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Posts posted by tdogg

  1. Yes, that's pretty much it. Theoretically it is possible, and I agree desirable sometimes, but its not technically easy for us to support. The best we could do is what we did for the Campaign... you can switch back and forth inbetween battles, but not during. The reason is that all battles start off with the same data set regardless of which method of play is used. But once the battle is started, different internal mechanism store different data in different ways depending on which method is in use.


    So no Rt / wego switch, what about a 3 min playback in RT, would that be technically easier ?

  2. Because with the pre-order, it's the physical version as well as the download version and they charge delivery - one of the reasons why I only wanted the digital download so didn't/haven't pre-ordered.

    I feel the same way.

    Would be nice if the preorder had other options, like Nato and brits download for 35 dollars.

    paying extra in this day and age for a hard copy is nonsense to me.

    On a side note, will BF have any 2 for one sale options like a Nato / Brit combo package anytime soon ?

  3. I know what you mean......

    I'm thinking of finding a 3rd party game PC or Board Game, that is a Division / Corps level game, and playing out the turns. These games usually use some abstract way to resolve tactical combat. I'm wondering if there is a game system / engine that would generate enough details about the tactical combat taking place, then use those details to create a quick battle in cmbb to resolve it.

    Some pc conversion board games have import / export data functions to be used with miniature gaming that would work great, but can't think of one for the eastern front.

    The Idea may take some serious book keeping to transfer data back and forth between games that could lead to burn out.

    Just wondering if anyone had anything in mind that would work.

  4. Well I'm not relly asking for improvements for TOW 1 that game is dead at this point. It is concerning that new games come out with the past games becoming unsupported with the latest improvements.

    At this point in the TOW franchise why buy another game, you beat the campaign and thats it, on to the next game. I'd like to see more life spread to more recent titles like kursk and not just pumping more new games out.

  5. I saw a while back that the next TOW will be Korea. I'm skeptical because the pics showed lots of armor and korea wasn't really an armor heavy type of conflict.

    What did look quite pleasing was the glimps of a strategic map / layer added to this latest installment.

    I notice that all 3 TOW have been improved upon from one to the next, but at what point will the latest improvements become available to later versions ?

    I would like the mission / campaign generator of kursk in TOW africa, and if you are adding a strategic layer you have gotta add that to TOW kursk.

  6. Again, as a personal fan of the Ops idea I do think it's a fantastic method of play. If I can get some of that Ops feeling into the current campaign system, without causing us to move in the wrong direction, I'll certainly do it. Persistent map damage has always been on the table and it's just a matter of having the time to do it. Normandy had too many other big needs and so it didn't happen this time. But it will.

    I was a fan of the CMx1 ops but you are right they are broken, I'm happy you are bring some of the good features back. This new psuedo ops addition to CMx2 games could be really cool, I look forward to seeing where this goes.

    Other ideas, like AKD's thing about introducing more dynamic results, is also something we will consider. It has potential utility for the system we are pursuing, therefore it's on the table as well. If it makes CMx1 style Ops a little more possible, all the better.

    I like this idea as well.

    I do like the better handling of the AI in CMx2, but there is something lacking from the Campaign. It needs a few more key ingredients to really spice it up. The environment is just bland and sterile. I was really hoping that CMC would be successfull so it could be developed for the CMx2 engine in the future.

    I'd like to see a totally dynamic / meta campaign but upon reading the earlier post on how the AI reacts on the fly without scripting, this would not be feesable without some major work by BF.

    I could see some 3rd party dynamic campaigns coming to light from CM:N with the reworking of the QB system. I now some of you may be familiar with the ROOQ spread sheet based campaign system based off the CMx1 QB.

    I think if BF can keep adding more tools to the campaign, hopefully the 2nd or 3rd installment of the CM:N line will hve a campaign in the form that most of us would like it.

  7. great work on the mod, that pic above brings up a question I've had about the shape or look of the US helmets, they just seem kinda off to me, especially from a head on view.

    look at a headon view of arma US soldier then cmsf and tell me there I'm not right. I wish some modders could fix these helmets.

  8. This is awesome news for us as fans. I seem to remember the recent thread of BF needs more programmers or open up modding to step up production to a level that will satisfy the consumer. The modding was a big no...but I'm glad they went and hired a new programmer.

    If BF keeps improving the CM engine in a timely manner, they will get more of my money in a timely manner.

    Does this mean that some of those wishlist items will make it into the game now that 2 heads are better than 1 ?

  9. The One thing im mostly looking forward is the Symetric Warfare and not the Overmodelled UBER US Forces F***** everthing :-D

    I wouldn't say the US forces are overmodelled, in RL they do blow everything up, so it seems realistic to me. What does seem far fetched but might be allowed to for play balance is the uber accurate long distance RPGs the syrians have. This is the main reason a true blackhawk down senario can never be done with CMSF.

    If your getting owned as a syrian player, you might be using them wrong. Syrians have plenty of ways to do damage.

  10. Seriously ... The last bit that is missing in CMAK.

    - Formation commands .

    - Group follow road .

    - Infantry with armor arc only .

    - Maps with geodesics .


    I'd love this, that way you could control several companies or a couple Battalions with formation commands and not feel like we are hearding sheep / micromanaging nightmare.

    If we can't get a more dynamic or operational / strategic layer to enhance the campaign system. Maybe support for managing larger units would be nice.

  11. I've been thinking about this everytime I fire up CMSF. As good as the engine is, there are so many improvments to be made. Every time I drop a hint of something that would be great to add, the reply is " we don't have time for that "...."It will hold up getting other moduals out." To me the awnser is obvious, more programers or open up CM to unrestricted modding. Its taking so long for the CM games to release that they are obsolete code as soon as they release. Just look at the constant issues of nvidia and ATI breaking CM with new driver updates. I fear that by the time we finally get to the main event of a CMx2 east front game, the code will be so old that BF will cancel it to start over.

    If they get more programmers to speed up production to meet the demmand, everyones happy.

    They could allow unrestricted modding, let the modders add the improvements that they don't have time for. This way BF doesn't have to invest any time and the customers get what they want.

    I get the vibe that BF fears full scale modding for some reason. CMx1 is way over the hill now, and there is still no chance for full modding support.

    Here's a personal example how beneficial modding is to a company.....I recently bought men of war for use with a user created dynamic campaign generator. Now I hate men of war, but I love dynamic campaigns so I bought it on gamers gate for $5.00. Thats $5.00 1C just got that they never would have if they didn't support modding.

  12. Yeh, I played the game on novice as well, way more enjoyable. I notice that as your troops gain experience, the spotting gets better. Some of my crews are at elite now and can spot hidden at guns and tanks much better. All my Tiger and panther crews are elite, and they are very lethal. What sucks is that if a tank is damaged it is out for the campaign. I'm down to 1 tiger and 5 panthers, so I have to be very careful with them. If I loose a panther that has an elite crew, I move the crew to a Pz IV. An elite crew in a Pz IV is still very capable.

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