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Everything posted by Slapaho

  1. lol I think it was the russian tank discovering a Panther on the reverse slope of the hill!
  2. aha I understand now (never played CM ) It would seem like a good idea for ToW.
  3. I took some screenies from my movie files to see how they look; Panzerfaust disabled my tank then the next hit killed the crew - 2 great shots at that range! but the difficulty setting was veteran Artillery Firing Gun crew taken out The last man on the gun buys the farm The Luftwaffe strike - pity they have no Anti Tank capabilities otherwise it would of been toasted. You can see the first plane pulling out of the strafing run and out of picture the 2nd following in.
  4. You can toggle it on and off Option -> Game Settings -> Attack Sector is this what you meant?
  5. I added another video this is a version without music I got the ingame sounds recorded.
  6. I am in Ireland on Sunday - if BFC let me know where they are I can go pick them up
  7. Nice picture I added another video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR0OW2hKbWM
  8. wrong thread sorry. Although what i posted was probably a blitkreig [ May 11, 2007, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: Slapaho ]
  9. thanks DeLaVega - the music is a problem (I actually emailed and asked permission to use a track, but was asked/told not to) I have tried making a video without music - it seems to lose direction or have feeling. In desperation I made my own tune and added it - I hoped getting a video on for the competition would get others posting - but it is still early I am working on another video as happily I have fixed my sound issues and can now record game sounds - and I have had a thought about narration, not using music but having a theme. I am rambling on now, but I hope to complete another video by tomorrow. Moon Is there a limitation on how many videos you can enter - I couldnt see any?
  10. I use the numpad to rotate the camera and look up/down, the arrow keys for moving around the battlefield and the scroll on my mouse to move the camera hieght up/down. I like the camera controls, but as has been mentioned I still struggle when I have selected a unit using enter, which is great if you want to zoom somewhere 'instantly' on the battlefield, but then cumbersome to free yourself.
  11. Great work again - the effort was worth it! (especially for us who get to watch it ) You should put it into the BF competition.
  12. In game video capture; FRAPS http://www.fraps.com/download.php or SNAGIT http://www.techsmith.com/download/snagittrial.asp Both free, but FRAPS has a limiting fps I think for the demo. I bought both, they are relatively cheap. If you get them and need any help then let me know - snagit can be a bit of a pain to set up. I used snagit on mine. As for music, I emailed a request to use the track I originally had and they said no, so I made my own track and used that. I would of preferred the original sound though but its about the game - not so much the music. Also, I couldn't capture in-game sounds due to a hardware issue, otherwise I think I would of just used the game sounds themselves. I can't answer your other questions, but hope this helps a little
  13. It is difficult (for me anyway) but people are playing online. I hope to play some online games this coming weekend when I get home from work.
  14. particularly looking forward to the Map Editor - give me something else to do on my laptop while I am away, other than SC2
  15. All airports around the world have the highest taxi prices - something to do with taxis usually have to pay to allow themselves to use the airport. I have been to Moscow a couple of times, but first time only passing through (on way to Kazakstan), the second there for only one night, but enjoyed it On Topic No Videos Yet! are people waiting to see what is put up first or are there several epics in production as we type
  16. I hope so.... theres been mention of it (unoffical) in several threads - maybe if amap editor is released then a modder will have a go, if the dev team don't
  17. the goods aren't broken - many people dont have the same problem and everyone has the same game. You have asked for help and people try and offer it. Your other post was probably closed as you posted the same thing twice. I am sure that there is a way through this but help them to help you instead of getting annoyed.
  18. I see from your specs you have pentium dual core and SLI nvidia cards? Have you tried manually setting the affinity to only one of your cores?
  19. heh - permission pending, I hope to catch up with him in Ibiza in July I need to fix the sound issue I have me thinks.
  20. Try the harder setting or even harder - try another human
  21. do you have latest patch? what difficulty setting have you played?
  22. rules me out unless DJ Tiesto gives me permission to use his track good luck to everyone who enters - I am looking forward to see the movies.
  23. In CoD smoke used to make peoples fps drop off the end of a cliff. I hoped it was only an oversight of the developers and not a limitation of the game engine that smoke is not in.
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