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Posts posted by GhostRider3/3

  1. look at some of the paintings on barkmann's corner and you will get an idea

    If your thinking of the painting.. I think your thinking of, its already been ruled that it is not even close but was the artists impression. Barkmann sat in his Panther I beleive on the front facing of a hill, there was a dirt track that ran to a farm house behind him where there was a Farm house and barn which are still there today. The road was the usual sunken road that ran from the Farm house down a hill and then there was a slight elevation change up the other side that had a blind curve to it... so the US forces would have never seen Barkmanns tank until it was too late.. speculation and unproven of course but this is what some of the sources say.. His tank would have been again positioned and easily camoflauged from Fighter cover near the oak tree grove. There again was the dirt track he would have used to traverse out of the area if needed. Anyways this is what I have from one of my books, When I get home I will try and find that exact source, but again... depending on the Author etc, it probably varries.

  2. Ghostrider 3/3, I will respectfully call you on that one, as I have done tons of research on this, and both what he did and where he did it has never been solved. Matter of fact, reports from the Americans say they didn't lose the amount of tanks he claimed that day. There was an attack against a defensive line nearby, a scenario I have made based on other reports, but no one is sure where the attack/ambush took place. If you are interested, I'll send you my version, but again, mine may not be accurate either.


    I totally understand this debate, and my intentions are not to create a Barkmann theory thread. In war, its true both sides exaggerate and tell lies because of embarressment...it happens, and we may all never know the truth. That being said I have seen like most others here pictures or the pictures in theory of what supposedly was Barkmanns corner, from what I had seen from Vetran pictures... it did not look the same. If I can get my hands on them I would of course share them with you all.

  3. Pioneer's or Engineers are great, I was in a Urban enviornment and a US .30 cal had an entire platoon pinned down pretty much so I had a Pioneer squad flank while we tried to put some covering fire on the blding.

    The Pioneers blasted through the back wall injuring a couple of the crew and then came in blazing with MG34 and MP 40... it was Epic! I use Engineers alot for Urban combat. The US Engineers are usually well stocked with Explosive Charges.

  4. This scenerio will most likely be re-made using the waffen SS and I beleive the Fallschirjager troops that were actually there. Not to mention the map looks all wrong considering the evidence of exactly where Barkmanns corner was.

    Barkmanns Corner Scenerio was difficult, and I even lost a bit of men... after the onslaught of US tanks.

  5. Seems a bit pricey for an add on. I hope it has enough new maps and QB maps with AI plans to justify the price.

    I never have considered these just add ons, but complete games with more potential. After all, you will be able to play as the US, Brits, Canadians I beleive not to mention you will have more German options, Heer, Luftwaffe field troops, Fallschirjager, and Waffen SS.

    Basically you will most likely just be playing this version until they come out with the Russian front... which probably wont be for another year or so.

    I will defentiely pay the 35.00 gladly, and put the disk in my Collectors Tin. :)

  6. if the screenshots are any indication I predict a lot of argument over what the correct colour should be for khaki uniforms - my guess would have been closer to the helmet colour

    looking forward to this a lot though!

    I believe those were Alpha shots, so its not going to look the same in game, BF team has done a very good job so far in representing so far... although I am certain there will be mods out for the Limy's... just as there were for the US etc.

    For those doing any Waffen SS mods, remember it was the 1st LAH Div in 1943 and others that assisted with the armistance in Italy. So if you do any italian Camo mods.. it would have been rare... Not sure that can be done but hey...just saying. I beleive the only real documented photos of Italian Camo would have been with the 1st and 12th Waffen SS Div.

  7. The para uniforms use a different image and 3D model than the infantry, GhostRider. That's hardcoded into the game. Glider infantry use the regular infantry uniform/model. My mod is set up so that if you use the glider infantry mod, you get the regular infantry uniform...which glider troops wore, but with appropriate glider infantry patch.

    Ahh, ok thanks so much mjkerner... still getting used to dowmloading mods etc. I have to say the changes are great, and would hope maybe they could incorperate this somehow to the new games they will come out with in the future.

    Say... do all the mods go in the Z folder? I just downloaded some new Loading Pictures, and was curious if they also go in the Z folder.... just checking.

    thanks so much everyone has been very helpful

  8. Well my setup is an overclocked quad 9950 to 3.2, an ATI 5770 1gb, with 4GB ram.

    So by no means a super computer. I haven't come up against a map I can't run at max using all my mods (and a few more).

    Wow, maybe it was a gliche, Im running dual core 2.5's with 6GB of ram, my Graphics card has over 1gb of memory as well.

    I am thinking that maybe had I started the game using the mods it would be no problem, I was just testing to see if the mods were loaded, when I loaded a saved game that I knew had about 30+ vehicles on fire, Artillery coming down etc... It may have just been too much at once?

    No sure, I think I will re-load Veins Flames because they are totally Killer and a must... Damn... time to re-test. Thanks you both for your input, I know it cant be my computer... It has been running extremely well with no issues up untill that moment.

  9. LOL Just kidding Vein?

    Anyways I loaded all of Veins stuff from the repository.. however after I loaded Veins_flames_CMBN_v1... it was only a matter of 4 turns and my Computer gliched and stopped. Has anyone had the same issue.. It looks freaking awesome, but I could tell the frame rate dropped and seemed a bit more choppy.

    I took it out of my z drive, but I still have the German Uniforms, which by the way are sweet especially if you are going after a Elite Heer Unit such as Panzer Lehr, or Grossdeutschland or even a Brandenburger Unit. I also have the small arms and tracers which are a must.

    Anyways just checking to see what supercomputers are out there running alot of mods and having no troubles with Large scale combat.

  10. It would be good if there was a "Recon" mode. The trouble with HUNT is that as soon as the unit sees trouble it simply stops, when what one really would do is back-pedal out of harm's way as fast as possible. That was the whole point of the German 8 wheel recon vehicles, they had a driver at each end so they could reverse as fast as forwards. Not modeled in the game unfortunately.

    The other thing that would be helpful is if designers made recon units Crack or Elite to sim their extra training - that way they should spot quicker and take action faster rather than "spotting by getting shot." Actually, it would be good to make all specialized troops Crack or Elite: Engineers, Snipers, Recon...

    I had the most awesome priveledge to talk to a German vet who was attached the 17thSS GBV Aufklärungs-Abteilung. He did mention since they were either usually at the front or tasked with Flank, or even Rear guard alot of them were extremely experienced he said. He also mentioned that alot of times they worked hand in hand with the Flak.abt in defensive screens... he said the scream of the 88's were devestating. He also mentioned that the Allied Artillery was just as devestating.

  11. I think that the largest CMBN battle I have played is the LA HAYE final scenario in the COURAGE AND FORTITUDE campaign. Seemed like more than a battalion of inf plus support, 12 tanks and a couple dozen trucks, jeeps etc. The Germans didn't have so much, but it was a terrific scenario.

    I haven't tried it again recently, but I had problems with the FIRE BRIGADE scenario. I could load it ok, but once I saved, attempting to load the saved game froze my system - which should be plenty powerful enuff.

    Hello Erwin, say I did notice that too on extremely large scenerios... about loading a saved game. I did see the game load after about 2-3 minutes... the progress bar then proceeded to continue until finished, I had thought it was locked. This being said though, I test my Large scenerios just for this reason.

    In my experience I have only seen this issue when there were battalion sized formations on both sides, I told all my troops to grab ammo (During that save) dismount etc.. and Artillery was raining down... Alot of these issues for me anyway went away when they fixed the memory leak. I have a great processor and 6g Ram.. not sure if it uses it all anyways.

    Anyways like in my previous posts I have run what would be considered HUGE maps with more then 2 Battalions of equipment and roughly around 80+ AFV. Not all at the same time, but over the course of 1.5 hour scenerios. I think alot of the lock ups with large or Huge Scenerios would have been extensively, or should be extensively tested before distributing them. It is my opinion that the game can not initially work, or work well if the scenerio begins already with more then a Battalion + the other sides equipment.. and depending on your system.. may crash, or take forever to load.

    Anyhow my solution when designing large scale battles was to use the reinforcents and then using the AI (Groups) to enhance the combat and scenerio into a fluid continuous action. I pretty much only so far have designed HUGE Maps with Battalion size forces engaging each other.

    Map size is usually 2000m x 1500-1800m+

    Bocage, small forests here and there, Hills, lots of high grass etc, at least one small Town, and maybe 1 or 2 villages, depending, a road network with sometimes a rail system as well. I have used bridges, swamps etc. I also use a TON of Flavor Objects for realism, posters, Benches, gas stations, light posts (Wish they would light up at night).. pretty much everything under the sun. :) One day I will get one to the Repository

  12. The mod packs (or any other mods for that matter) don't do anything to your default graphics as long as you put them in the Z folder.

    Use the mod packs for the Italian Campaign thus;

    1. sdp_ITA_basic pack

    - to change the look of the houses, walls and some of the trees. Nothing else is affected. The terrain doesn't change.

    (this will be suitable for summertime scenarios for the Italian Campaign post apr 44').

    2. sdp_ITA_basic pack + sdp_ITA_winter terrain

    - to change the look of the houses, walls and the terrain.

    (this will be suitable for wintertime scenarios for the Italian Campaign, regardless of year).

    3. sdp_ITA_basic pack + sdp_ITA_southernitaly_summer

    -to change the look of the houses, walls and terrain

    (this is suitable for july - september scenarios in southern Italy = Sicily and Salerno).

    By removing the ITA folders from your Z folder the game will change looks back to Normandy.

    The basic pack (1) can be combined with any other terrain mod of your choice - you can try Veins, Fleshs or Aristoteles Terrain Mod to see which one you prefer if you like. One at a time though ;-)

    As long as you use the Z folder nothing can go wrong.

    Copy that... looks like I will be adhering mods this weekend, thanks for the help. :)

  13. The big advantage of the Z folder system is that you can always remove everything in it to get back to the default game.

    I think that you could put ALL the Italian mod folders and files into one folder called (say) ZZITALIAN MODS, and that should override all other mods in the Z folder (assuming you do not have other folders/files called ZZZsomething - in which case the mod with the most "Z's" in the name will be loaded last).

    (Can someone confirm or correct my supposition?)

    Ahh... ok that makes sense, thanks Erwin.. I think this weekend Im going to brave it and download my first set of Mods...

    Explosions, flames, and sounds... and I think there was a tracer mod.... just to see if I can get it working.

    I do need to create a "Z" Folder... I will check the "How to do Mods section again. Thanks for the assist.... damn this game is just great!! and everyone is extremely helpful.

  14. "you cannot purchase a single company of infantry, much less platoon"

    I haven't had the nerve to look int the editor yet, but I found that statement to be astonishing. Everywhere I read that CM2 is designed to be for smaller unit combat, and not for the larger battalion-level battles that were normal in CM1. So, why would the editor be set up for battalions only and then you have to cut em down?

    Re waypoints I recall that in CM1 one could set a waypoint far away and the next turn all the waypoints that the AI figured out would be automatically done for you. You could see exactly the route the AI would "recommend."

    If you didn't like it it was easy to move the existing waypoints around a bit to get a better route, or simply cancel and set your own waypoints. Units in CM1 pretty much went where you expected. Not so in CMBN. It's tremendously frustrating to control CMBN units - esp in urban environments. They tend to run places for no apparent reason and get slaughtered. My house rule if this happens is to replay that turn (and I have gotten used to saving every turn - why isn't there an "autosave" function?).

    I can still win ok, but all the above makes the CMBN turns take a lot longer than CM1 and they are mentally exhausting.

    I have played and created some very large scale Battalion sized battles. yes it does take some effort. The game really does not support Battalion vs Battalion with a lot of Urban, grass and trees.. I have a really fast computer with state of the art graphics card. My work around was this.

    I use Company sized deployments for large scale battles, this is easy as the editor is for battalion size.. you can name the battalion and the companies for Historical accuracy etc.

    I do this by:

    1. Writing out the units I will be employing to organize what I need in the TOE

    2. Re-name what I am using for historical purposes but this is not neccessary.

    3. I will space out Battalion sized battles by using the Reserves function... this has been the saving grace for large scale battles... deploying Company size at a time with Armor etc.

    4. You need patience when controlling Company sized battles, sure there is lots you can do but do not let it frustrate you. Make sure in Urban areas and even other Terrain areas that your Pathing makes sense... sending them inside a building is tricky.... They will use the shortest way if you do not use way points to the DOOR. If you have Breachers, Pioneers.. you can make your own door.. and if the enemy is inside you will SHOCK and AWE there Arse!... its fun actually.

    5. It is true I beleive they tested for small unit actions... however when we get to the Russian front.. it was pretty large scale Battalion sized conflict.

    6. "HINT" when deploying large forces in the editor.. it can create a mess on your 3d map.. too many units to manuever and organze.. just do it by Company.. its faster and less aggrivating to deploy. Simply create your battalion, then delete the companies your not going to manuever either through Initial deployment or reserve... when your ready to deploy the next group, simply re-activate it.. then deploy... and repeat.. its alot simpler.

    Lastly... (Since I have made about 6 HUGE battles) Since they fixed the memory leak the game does run smoothly if you have the system for it.

    My last game I had a German Battalion of 4 Companies, supported by 2 squads of Recon, and 3 squads of Pioneers not to mention 2 other Platoons of HMG with some ATG's. and the equivelent of 2 Panther Platoons and 1 Tiger... Arty support was 105's and 75mm Guns with the onboard 2 Halftracks of 81 mm Mortars.


    1 Battalion of Glider Infantry with another 2 Companies of US Airborne... There arty support was made up of 1 P-47, 105mm guns, and all the Mortars that come with their TOE.. which was alot. They also had the equivelant of around 60 Shermans, not including around 10 other Armored cars and roughly 6 MMG Jeeps.

    Although the Battle took 3 days to play... LOL the time of the scenerio was 2 Hours... and within that time Reinforcements came from both sides... and I never had any issues.. although I did test the game starting both sides with battalion forces on screen in the begining and the game would crash after 2 turns... ???? however thats why we test... and after taking a week to make the AI do flanking manuevers and setting up different Group actions in the editor.. it was a good fight..

  15. Right on Phil.. keep plugging away, and we will keep Blasting away until you all come out with the next edition... although we would all love to see something for Christmas.. its all good nevertheless. Keep up the great work..... although if want of the busy worker elves there has any info on whats around the corner.. that would be nice to.

  16. I do not use scouts much. In most of the scenarios I play, I would call it more as Point men.

    Sending out point men in front of my main units will help smoke out concealed enemy but only exposes the point unit to likely killing fire, so it is more important to make sure you have plenty of overwatch units to spot and return fire once you expose the enemy. This is quick and dirty, you likely lose the point unit in the situation. but you generally find and destroy the enemy for their efforts.

    taking the safe route, hoping to not run into someone, crawling on your belly until you are tired to truly scout does little in most games and it takes plenty of time that can be better used. Plus if you are ambushed and killed nothing gained at all. So true scouting is a rare need in the game presently unless you are playing huge battles with plenty of ground to keep track of and you are trying to discover enemy movement to likely attack points.

    I have found a few scenarios where armor cars can be used in a scouting roll.

    Best way to get the job done quickly is to have multible cars in column or leapfrogging and again expect the first to get wasted in meeting the enemy. but if done correctly the units behind it will spot what happened, then get the information you might be looking for.

    So I am one that has no problem spilling pixal blood to get the job done right and quickly.

    Ouch Sly... LOL I would not want to be your point man.. LOL It is a way to "Metagame" if you have enough units to loose. For some odd reason, maybe its my Marine Corps experience but I always want to try and bring everyone home.. :) even in game, I always try and get low casualties and feel awful when I take casualties... but it happens... LOL

  17. IIRC the way his current mod works is that it comes with two terrain types already (one for winter, one for less arid summer than what he's been working on here) and when you put things in your Z folder you exclude the terrain types that you don't want. So you can't have both types when you load the game, but you can pick and alternate between times you load the game.

    Copy that Blucher.... but just in case Im slow without my second cup of coffee...

    So you put his mod in the Z folder with all the rest... Load game, then basically when you create your own maps it will be for this Winter or dry Italian setting? Then when you want to go back to the "Normandy" settings, just simply take out his mod from your Z folder and place it in your folder or whatever on your desktop?

    I have not been that savvy on mods and how they work, I have always been afraid of deleting or overiding something to destroy the original game.. LOL

  18. Nope, this is not replacing the basic pack. Combine this pack with the sdp_ITA_basic pack for scenarios covering the Sicilian Campaign and the Salerno landings. (july 43' to sept 43').

    The terrain in this pack is mainly suitable for Southern Italy - it gives a far to dry and dusty look to work well for other parts of Italy. For summertime scenarios taking place post april 44' in the Italian Campaign I'd advice you to use just the sdp_ITA_basic pack (ie keeping the stock terrain for Normandy).

    Wow.. Im sort of confused... you can have both Terrain types when you load the game?

  19. Hello Ricroma,

    In regards to the Armored Cars, I use similar Tactics in which Womble had posted. I think one of the best things to do is before you do any movement, survey the land at eye level, as if you were the driver or Commander of the vehicle. a couple different things I do that are successful.. 80% of the time anyways are.

    1. Use Hunt and reverse on the reverse slopes of hills so that only the top of the Armored car is visible to an enemy if you can use a hill for recon.

    A: Hunt to Position- (Click on the white end and then you can pause 5-10sec.) Reverse, and repeat. (You can do the same with Armor, works best again on the reverse slope or in Tree Lines)

    B: Rolling Recon- (Its a must that you survey for obvious choke points, tree lines, and ambush area's) Depending on the terrain, again you must survey the land to give you an advantage of not only observation but of egress as well. Some methods I have used would be Quick to a position... Hunt or slow... then Quick again. Repeat.

    Never use Armor in wooded, Urban terrain without infantry moving in first. Give yourself as much distance between your vehicle and what you may think could be enemy areas of resistance. *** use your MG or the 20mm to try and expose enemy positions, hitting treelines, buildings etc. You can do this on the move. Another thing to is always used Covered Arc towards what you know to be most likely where the enemy is, I found that it helps getting the first shots off... sometimes but nothing is perfect. You have to sometimes be patient in using Armored assets that are in front of your main forces.

  20. IIRC Stug's/TD's were pink, Panzers were silver piping.

    I thought that the StuG.Abt's had Infantry shoulder boards as they were attached to the Artyillery Regmt...(Red Shoulderboards for Arty) (Early days before actual TD Battalions). Later I thought when they went to simplify all who were in armor, they used the Panzer Pink?

    I do know that the Sturmgeschutz crews were issued the Field grey uniforms and not the Panzer Black? Anyways the Normandy campaign is set from 1944 on, so Im sure the crews would have been in the later. Anyways I thought they wore White Infantry shoulderboards.. does anyone have any pictures?

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