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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Well since the first East Front game will cover Bagation then a Finish module would have to cover the Battle of Tali-Ihantala. However since, as I understand it, the East Front game will be put together by a Russian team you'll have to live with a game made from a Russian point of view.
  2. Jspec, he's the great thing. You already have the mod on your computer. To find it, look inside the "Combat Mission Shock force\Mod Tools\Sample Files" directory. Inside you will see a folder named "Version 200". Inside that folder are two alternative background sounds. Choose the "background ambient Syria" file and rename it to "background day combat" (without the quotes) and copy and paste it into your into your Data z folder. No more shelling in the background which tends to confuse me when something real goes off.
  3. Well Cassio at least is pulling for a Wiesel. If he gets his way, we'll have German light infantry of some sort at least.
  4. Well since we got British light infantry I think there's a very good chance we'll get at least one type of German light infantry and the Wiesel along with it. Does anyone know the different types of Canadian Army frontline battallions? I assume again armour, armoured infantry, light infantry, Recce.
  5. Of the 3 light infantry (Jaeger) types which use the Wiesel, all of them? Which of the 3 would most likely be used in our fictional war? My guess would be the Fallschirmjaeger.
  6. I'll be happy enough with a Wiesel. Help me list the different types of German Battallions we might get. I'm thinking: Panzer (armored) Panzer Grenadier (armored infantry) Jaeger (Light infantry) Fallschirmjaeger (airborne) at least one type or reconnaissance-how do you say that in German-Aufklarungs? any others? Thanks
  7. Here is a link to a Red vs Red Campaign that may interest you. http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/scenarios/5/details
  8. Well there's been hints, and let me emphasize only hints, that we'll get something new Red in the NATO module. My pet theory is that it'll be the 100mm Anti tank gun the Syrians have (IIRC) since they'll have Anti tank guns working fot the WWII game anyway and a truck to tow it. How's that for pure guesswork.
  9. Damn, I forgot the Brits already had a light infantry battalion in the game. That's what I get for posting at work when I should be working. Nope this has not been done to death at all.
  10. The North Koreans would be easy since all of the vehicles are already done. But yeah the Russians will have to be in it as a Red force.
  11. I like trucks too but (and some one correct me if I'm wrong) so far they've only been included if they are part of a frontline unit. The USMC infantry actually is sometimes hauled around in trucks and the US Army forces in the game didn't have trucks until the IBCT was introduced which also hauls around infantry units in trucks at least until they're near the front. I think a case can be made for a Syrian truck but it hasn't been a high priority. I'm glad you mention it though as it shows a few of us actually do care about it. As for the British army I imagine it would only be the Paras who would need trucks for frontline forces but I've never seen any mention of including them in the game.
  12. Now I know Battlefront considered going with a fictional country as the Red force at one time but finally decided a real country would be more interesting. Can someone confirm that Syrian was chosen because they had a fairy decent size army with relatively modern equipment, the later would of which would make them a better choice than Iran? I'm curious though if Egypt or Pakistan were ever considered? This has got to be well past any NDA. Were these two countries rejected because they would have too much US equipment (I'm quite ignorant on what they actually had in 2008) and/or their overthrow by a Revolutionary goverment was even less likely than the case would be in Syria; in Pakistan's case at least that's how it looked in 2006 when the Red country was chosen.
  13. By the way Mike, all those IEDs were cruel but I managed to pull out a minor victory. Was that new with the British module?
  14. Stick with the Simpsons. It's a car analogy and you're adept at those. Much better than underpants.
  15. Mad Matt did it for day combat but I don't think any ones done it for night. Need crickets with no shelling. Perfect for The Shores of Tripoli for example.
  16. While WWI would be interesting to me and some others I doubt there's any interest by Battlefront to do a game of it as there's just not the enough wide spread appeal. Here's what we know so far (at least how I understand it.) We'll get a Normandy series of games, then a Battle of the Bulge series of games which takes the Western Front to the end of the war. Meanwhile a Russian team will be working on the East front. After that BFC returns to modern with CMSF II. My guess is the next WWII project would probably be Tunisia 1943. As far as I know there's no plans to do the Pacific or France 1940 but I can see some team doing those before WWI. So unless a third party has a great desire to do it like we're seeing with the Soviets in Afghanistan, sorry, it'll never happen. P.S. Mike, a join date of Dec 2007? That can't be right.
  17. Okay, now I understand. I'm glad you haven't ruled it out completely. CMSF has grown on me from a subject I wasn't really interested in at first to a whole new hobby, and with the next modern game not until after at least two WWII titles come out, I'd like to see a "living" modern game i.e. one where new stuff is getting added even if they'll be no new forces. I'd be willing to pay for it and I don't think I'm alone.
  18. I'm confused. The second and third sentences seem to contradict each other.
  19. So what I’m wondering is will there still be any major features added to CMSF or is it essentially done? I’m not talking about bug fixes or tweaks or even new interface features such as moveable waypoints which would be excellent of course. I’m also not talking about the new armies and vehicles we’ll get in the NATO module. What I’m wondering is, when features have been developed for the Normandy game, will there be any transport of them to CMSF? I know water won’t be one of them but what about things such as, my favorite, barbed/concertina wire, or doors in high walls or anti tank guns? The way I see it there are four possible answers. 1, No new features of the kind I’m talking about. BFC never planned on constantly adding new features for free to what is now a two year old game. One can get the base game dirt cheap now and it wouldn’t be good business to keep doing so. We could add things to modules as they are paying customers but we have concerns about fragmenting the community as problems arise with having features only available to players with the latest module. 2, Yes there will be new features of the kind I’m talking about available to all in a patch. Merry Christmas. We didn’t have to do it but since it was done for Normandy all you CMSF guys will get it too. 3, BFC will add new features of the kind I’m talking about but only with those purchasing the new module. We’ll weather the outcry from those who don’t purchase the module because we think we should support those who continue to buy our products. 4, Managing a Game Developers forum is like playing Gin Rummy. You don’t want to show all your cards at once. What we think is possible may not turn out to be possible in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore we keep quiet because it’s better to do so than tell people we’ll be doing something and then endure an outcry when it turns out it can’t be done. My guess the answer is #4 and even that will be a sufficient bone for me for now, but it would be nice to know if the answer is #1. Oh I’d still buy the NATO module, but I guess I want to hear the bad news now if #1 is the answer.
  20. A MUST have mod and one of the best conceived mods for any game ever is Pinetree's Icon bases Mod available here: http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/mods/4115/details
  21. I'm sure the Engine could handle it but are you looking for it in CMSF or future games? So far there have been no terrain changes to CMSF and I think they're reluctant to do so. I'd rather see barbed wire in CMSF myself if it came down to a choice.
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