out a small half head silhouette in a moving armored target.

    Anyways.. I have fun anyways, but yeah its sometimes anoying that every single commander is a casualty.

  6. I thinks SMG fire is far too effective, and will once again, in Bagration, lead to the Papasha death squads. IIRC, an SMG's main role is to give far more effective suppressive fire whilst moving, or at close range, snap targets.

    Interesting, I was thinking it may have something to do with how the unit is developed. would their effectiveness not be with how they are; Fit, Crack-Elite etc.

    I beleive the brits are doing well, Vetran with some crack troops possibly, but I know range effects the Sten, however Thompsons and MP-40 fair pretty decent. I have shot the MP-40 numerous times its great.

    I see your point for future Bagration-Eastern front, but the Quality of 80% of the russian troops would be either regular or conscript at best... maybe a few vetrans sprinkled around. But in anyones hands the PPsh-41 is effective for Urban combat.

    In the end in all the battles I have played my most effective weapons have been the squad machine gun, and their Rifles, in close in within 100m the SMG does nicely depending if the unit is not suppressed etc. Playing both sides.. The US really has alot of Fire Superiority with their squads.. lots of semi-auto's and thompsons with .30cal.'s

    Looking forward in purchasing Market Garden this week, and the Italian theatre.

    In the end its Fire superiortiy is what you want.. suppress and manuever, kill.

  7. Love using Lli Marlene for CMAK AK games. Hope we get CM2 Africa. But, we'll need bigger maps for the longer range and mobile aspects of that theatre.

    I dont have the Italian Gustav Set yet, but I take it because its in Italy, maybe you can use the Editor to create at least N. African campaign around Tunisia?

    I do not know what all the tiles are but the Combat Mission Editor is really good, god knows how many maps I have created and deleted over the last couple years.

  8. Battlefront: I am going to need another Metal case for all of my modules... this is a good thing. When you do the Russian front can we get another case for to hold our precious Jems?

    Also thank you Battlefront for not cancelling Market Garden. I religiously watch the 1977 classic and have a few books that are great. Thanks again for giving us such great quality enjoyment.

  9. There have been some threads about renaming mods to make em work with the new version. Right now I have probably hundreds of mods in each game and it's a bit of a mess to figure out which are working and which are not or need to be renamed. Very frustrating.

    Yeah I hear you.. I am only using about 15 right now. I can tell my Veins Explosions, tracers, etc is working.. LOL The British Mod I have is working, and the German Uniforms I can deal with, just wish I could use some others. Like Panzer Lehr, and the 12th SS used very different camo and Tunics.. (Panzer Lehr used differnt cut Tunics anyways) And the 12th SS was a mix of 44Dot, Italian and the wools and Smocks.

    We will get it sorted out... someone will post on how to rename your mods.. Im not too savvy at editing stuff.. but so far the Z folder works great... with of course the exceptions some mods are not working right now.


  10. Hello I recently installed the 2.0 Patch... and then reinstalled all of the previous mods I had, back into the Z Folder.. in my Data folder as instructed.. never had problems.

    However.. I do see some of my mods.. like the tracers, sound, explosions, and British unifrom mods. I have two mods for Germans.. the Veins German Uniforms.. wich I thought was basically just Heer.. and I have the Waffen-SS Erbsentarn Camo Uniform and 2 Single Decal SS Helmets.. but do not see them anywhere?

    Do I need to change the order of Veins and the above so that I see the Later? They apparently worked fine before 2.0?



  11. Saw your post. Did a little test on my proving grounds and these vehicles crossed ok. I made sure my path went right down the middle of those bridges and did not touch the water at any point. Mike.


    I would say try this again with a knocked out vehicle or two on each bridge.. then see how they path? I think this problems is still not 100%. but bridges are normal choke points anyways..

    I mean lets face it.. if a ATG, or tank has coverage of the bridge and already has knocked out a couple of vehicles, you would not send your entire company over there, but try and find an ALT route.

    That being said, i always design maps with alternatives when including bridges.

  12. Happened to me with the Huzzar map. CMBN-CW It did not help that there was a destroyed enemy recon vehicle on it. Bridge ate 2 of my Shermans, which was 1 more than the Germans could claim.:P

    I sent a half track across it later just to test and the halftrack slowly crossed, disappeared by clipping through the bridge then reappeared as it continued across.

    Did I plot those two Shermans perfectly...? Well I thought so but the burning enemy unit probably had something(everything) to do with it, and due to Huzzars large map and multitude of units I simply did not give it my full attention. I am " mentally gifted" with my own special AI... it is called Absent Intelligence.

    I chalk it up to mechanical breakdown due to negligence from the mechanics who apparently tied one on with some "misappropriated" wine and champagne.

    So the "bug", is still there, however it does take some negligence on the player for it to occur IMO and experience.

    Yes, I have noticed if there are vehicles destroyed on the bridge.. the pathing sometimes gets all crazy. Vehicles try to pass the knocked out vehicles on the bridge.. but sometimes they never go to the bridge but try and find another route.

    By the way can demo teams blow bridges?

  13. Rat Patrol wasn't exactly a realistic depiction of the capabilities of this vehicle even though I never missed an episode as a kid. ;)

    Its a thin skinned vehicle and is pretty easy to put out of commission.

    Loved that show.. used to stay up super late just to watch it.

    I believe in real life the LRR teams used Landrovers, covered with sandbags etc with twin vickers.. not that a sandbag is going to stop a 37mm or mg42round. Anyways super cool show.

  14. The only issue I have is putting Posters up against walls.. LOL it takes forever to get them right, they are either too far back, or you put them against the wall only to have them go inside the building.

    Sure the larger the map the slower it seems, and I have way more system Req then needed.

    My only real issues with the editor is this.

    Bridges, or able vehicles to push others out of the way. not sure thats possible.

    Posters.. attaching posters to walls is crazy.

    Lastly more.. we want more types of buildings, churches, Cafe's etc. Buildings with paintings or murals on the side like the ones found in France and Germany etc.

    Thanks BF.

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