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Posts posted by GhostRider3/3

  1. Well the tanks engine and gearbox already strained under the weight of the vehicle so adding more armour to it would not make much sense.

    Also, I see someone gave me a thumbs down on the video :(

    I'm a saaaaaaaad panda now :(

    Nice Video Oddball. Who ever gave the thumbs down probably accidently clicked on the wrong icon and they regret it.

    Lovely little battle.

  2. Lets not forget half track armor is papier mache. Side armor was just 8mm, I believe, though angled at 35 degrees. Compare to a Stuart, for example, with its respectable 30mm side plate. They needed that amount of armor to keep full power steel-core 7.62 from punching through it. M18 Hellcat wasn't even armored enough to stop small arms penetrations.

    Copy that MikeyD. I know the Sdkfz 251 had between 6-14mm or armor protection. The vehicle was designed for easy egress for troops while under cover of the MG34 or 42.. the track provided good horizontal cover from small arms, grenades and the obvious.. downside as everyone knows is if the attacker is of higher ground. That is the point that gets me is I have seen troops in the tracks take heavy casualties being on the same level of ground... no advantage at all to the Attacker.. no grenades were tossed as well.. replayed them over and over. and its just SMG fire and rifle fire? Its not a game changer for me.. but I am just sort of bewildered at the ineffectiveness of armored transport. I hardly doubt the soviet SMG's could penetrate the side of a German track or visa versa Germans penetrate the side of a US halftrack with small arms fire.

    Now if I was rolling tracks through an urban environment and their were enemy troops on 2nd floors and above.. yes totally agree... or even from slopes.. however they would have to be very steep slopes to cover the arc into the track.. so if the track is moving up the slop facing the enemy they would most likely be hitting the front of the track, unless the rounds strangely lobbed into the track? I understand a depressed Trajectory... and so far in all of my scenarios, NO track was ever at a disadvantage from being lower then the enemy, if anything the tracks were on the same level ground, or actually elevated on top of a slope.

    Its hard to describe that.. if I could figure out how to take a screen shot.. LOL I would.

    Also its interesting that the Sdkfz 251 has a wide track.. and in my opinion should be quicker in rough terrain.. but oddly enough sometimes it is just slow... but again not a game changer.. things are working out just fine and I am very happy.. just was a little baffled by the mass casualties on level ground from bullets... but then again, as a Marine, I would rather be on the ground then in a bullet magnet.

  3. It's because they are drawn sitting bolt upright, as if they were on parade for the inspection of the Fuhrer, and the bullet/pixel interaction is 1:1. One day, BFC will have them hunker down and we won't see this any more. Bear in mind, though, that if you're close enough for SMG fire you probably shouldn't be mounted any more, because there's other, worse, stuff out there (or there ought to be): organic ATGs are hard to spot and will kill entire squads, as will any plunging MG fire.

    Yeah copy that Womble.. I know they are sitting strangely, when I had done about 12 different little tests.. they still took casualties from the enemy who was on parallel with them... no elevation... there were no grenades just SMG fire, and a few rifle shots.

    Anyways.. from now on.. I will no longer "Quickly Bypass" Enemy infantry but dismount about 200m away.. that should be at a distance to void SMG fire at least. I had used the HT before to move lots of men to flanking positions.. and then to the rear etc.. but must be terrain, jacked up elevations I am not seeing clearly to warrant the quick deaths of many soldaten.. yikes... my bad. I just had the impression the HT mounted troops would fair pretty good at distances of at least 50-75m that's 150-200 odd feet away... but like you said, maybe they have angle Im not seeing.

  4. I rarely have issues like this..

    I know it can be cumbersome to a few but setting up waypoints like PanzerMike says is the best way.. I can make an entire Company of Track vehicles head down a road, around a few corners and setup in town with ease.. I use different speeds and the almighty Pause button to orchestrate my Ballet of vehicles.. its easy when you get the hang of it so I would say.. start small until you get used to micro-managing your equipment. Its fun to turn off all the icons and see all your equipment move into position and such.

  5. Hi

    I noticed that when the German infantry in mounted on Sonder Kraftzeug, their heads are popping up. When I run even by accident too close to russian infantry with plenty of automatic weapons, they open fire and achieve many "head shots". I know from personal experience that german halftrack is surprisingly small. But there is still some room for infanty to shring so their heads are not above vehicle's surface in emergency. Could this be (easily) coded? I would do exactly this being a soldier :) Soviet SMGs cannot penetrate HT armor and it would save me few pixeltruppen by realistic way.


    I to have noticed this as well. Our Re-enactment group used a sdkfz 251/1 and I don't remember any heads sticking above the roofline. like the OP, the halftrack can take pretty much all Squad weapons. I don't understand why I suffer 4-6 casualties driving by enemy forces... I understand the occasional casualty from well placed shots.

    I had done a few tests regarding mounted infantry in HT.... 60% of the time entire infantry squads were getting decimated while within 50m of enemy Russian Infantry. The other 40% the HT Infantry would take only maybe 1-2 casualties and the track would back up change direction. I looked for grenade hits, did not find any, the casualties were coming from rifle and SMG fire.

    I understand HT are not Tanks, however I think that the troops in the track under fire would have their heads down, "Cautious" to even "Nervous" status depending on their level. Veteran, Regular, Green, etc.

    They have in my opinion been taking too many casualties... therefore my entire tactics have changed in dealing with soviet infantry.


    When I have unbuttoned a HT so that the MG is manned, does that basically tell everyone in the HT to unbutton as well? Thereby exposing the entire track? Just wondering on the mechanics. I thought the entire point of Halftracks were to get troops from A-B more safely nullifying small infantry weapons such as Rifles, SMG, LMG, and shrapnel.. (obviously unless a grenade lands in the track). I know obviously you would not advance in trucks as they are soft skinned, but I never considered a Halftrack to be so vulnerable.. even the gunner has a small deflection plate protecting the MG gunner, although obviously its not a foolproof situation.

    I have also noticed that German infantry casualties... the Leader usually gets injured first no matter what the situation.. It seems that when they are fired upon 60% of the time the NCO is killed or injured first. Is this simulating RL losses with the German NCO's? or is it pure luck of the enemy... or my Bad luck.. LOL


    Semper Fi.

  6. Some days ago, I have finished most of the research for my new campaign project and started map-making. In this thread, I will search for testing volunteers from time to time and provide information about the progress.

    Also, I would be pleased for any suggestions, because I would like to create the campaign as playable/enjoyable as possible.

    This means, I will attach importance to:

    - manageable number of units/troops

    - middle sized to huge maps with the possibility to manoeuvre

    - single battles, where players do not have to watch the clock too much

    - as much historical accuracy as possible BUT without too much disbalance

    During the campaign, the player will command elements of the heavy tank company of the SS-Totenkopf-Division, which was equipped with Tiger tanks. Attached to this core unit, there will be several other formations of the Totenkopf Division and other units belonging to the SS and the Heer. The campaign will lead the player from June 1944 in Romania to the fightings around the Grodno area in July 1944 and then to the defense battles east of Warsaw from August 1944 to September 1944.



    Very nicely done. I would gladly like to test.

  7. does anyone else have a problem with the way spotting works in this game. I had a squad of soldiers not spot a tank until they were only 5 meters away from it. not to mention my tanks getting killed by AT guns and no one being able to spot them? I don't know if I am just really use to cmbb, but a lack of spotting seems to take the fun out of the game for me.

    am I doing something wrong? are there orders I should be giving to my men? when I give moment orders, should I have multiple pauses in there moment path.

    AT guns are very hard to spot especially if your tank is buttoned up. I am not sure how they configured for the game with muzzle flashes for different AT guns, but I am sure some are more difficult to spot then others.... I actually am more concerned with AT guns then tanks... If I have the spare Artillery. I try and pepper suspected AT gun emplacements... if I can kill a few of the crew, which may make them slower, less effective.. also possibility of buttoning up hidden tanks. I try and view my axis of advance.. and think what I would do defensively against an attacker.. where would I set up?.. Bottlenecks, etc.

  8. I find myself using Target Light more conscientiously of late in order to conserve main gun rounds. I am also using it more to conduct recon by fire.


    That's what I do as well.. especially in Urban areas or wood-line areas. I use "Target Light" often trying to expose enemy positions, making them move. There are some great scenario's and Campaigns already, and I am sure more to come. I have lost fewer men from this tactic... Target briefly with a few HE shells can be nice as well. I like the fact that you can plan your waypoints to some degree with different actions.

  9. Say not sure but I remember CMBB had the Pz. III Ausf.N (Inf Support) to combat Infantry. It was equipped with Canister shot. Will this be added again or not?


    In regards to using canister shot, I try to micromanage this.. by using short arcs... and by manually using "Target Light" (MG only) on single infantry targets when I can... thus saving canister shot for groups of infantry, and Anti-tank guns.

  10. This may be beating a dead horse.. but just browsing a video and came accross this.

    @2:06 they talk about an experienced crew could dismount and set up the gun.. and then mount it back up to another postion.

    I know many have said why can we not unpack... and pack the 88mm guns.. response was.. it takes like 30 plus minutes or some odd number.. Not making an issue.. maybe because of editing and mechanics.. they can not realistically/ graphically unpack or pack an 88mm in game.

    Anyways.. I just found the video interesting.

  11. I am now trying to make some smaller squad-Company sized battles... but before I can put them on the repository.. I need to figure out how to do the layers for the maps and such so they look good and like all the rest.. I just downloaded the map-icons from the Mod Warehouse.. I will be practicing this weekend.... I wish I never gave away all of my ASL games..

    But honestly.. anyone can use the editor.. its fun and easy, just practice with your AI scrpting and play test it a few times.

  12. For me there is nothing wrong with the game.. I was merely saying that finding infantry can be very troublesome.. of course you want to leave time to spot.. I was just saying that the MG42 crew has binos, and so does about 3 of my Lt's on line in the woods..and although I have two tanks online facing then enemy buttoned.. they do hav vision slits and rangefinder correct? I know it is harder to spot when moving... all my units on line facing the hedgerow and buildings are only 100-120m, but they have been stationary for 6 minutes... Just saying they are pesky... and can be moved with the right amount of Lead!

    Semper Fi.

  13. 150-200 meters is 1 1/2 to 2 football fields. I was always under the impression SMGs that used pistol ammo was effective to 50 to 150 feet in full auto mode. Accuracy beyond that range in full auto was not good or at least that what I thought.

    I've seen sources that state 50 feet is the effective range of an SMG in full auto mode and 100 feet in aimed single shot mode. IDK what the effective range is in RT, but if it is 150 to 300 meters, then I would venture to say they may be overpowered. I would also guess that just about any cover would be very effective at range as pistol ammo loses penetrating power at range rapidly. Its also going to be affected by wind.

    Right, what I meant was.. the Soviet SMG squads are lethal in CQB.. but if your crossing any open terrain.. say a Bridge, street, or small field.. and they see you.. even at 100-150m.. they spray soo many rounds.. your squad could be litterally cut in half.. thus inneffective.

    I have just noticed even at Point blank range.. the enemy infantry is very elusive and hard to spot.. albeit conditions are factors.. smoke, dust, foilage... but when they shoot at me.. they are rarely visible still even to armor facing them.. or infantry in buildings facing them. could be just my bit of luck though.. but lets face it.. Artillery.. is very nice.

  14. I have to say in CMRT the Soviet troops are HARD to SPOT.. Their SMG squads are like invisible men.. Not sure but I think someone mentioned spotting infantry was more difficult.. damn straight! Did alot of quick battles playing either side.. and the SMG Squads are KILLING Machines..... Even setting up German HMG which are equiped with binoculars... and scouts... they really cant see shiaaat. Maybe its just the QB.. but even the campaign.. I have to litteraly BLAST an area before I move anywhere.. rarely do I get good contacts.

    If the Geramans are attacking they really need good support, Mortars, and a few MG42's..So far the German Scenario Campaign.. the German infantry is no match for engagements... Even plastering the enemy with 150mm and 120mm arty fire the Soviet Guards SMG Infantry are sometimes barely even rattled.

    I guess I will keep doing some QB's and testing some diffrent tactics.. but seriously the German Infantry should be able to spot you would think a bit better to engage with their MG42's and K98' and G43's... because lets be honest.. you dont want to be within 100 or even 200m of a SMG squad.

    Alot of the engagments with the Russian infantry thus far has been behind low hedges, foxholes, and buildings.. not forest. Not saying the Russians have a MOD-advantage.. but they are extremely difficult to spot.. I would think maybe Fitness would have something to do with noise discipline etc. Anyways.. just my take... but because they are extremely sneaky.. I basically have to devistate an entire area just to get them to move so I can spot them.

  15. Hello, I tried to do a search for Loading screen images/pictures but could not find anything.

    I appreciate the 3d model pictures of Armor, however I enjoy actual Images of men and Machine in period pictures.

    Question#1. Has anyone done images for the loading screen? I have only seen one, but they were done in reddish and bluish hue.. I prefere black and white images. :)

    Quesstion#2. How hard is it to add you own images? and how would I go about doing that? I am no modder but I imagine it would be compiling photos and installin them in either German or Russian Folder?

    Thanks for any input, and I just want to congratulate on all the talent the modders have, really great stuff.

    Semper Fi.

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