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Posts posted by GhostRider3/3

  1. Hello Everyone.. was thinking of purchasing this.  I have the first Strategic Command, but it sounds like Global is the way to go.  One Question... can you still Edit the campaigns and countries and resave it under a different name like in the older versions?  Just curious.




    Happy Hunting.

  2. I don't mind admitting to taking a bit of a beating in the first mission. The buildings tended not to suffer much in the way of damage no matter how much of a pounding I gave them. And the paras cut my troops up when I tried storming their positions. I suffered a Tactical Defeat.

    Same here.. the HE from the Nebelwerfers do little damage even to the exposed troops and the one Stug.III you have only has I believe 28-30 rounds of HE.  I know in the Scenario planning it explains you wont be able to attack and take everything, So I may rethink my strategy, save my men and take control of two... maybe three if there is enough HE left in the Stug.III.  the AA halftrack does  do some damage, but not enough really to penetrate the buildings.

  3. I remember in the old Combat Mission games, sometimes you would see a fire started in the fields, or in the woods where the plane went down.. but I don't think that is modeled in the new games, but no matter they are still brilliant.  Its amazing seeing about 4 flak trucks, and a few 37mm flak guns firing skyward at dusk.  I have noticed that the attacking plane may fly around but It appeared to stop attacking my land forces... I have only seen this about 4 times

  4. The First mission for the Germans I get completely murdered... lol  British Para are awesome, just like soviet MG squads, lots of damage quick.  Germans just cant match the firepower.  I even consolidated all my forces each time... bounding, but there are so many close quarters area, that once the Germans are opened up on.. half the squad is gone.  Anyone have any tactics or luck on the first mission?

  5. I encountered the same problem many times. I suspect it is always a little bit  subjective opinion of the one who lost the tank ;) But it really happens too often. My last time was beyond anything I could imagine. 


    Look below. It is the situation. Marder had armored fire arc order exactly covering the way the ISU came in. The ISU was moving. Marder stood in the place for couple minutes in ambush. ISU was also under fire by the infantry nearby the marder. 




    And this is how it was seen from my marder (come on blind man...):




    Needless to say that after a while ISU decided to shorten the life of those fools in the Marder...

    Excellent.... well at least I know strange things happen to others.  I really need to figure out how to take screen shots... too bad about your Veteran Marder crew, the ISU should have been buttoned up and possibly suppressed abit.  But from what I hear there should be no penalties if they still have their optics, but then sometimes I wonder what the optics does in game?


    Does it create a radius 360 degree around the tank, then if the optics are damaged it is a penalty modifier, I know when your buttoned the view usually would be a 90-180 degree in front of the tank.. could be wrong, would be nice to know how that works... but an open vehicle like the Marder etc, unless suppressed should be able to see very well.

  6. How do I best use my company HQ team? I try to keep my platoon leaders close to the rest of the platoon to boost the various teams but Im not sure what to to with the company leaders.


    How do I best use snipers?



    I use my Snipers pretty good.. its usually artillery that ends up killing them.  I have them on over watch, or in ambush.. hiding.  When I get enemy contacts I release them from hiding, and then move them to a different location.. not toward the enemy.  I normally try and use them defensively or use them as scouts.  you may get a couple kills, but it also depends on the skill level of the Sniper... but a Squad with LMG, MG, and Rifles can suppress the sniper pretty effectively.. and then blast the area into oblivion.   That's what I do... HE rounds work wonders.

  7. Another thing to consider is movement.  I think, form reading your post, that your Panthers were moving forward while the T34s were waiting.  I would expect that tanks sitting still at the edge of a treeline facing some open ground would spot moving tanks coming towards them much easier than the other way around.  Buttoned or un buttoned I think the advantage of being still in overwatch vs the disadvantage of moving would trump the TC's position.

    Yes it should be.  I had the Panthers in Overwatch myself for 15 minutes.. they could see contacts in the wood line, the area was blasted beyond belief.  I went back to look at the map more closely and the way it is formed and where the enemy tanks are positioned are perfect, you would think a commander using binocular's  would be able to spot better, but again not complaining.  I did do about 30 tests  of tanks on the move buttoned and unbuttoned and stationary.... it is what it is.

  8.  Ghostrider - good to read you are enjoying this. As Skwabie states there is a 6th mission already in the campaign - I'm not sure how you will have missed it.


    I made the large master map for missions 1-5 as well as then making the first two missions.


    I must admit they were challenging missions to make, given the need for them to be enjoyable and yet challenging for a wide range of players. The additional requirement to ensure that some Red Army forces exited the maps in good order was particularly tricky to get right. In the end I got it working pretty well for armour, but the infantry units stand little chance in getting off the map given the distance to be covered and open nature of the maps.


    I think it's fair to say that of all the missions I've made to date only one mission was harder to get right than these two, and that's in Black Sea so you'll have to wait for that one.  ;)


    Deep Spoilers

    Both M1 and M2 have 19 x T-34 in play together with the 2 ATG on each map. These are different units and so in these two missions both are at full strength. To kill 13 and 17 of these respectively is probably as close to perfect as you can get, given some units start to move off map very early in proceedings, allowing for trigger placement and attacker options.


    Most comments on these two missions are regarding how tough they are, so if nothing else you show it can be done with minor German losses - a good result.



    Ok just did Mission #6.  (I admit I restarted this mission because I had serious issues with spotting targets Unbuttoned and with recon troops... probably just a weird unlucky set of circumstances.


    #6 Crushing the 3rd Tank Corps. 


    START:  I started off with a two prong attack.  Panther's on the Left Side supported by the initial troops.. I believe around a Company.  Right Side is supported by Pz IV tanks and around a Company of SPW mounted troops.. with a Heavy weapons Platoon.  x2 SPW 251/9 and x2 HMG

    Initial Fire Mission:  Right Side Crossroads and small group of buildings I blasted with 150mm. and continued the Barrage with 120mm Mortars all along the Road wood line (Going my Right to Left).  The Next group of buildings I used 105mm, and the group of trees in front more 120mm,  Behind this particular group of buildings there were some unknown contacts so I used another area fire with 105mm. then continued to where there was at the far left multiple contacts used 120mm and 81mm mortars in that area.. My thought was at least I may suppress whatever is in the tree line facing me.  I then used Smoke on the right side clearing area to try and hide my main movement.


    1.  I brought the entirety of the Right flan down the main road toward the enemy and then dashed down a side road that looked to get me possibly behind the enemy's MLR  (Main Line of Resistance), (Since I had terrible misfortune the first time with my panthers spotting abilities)  I also tasked 1 Panther Platoon to accompany the Right Flank, the rest of the Left flank and Panthers took up positions amongst the buildings on the Left, hidden by trees and such.. They were my counter-attack force and reserves.

       A.  The Company of Soldiers on the Left used their trucks to get  to the main wood line on the far left,.. and it was a long process, but I thought it best to use troops on that side as they are harder to spot... so I sent a Company toward those nasty units I could not spot well.... Long process moving troops.. many turns later they reached the small group of buildings on the far left side surrounded by trees.. I split my teams into Tank Hunter groups and proceeded to knock out 2 T-34/85 and 1 ISU-122 or 85.. 1 Panther had luckily spotted another T-34/85 and knocked it out at 1765m using a total of 4 rounds.  German Reinforcements had already arrived and were awaiting instruction just to the left of the main group of buildings near the clearing.


    Meanwhile at Right Flank, my Initial plan seemed to work brilliantly.. lol, as my 1plt of Pz IV had made is way and crossed the rail tracks under cover of a lot of smoke rounds.. I did not want to get hit by a train of 85mm shells my recon team had spotted x2 or so T-34/85's on the tracks. the Platoon of Pz IV had success in dispatching x2 hidden Su-76 but one of the Pz IV was hit from unknown location and exploded.. fortunately most of the crew made it out, minus the commander.  The Su-76 was found hidden in some woods and dispatched by infantry.  I decided to await the Reinforcements and consolidate before my assault on the crossroads village area, when they arrived we bombarded the tracks where the x2 T-34/85 were with 150mm and again used some smoke to help cover some advancing infantry now to the immediate left flank of the enemy...  the x2 T*34/85 were dispatched and we uncovered there Btn HQ, and other HQ main units along the rail line.. they were met with 75mm rounds and infantry from the rear... I had at this time an entire Company covering the main rear area behind both main villages.


    The Germans took some casualties losing a Kubelwagon?? no idea.. I think from a LMG,... the small pond area and its immediate area were pounded again with 81mm mortar after 3 tracks took mg fire.  The Village and crossroads were finally taken, and the extent of damage from the 120mm, 150mm and 81mm rounds were evident, there were trucks on fire, huge craters, buildings destroyed and carnage everywhere.. Soviet losses were immense but they fought bravely inflicting around 20 casualties in the area, and the loss of 1 AFV. 


    The tanks and a platoon of Spw mounted grenadiers followed by x2 HQ tracks with weapons, and x2 Spw251/9 Stummels  kept traveling on the opposite side of the tracks.. the 1 Panther Platoon now in the lead (dismounting troops to cover a section of woods)  kept traveling and dispatched the remaining tanks in the rear or on the roads.. small firefight but the Panthers are fearsome carts. 


    The Left side now began its movement to link up with the rest of the Right side elements.. I had around 8 Panthers and 5 Pz IV in the middle area at the far end of the map... they moved as well engaging the rest of the armor elements the Russians had to offer.. lost another Pz IV and damaged 2 of the Panthers... the forward observer and the two HQ tank commanders. unleashed pretty much hell on the wooded areas with whatever artillery I had left which was a lot... there were a couple of more minor infantry engagements  and some more casualties.. soviet infantry is nasty at combat ranges.. of up to 350m 


    I guess we did enough damage as it just ended the scenario after about an hour and 30minutes of play.


    Next will be the Russian Campaign.. and am for sure downloading some good stuff I have seen from the repository.


    LOL I seriously need to work on organizing my AAR's

  9. That's more of an anecdote than a test. When I test spotting I abtain dozens of data points for each side at a minimum, sometimes hundreds if the differences are not large. Spotting is very random so anecdotal evidence is of limited usefulness.


    Buttoned/unbuttoned affects spotting but not accuracy.


    Optics also affect spotting. It is unknown if they affect accuracy. Well, unknown to anyone but Charles, I suppose. They also break a lot. This is realistic. They are made of glass :P

    Thank you for your posts,


    I was just a bit dumbfounded when I had a German tank unbuttoned take 4-5 hits.... stayed unbuttoned and was "OK"  never suppressed.. and not once returned fire.  I could not replicate this in doing 20 tests in open ground at the same distance of 1740 meters. using the same crew types.


    Anyways its like beating a dead horse.. lol the game is great.. has some quirks.. and some strange AI issues from time to time.. but I am not complaining.. just thought it was uncanny at best.  I am finding most of the maps are meta-gamed to the defense... which makes sense vs AI as it makes you think more and think of options.

  10. Nice I am glad so many are not having issues.  I have only used my serial number once for Combat Mission Commonwealth, and when I went to input the serial as asked.... it said it was invalid.  I know others said the same thing.. not sure what the deal is.  Unfortunately this simple process has terminated playing Normandy until it gets resolved.. and all the stuff they ask for in the "create ticket" is lengthy.. so I have not gotten around to filling it out.   I love it when around 150 plus dollars of software goes to **** because of some small little detail... and I have already paid for the game.. In my opinion and the opinion of 3 MS programmer friends.. it should never have been an issue.. the way they have you extract and unzip files from the master disk is archaic.  I am glad you have had a good customer service encounter.


    I am not that computer savvy unfortunately, so Its a good thing I have friends that are...

  11. Screenshots always help in these cases, but off the top of my head - if your tanks were in trees and the enemy were not - remember that tanks are substantially higher up than your infantry and this can often put their heads in amongst the foliage.


    If you have trees toggled to "trunks only", turn them back on, then hop your camera view down to the tanks and see if you can see what they cannot.

    I got that point.... my point is that the Russian tanks were all buttoned up in a tree line.  The Panthers were not in amongst the trees but pretty much behind a low wall.. there was only a sparse amount of trees between the Panthers and the T-34/85's  


    My issue is with the Russian tanks in Trees buttoned vs Panthers not buttoned.. and the crazy first shot hits the Soviets achieve at 1700+ meters with Regular Crews... vs at least tested with 2 Veteran German crews who could barely hit the broad side of a barn.

  12. I could use some tips on spotting I guess, because today completely was frustrating to the point I ran some tests on spotting.


    Was on the last Scenario of the German Campaign.. "Crushing the 3rd tank Army" I believe is the name.


    I don't have a problem finishing, It was just some strange things that had me wondering do Optics mean anything in the game.


    1.  Left flank I have pretty much two platoons on Hunt crawling to positions between buildings and somewhat blocked by trees.. they are unbuttoned.

       A.  I had completely obliterated the wooded areas near the main roads in preparation... and used smoke, prior to my Panthers advance.

       B.  Smoke has disappeared.. infantry has no problem spotting various enemy contacts.....

       C.  Gun fight ensues..... Soviet tanks (Soviet tanks were buttoned) achieve first round hits..  Hitting on the first shot 70 percent of the time while buttoned...   German tanks have stopped.. return fire missing all first rounds, Veteran crews vs Regular  out of the 5 Panthers two are Veteran, and 3 Regular.. no problem


    Next salvo.. Panther gun and optics gone.... another Panther gets 2 hits in the mantlet... Optics.. gun gone... 3  Remaining Panthers take out one of the T-34/85's


    3 Panthers can not see the tanks firing at them... they stay unbuttoned.... One Panther the next turn sees a T-34 but does not engage... the T-34 shoots it 4 times in a minute without any return fire.. and destroys the Panthers Optics and gun in that order...  Soviet crew was Regular and buttoned.. German crew was Veteran and unbuttoned.


    I Quit the game to see what the frack was going on in front of the Germans.. who are all blind as bats.


    So in the end there were 3 Soviet T-34's shooting at I believe the 5 German tanks.. at ranges of 1700 plus meters.. I think it was about 1740-1750m


    I know this is beating a dead horse, but are the optics that fragile in German tanks... and the main gun?  Or was this just extremely poor luck.. the combat was right in front.. no flanking tanks... basically they were shooting straight at each other.  Soviet tanks were buttoned.. and the German tanks were not.


    Last question.. do optics mean anything in game.. or is it just another thing to destroy as fluff on the tanks?


    I ran tests buttoned and unbuttoned vs each other... and it seemed.... Russians had slight edge on first round hits no matter if they were buttoned or not buttoned.. could just be a weird day.. but I finished a six pack of Heineken and called it a day.


    Any tips?

  13. :Yeah, there were a lot of posts about this issue in the past, particularly as it relates to how to clear Soviet SMG infantry out of the woods.  As you said, even one demoralized infantry-man can significantly reduce the combat effectiveness of a platoon in a few seconds.  I infer from your post about sneaking up on them that you're in close quarters.  The consenus in the previous posts was that you should do everything in your power to avoid close-quarters battles with the Soviets, even on seemingly favourable conditions (e.g. you outnumber them, they're retreating, etc.).  If you find yourself in the woods, you want to make use of indirect fire commands."


    True... I feel sorta like I am being gamey.. firing HE rounds like no tomorrow, the consensus is correct.. I do try and avoid soviet infantry, however when you have to take a position.. you nearly have to obliterate the area... its much different then the Normandy side of things.

  14. I recently saw the movie Fury, where a handful of Shermans attack an ATG battery and IIRC correctly the ATGs manage to miss 3 or 4 rounds of fire only to get obliterated when the Shermans return fire.  I remember thinking if this were CM, the ATGs would have taken out the tanks within 30 seconds, with the tanks maybe spotting 1 of the ATGs, and the artillery barrage that followed would likely wound a couple of loaders on the ATGs. 


    My major pet peeve with ATGs at the moment is how - and I appreciate this is anecdotal - it seems like there's always one guy who manages to survive the hellish onslaught of HE and services the gun just fine by himself a few minutes later. 

    LOL that is totally true.  I counted the number of Mortar Rounds and Panther shots... (not sure if tanks actually leave a crater so maybe they were just mortar rounds.  1st gun took no less then 9 near misses out of 25 rounds,.. do not know exactly how many panther near misses. ( its hard to believe looking out the Optics and view ports.. directly right in front of the tank, that they never could see a muzzle flash, or determine the exact location of the gun... it was 380m to their direct front, in short grass, in a defilade... so that was the main factor I guess.. but the commander is high on the tank, you would think he would have a better angle)  anyways the 2nd gun took 10 out of 28 rounds fired.  The second gun was knocked out by direct fire from a Panther... after a 8 min battle.


    One other thing of note.. Russian SMG squads are from the same DNA as Chuck Norris... I actually am at a loss dealing with Soviet infantry.  In different scenarios, its hard to sneak up on them, they see you before you see them, however I am the one always advancing so that's probably why, however even with HQ, and spotter units in over watch, looking in the direction of my advance, still see nothing, so I have to spend an enormous amount of resources using artillery and direct fire, because I have no faith at all with my infantry.  They never spot anything quick enough, even on Hunt....sometimes even defensively the soviet infantry will get first shots.. even though they are advancing....  Still fun, not complaining, but Soviet infantry are far superior unless beaten to a pulp.. even then the single soldier or crew, turns into Rambo with their SMG's and will cut a german squad in half... the average is 2-4 casualties


    Anyways, I guess I need a tactics change while advancing on the enemy.  But I must say the Russian 57mm Zis gun is very much a lethal threat to Pretty much any German vehicle from the flank.. and was surprised at its penetrating power on the front Gun Mantel of the Panther at a range of 480m.. and to another Panther at 375m, again penetrating the Front Gun Mantel.

  15. Hell I think a 37mm flak gun had enough velocity to take on Russian and lend leas tanks.  The method of Approach would be top attack anyways, so basically the object would be of course to penetrate the top turret, or rear deck, its even possible to maybe even immobilize the tank this way as well.  I always like to think of them as the first A-10 Warthogs in the sky... sort of.


    "In April 1943, the first production Ju 87 G-1s were delivered to front line units. The two 37 mm (1.46 in) cannons were mounted in under-wing gun pods, each loaded with two six-round magazines of armour-piercing tungsten carbide-cored ammunition"

  16. Did you check the quality of the troops after the battle?

    Both were Regular, anyways, lesson learned yet again, that it takes sometimes an entire battery of Mortars, 4 tanks and a platoon of men to take on 2 ATG's  Hell I don't think I have ever seen a German 75mm pak/40 rotate 180 degrees in 30 seconds.  I could be wrong, I may have to simulate some tests

  17. Nice, I was just wondering if I was the only one experiening Rambo crews... I just found it hard to believe the Crew of the 57mmZis could rotate the gun.. which has a long barrel 180 degrees, rapid fire the gun within 30 seconds.  The crew fired at two Panthers penetrating the front turret mantel at 480-550m.. doing this under fire from 81mm mortars all around them, and taking direct fire from both Panthers.  Just seemed nuts, but I guess the Soviet crew deserves some medals.

  18. I found the following to be an interesting read. I played as the Germans, and saw many T-34's making haste.. many rounds were fired by both Pz IV, and Pz V, I even has some KT throwing rounds.. about 70 percent were hit while they were making a run down the right side of the map.. left side I guess if your playing Soviet.  The rest of the tanks were dispatched as they stopped to fire on my tanks.. I did lose 3 Pz IV tanks in the melee.  I think 2 due to the hidden ATG in the woods.... but I had thrown smoke, and the bombardments I had thrown at the woods obscured some of the combat, but at least I think silenced 2 of the ATG.  Anyways.. there were a lot of rounds fired.. they were not one hit wonders.


    According to Jentz (JENTZ, Thomas L.; Germany's TIGER Tanks - Tiger I and II: Combat Tactics; op. cit.): "These accuracy tables are based on the assumptions that the actual range to the target has been correctly determined and that the distribution of hits is centered on the aiming point. The first column shows the accuracy obtained during controlled test firing to determine the pattern of dispersion. The figures in the second column include the variation expected during practice firing due to differences between guns, ammunition and gunners. These accuracy tables do not reflect the actual probability of hitting a target under battlefield conditions. Due to errors in estimating the range and many other factors, the probability of a first hit was much lower than shown in these tables. However, the average, calm gunner, after sensing the tracer from the first round, could achieve the accuracy shown in the second column".

    Accuracy: Gun 88 mm KwK 36 L/56 Ammunition Type Pzgr. 39 Pzgr. 40 Gr.39 HL Range       500 m 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (98) 1000 m 100 (93) 99 (80) 94 (62) 1500 m 98 (74) 89 (52) 72 (34) 2000 m 87 (50) 71 (31) 52 (20) 2500 m 71 (31) 55 (19)   3000 m 53 (19)     Source : JENTZ, Thomas L.; Germany's TIGER Tanks - Tiger I and II: Combat Tactics; ISBN 0-7643-0225-6
    Penetration: Gun 88 mm KwK 36 L/56 Ammunition Type
    Shell Weight
    10.2 Kg
    7.3 Kg
    7.65 Kg
    Initial Velocity
    773 m/s
    930 m/s
    600 m/s
    100 m
    120 mm
    170 mm
    90 mm
    500 m
    110 mm
    155 mm
    90 mm
    1000 m
    100 mm
    138 mm
    90 mm
    1500 m
    91 mm
    122 mm
    90 mm
    2000 m
    84 mm
    110 mm
    90 mm
    Source : JENTZ, Thomas L.; Germany's TIGER Tanks - Tiger I and II: Combat Tactics; ISBN 0-7643-0225-6
  19. Say for the life of me, I cant remember if there was two different versions of this gun represented in the game. because the in game version, the 57mm ATG looks different then the ones I have looked up.


    One of my issues if the same 57mm Zis gun is the same I have been reading about with its 13 foot barrel length, how in the hell can a crew that has been shot up, mortared be able to completely maneuver this large piece within 30 seconds, fire at two Panther tanks, disabling both main guns in approximately a minute and a half..  The Range of the Panthers were 550 meters. 


    I know the front of the Panther gun mantel is 110mm.  I had to look up the Russian gun Penetration values.. for this RAMBO crew... God bless them, it was some nice shooting.. but holy Jesus... what the hell. 


    Anyways.. my only guess is the weapon is using APCR projectile BR-271P, not sure how common the  round was for the soviets.


    So anyone else yet gone up against Rambo crew's?

  20.  Ghostrider - good to read you are enjoying this. As Skwabie states there is a 6th mission already in the campaign - I'm not sure how you will have missed it.


    I made the large master map for missions 1-5 as well as then making the first two missions.


    I must admit they were challenging missions to make, given the need for them to be enjoyable and yet challenging for a wide range of players. The additional requirement to ensure that some Red Army forces exited the maps in good order was particularly tricky to get right. In the end I got it working pretty well for armour, but the infantry units stand little chance in getting off the map given the distance to be covered and open nature of the maps.


    I think it's fair to say that of all the missions I've made to date only one mission was harder to get right than these two, and that's in Black Sea so you'll have to wait for that one.  ;)


    Deep Spoilers

    Both M1 and M2 have 19 x T-34 in play together with the 2 ATG on each map. These are different units and so in these two missions both are at full strength. To kill 13 and 17 of these respectively is probably as close to perfect as you can get, given some units start to move off map very early in proceedings, allowing for trigger placement and attacker options.


    Most comments on these two missions are regarding how tough they are, so if nothing else you show it can be done with minor German losses - a good result.




    Good to hear, I think I forgot about #6, its been awhile.  I try and keep written records of all my campaign battles... my little bit of OCD. :)   I know I got lucky on the first map, the 3-T-34 that were hidden could have done terrible damage to my entire Left Flank had they not been spotted.  I come close to the time allotted on pretty much every mission, guess I am just a cautious player and do not trust what I see, and I feel I have to literally engage almost every tree line.  The second scenario, again I was lucky to spot a couple T-34's early, and the tanks that engaged them, survived a couple near misses and a couple hits from Tanks I never saw in the wood line right in front of them.. those tanks would be dispatched later by moving around to their rear.  I literally obliterated the suburbs with heavy artillery, and my only saving grace was the tanks were buttoned up.  When the majority of the T-34's starting to retreat I was already on their heals, and shooting them in the rear or Side Hull were easy kills.. most were destroyed in the town near the Railyard area trying to scurry to the rear. 


    It was fun, I cant wait to actually use some of these Maps.



  21. Speaking of planes... I have played many scenarios where there are planes buzzing about.. but I rarely or have yet to see my AA flak guns fire skyward or actually change in the direction they were looking in the first place.  Do I need to set Target Arcs, or do they automatically respond to aircraft?  Anyone know, I realize the manual says they will fire but I had troops get strafed twice while my flak cannons just sat there in a clearing.. eating strudel.


      Awesome. Re-making this campaign w/ different TOE atm and play-tested the 1st mission. Very nicely done, coupled with triggers I get a real sense of urgency to extend the attack yet not extend too much to leave open flanks.


      In the 1st mission how did u deal with the 3 T-34s in the woods close to setup zone.. dismounted infantry assault or drive the PzIVs into the woods?


      Also there should be a 6th mission "Crushing the Third Corps"? That's the one where you get to fininish leftover opfor units from all the previous scenarios apparently.

      Ah yes the first mission, this was very fun the first time around.. obviously replaying this campaign you know where about stuff is but it still does not go your way.

    Well what happened was my Left flank in the first mission consisted of a Company of infantry, 1 platoon dismounted and scouting the buildings and wood lines in a leap frog.. The 4 Pz IV tanks I had to the left flank initially sped off with some infantry attached down the road.. and through the woods via the almost hidden dirt road that will eventually connect to House and small I think apple orchard.  (well it looked like an orchard area).  The dismounted infantry I had leapfrogging made it all the way to the small group of Houses adjacent a roadway that parallels the river..(basically the group of houses on the left side of the map near the roadway.. in front of these houses to the left would be the one house and the orchard.. another small patch of trees, and to the almost center of these houses would be a large wooded area.. and to the right of the wooded area is a small cluster of buildings.. then a clearing.. and then further right would be the small bridge.. hopefully that explains the positioning of my dismounted infantry in some detail.


    the dismounted platoon leader was in one of these buildings near the roadway.. and spotted armor in the tree line about 3 minutes of being positioned.. or maybe 2 minutes I cant remember off hand.  I was like crap.. All of  my tanks went to the left.. I pulled one out and near the Orchard area, while the other three were already engaged by that time with  2 T-34/85 in the town.. I pulled the Platoon Leader tank near the edge of the building so it had a clear line of Sight to the wooded area.. if they moved to the roadway, I wanted to blast them.


    I had reinforcements arrive and put around another Platoon of Pz.IV tanks in Ambush position behind the buildings and in the woods just in case there was infantry along with the tanks.. was not sure. The 3 T-34/85 to my surprise rushed out of the woods and across the road with haste.. to my Horror, my infantry in the area scrambled to hide.  The one PzIV on the flank near the house fired at the side of one of the beasts and put it out of action... the other two tanks made it as far as the clearing behind the group of houses where they were quickly met by no less then 6 PzIV tanks... unfortunately for the soviet crews they were cut down immediately by the other half of the company of Infantry.


    That was a winded.. what happened in detail but I almost had an anxiety attack when the tanks decided to all of a sudden leave their nest.


    That is awesome you are making a 6th mission.  I have to say this is a very fun campaign, and has its challenging moments.

  22. So I have played this Campaign 3 times.  I found the maps ingeniously crafted.  and very difficult to spot almost anything from a distance, and found the Russian infantry most troublesome even after taking point blank HE fire from my tanks.


    #1. Radzymin "Across the Rzadza" Right Flank Attack.  Awesome map, nice little surprise with 3 T-34/85 in your rear if you don't spot them.  Getting across the River you will have to be patient.  The 2 AT guns are hard to spot.. even after 3 different artillery bombardments one was still operational and took out a Pz.IV tank.  The town across the river is integrated  with a lot of troops.. all packing SMG's.. so close in fighting is bloody at best.. even after 2 bombardments of heavy artillery its hard to dislodge the enemy or even break them. 

    In the end.. lost 1 Tank, 1 SPW 251/9 7KIA and 15 WIA. "Saving the game helps.."  Enemy 110KIA, 25WIA 13 T-34 and 2 trucks


    I performed a 2 Prong attack, Discovered the 3 Hidden Tanks in a Grove of Trees by one of my dismounted Platoons... The other side went through pretty much an empty town.. and the tanks dispersed on the far right side.  There was a brief Tank vs Tank engagement where we knocked out 4 T-34/85 in a clearing on the Right side of the map.. 2AT guns in a small wooded area.. was problematic and delayed my entire infantry and advance by about 30min. or more.  There was another brief tank engagement to across the River near the Rail line.. and in the town across the River... this is where I lost the SPW. and a couple crew men on 3 different tanks.. luckily I had 5 Panzers in Over watch  that quickly dispatched the T-34.85's.  The Town across the River was pounded by Tanks, and Artillery.. however this is where all my KIA, and most of my WIA occurred.


    #2.Radzymin Town and Rail Yard: Right Flank Attack:  Again Awesome map. 

    Again I performed a 2 prong attack.. however because you have to wait for KG Baker.. I was unsure of how I was going to do this at first.  Luckily I set up 2 tanks on the Far left set up area near a small farm hamlet.  surrounded by trees.. they would eventually take out 2 T-34/85 in a wood line adjacent the road.. my MRA  Main Route of approach through the suburbs and then into the City itself.  I sent an entire platoon of Pz. IV tanks to the far right to hook up with KG Baker and support that side.. which would be my Right Hook.. my main advance as I found the suburbs crawling with Infantry and tanks.. Lost 2 Vehicles in the suburbs, and 1 AFV (Halftrack).  Lost one of my PzIV tanks to the right flank.. as they have around 5 T-34/85 in perfect position covering the landscape up to the treeline and swamp area.  3 T-34/85 left the area where KG Baker initially arrived from.. I had gotten some of my tanks in position. by then and took them out..


    In Short it came down to house to house fighting in the city, point blank Tank fire and Artillery to extract the enemy from their positions.

    In the end I lost 2 Pz IV, 12KIA, 25WIA 2 Vehicles and 1 AFV..  the enemy 129KIA, 169 WIA or missing. 17 T-34 and 3 vehicles.


    #3 Dybow Kolonia Left Flank attack:  Another great map and the first use of the Panthers in mass.


    Again 2 Prong attack.. far left and far right.. the middle is obviously a killing Zone...  To make a long story short.. the T-34/85 can spot very good inside woods.. lol  something that my tanks cannot do.  Anyways. the Left side you will be surprised very quickly by two T-34's so use cover and the defilades as much as you can.. SMOKE is your friend.. and so is blasting suspected wood lines where there may be AT guns or Tanks.  USE your TRP as much as you can if you need to... the pre sighted TRP's are a godsend.


    Be wary of the wooded tree line to your right flank.. it looked suspicious in the beginning anyways.. so read your mission briefings.  I blasted it with heavy Artillery.. and when troops were spotted leaving.. I knew there was more there.. small tank engagement.. and lost a Panther.. close range.. about 500m  Range is your friend.. but they are so close to your set up area... also a crazy Duck shooting incident happened as on the Right flank about 6 or so T-34 were basically crossing the T if you will.. right in front of an entire Company of Panthers.. needless to say.. not one Russian tank survived the onslaught.


    The outcome was 12KIA 12 WIA, 2 vehicles 1 AFV and 1 Panther. (crew survived)  Enemy 101 KIA, 166 WIA or Missing, 33 vehicles, and 23 tanks destroyed. NOTE:  2 prong attack, used defilades, smoke for covering your advances, and flushing out the enemy.. there was a left Side tank engagement to the RIght side of the map.. T-34/85 hidden in the woods that can miraculously shoot out of a wooded area with great effect... although no Panther was destroyed.. the Panthers returned fire and won only because I brought more guns to bear per target.. Optics is the first thing to go..LOL even though the Germans could repair them in about 15min or less.


    #4 Attack on Cimene :  Right Flank Attack.. Damn.. Right Flank again....

    This was a short engagement... again a two prong attack..

    My losses were 5KIA, 5 WIA, and 2 AFV lost..   The enemy lost 26 KIA, 50 WIA or Missing, 22 Vehicles, 2 T-34/85 and 3 AFV.  

    NOTE:  Its obvious the main road is a Nightmare... and there was no way I was going down the road.. so I had the left side Prong take all Objectives. until I could secure the RIght flank itself.. it took a long time to get my Right side Flank to the town of Cimene, but there was a short crisp engagement.. and that was that.  First encounter with Su-85's and they took out a couple of my AFV's  but they are susceptible to Artillery.


    #5 Stary Jankow.  Left flank Attack:  This scenario is a REAL Mother..Focker.. LOL


    Again 2 Prong Attack.. far Left side, and Far Right side.

    Left Side.. 2 Platoon of Panthers, and 1 Company of Infantry.

    Right Side 2 Platoon of Panthers, 1 Company of Infantry, and also the Recon Platoon.  The Middle is covered by the remaining Panthers which really cant see crap.. sucky Over watch.. but I was not going to move much more forward as they said the enemy had TD's  which meant SU-85, SU-122 or ATG.


    Left flank.. All I can say is the 2 ATG in the fracking trench are SUPER HEROS.. the trench looked suspicious.. and had intermittent contacts there.. so I barraged them with 3 different bombardments of 120 and 81mm mortar fire.. yep they lived and took out two Panthers with 57mm ZIS guns.. and another Panther was rendered useless as the main gun was put out of action.  infantry attack.. they use canister shot.. the guns are flanked by a HQ SMG squad and a HMG on the right side.  It took the better part of a Platoon with Heavy casualties to succeed there.  WTF.. is all I had to say.. they can see you.. you can not see them.. even with infantry watching the place knowing they are there.. nothing.. you move. you die.. you still can not see them.. LOL  I had to have a beer after several saved games.  The Touch area.. on the Left side objective is covered by infantry in building and two short barreled well hidden Infantry guns that can possibly immobilze your tanks.. or kill crew very fast.. keep buttoned up.. and artillery the area.


    Right side is a disaster area.. LOL

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