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Blazing 88's

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Posts posted by Blazing 88's

  1. 44 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    This limitation applies to all support weapons.  It's especially obvious when you have a small team.  The can only carry a few bazooka or mortar ammo.  However...  I don't recall encountering a limit on small arms ammo - in that I have loaded a small team up with so much that it would have been hard to carry - and the ACQUIRE button was still active.  There should be more limits on how much small arms ammo a unit can carry.  Going over a thousand rounds per man is ridiculous.

    At least when personnel units get overloaded, it slows down personnel units as you cannot select the Fast command when overloaded.

  2. Remember to remove the mods from your z folder prior to doing any future updates (or if re-installing).

    Also, Vein's animated text mod needs to always be removed (then wait for an update of it) if you use it.  It causes all sorts of graphical bugs until it gets updated.

  3. 4 hours ago, Badger73 said:

    The Battlefront store shows CMFI v3.0 upgrade as a separate product costing USD$10 to purchase.  CMFI + CMGL bundle = $65.  CMFI by itself = $55.  CMGL by itself = $35 but requires that you own CMFI first.  (http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=37&Itemid=26)

    If you can afford it, I recommend the CMFI + CMGL bundle for USD$65, then getting v3.0 for another USD$10.  It really is worth it.

    Yes, yes it is. 

    Also, there is an Africa Mod /scenario's made for it as well.  Those can downloaded at CMMOD's /Scenario Depot III.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Macisle said:

    This is an interesting thread and a discussion with lots of good points.

    Since beginning to use the Editor not too long after CMBN came out, I've largely spent my CMx2 time making my own "play once and delete" SP scenarios. That, coupled with a steady increase in RL time demands has meant that I actually feel swamped with the amount of unplayed stock content that I have. I keep saving the stock stuff until I am "fresh" or have time to comfortably play H2H, but that increasingly seems elusive. At this point, I think I'm going to just go with what seems to be my natural "flow" -- that is, using stock/community maps to make the kind SP scenarios that I most enjoy, along with the occasional original map project.

    It's been said many times, most players play against the AI, so why not put my limited time towards giving them material to (hopefully!:)) enjoy? Having said that, my stuff is likely to be on the niche side, serving mainly players who want slow-paced, extended-play battles with ample opportunities for simming, micro-managing, and "noodling in the weeds" a bit. That, and as much of a human-like challenge from the AI as I can reasonably manage.

    I finished up all the graphics/briefing work for The Radzy Award yesterday. After work today, I'm going to wrap up my last private playtest and, barring any major issues, will upload it to TPG2 and start a testing thread for it over the weekend. The origins and evolution of the scenario touch on a few things talked about in this thread. The map is the Radzymin 2 Master Map that comes with CMRT. I've just tweaked it slightly in a couple of places for things like AI-friendly road-widening ala JonS from the Scenario Design AAR. To dovetail with something that JonS mentioned a few posts back, story is very important. I tried to keep the briefing as short as possible, but make the fictional situation and scenario flow feel as real as I could, as well as using them to facilitate tactical issues, unknowns, and curveballs that help the AI get more traction.

    Speaking of the Scenario Design AAR, part of the reason TRA has taken so long is that what started as a "quickie" scenario turned into a full-fledged one, due to my scrapping initial work and rebuilding it using some of the planning and AI-structuring techniques presented by JonS in his wonderful guide. I can't recommend that fantastic resource enough and let me add another THANK YOU! to the ocean of thanks he has rightly received for it.

    Armed with what I've learned (and continue to learn) by doing this scenario, I might focus on defensive SP scenarios for awhile. I play very few of them--and there are very few of them for obvious reasons. So, maybe I can do some work to fill a niche within a niche, within a game that is within a niche within a niche, as it were. He-he.

    Anyway, I had better shut up and get back to work so I don't cry wolf again this weekend.

    Thanks again for all the input in this interesting thread!

    Good news and thanks,.

  5. Enjoy. 

    If you haven't checked out these sites you should...
    Graphic Mods:

    Scenario's /Campaigns /Opponents:


    Other useful stuff you will stumble upon or be directed to by the other CM addicts.



  6. 29 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    I agree... I do the same:  C:/SIMS/BF/CMXX etc.

    One issue this creates is that some of the updates/patches/modules I forget which - do not load to the correct folder and have to be moved there manually.  For some reason, BF doesn't always have the BROWSE feature in their install routines.

    "Aside: This is actually really nice because it means that you can place version specific mods in the Program Files sub directories (such as the version specific animated text mod) and the mods that work with any version of a game in the My Documents sub directories.  That way if you have to have two versions of a CM2x game running for a while you can share the mods that are shareable and have version specific mods for each version too."

    Sounds wonderful - but my brain is already exploding with the mod management challenges.

    I have two new systems and have been copying over all the mods for all the CM games from the last (17?) years!!!!   Copying them is one major project, but it will be a nightmare figuring which similar mods are the best and/or which actually work with the latest versions of the games.

    Currently my BF games folder is about 90+GB including "current" mods, with another 177GB in my "UNUSED CM MODS" folder - and all will need examining and testing.  :(    

    If BF doesn't figure out a simple/automated way to ensure old non-working mods can be identified and deleted eventually mods may have to be abandoned by us long-time players, or the game family system will fall apart under its own weight and complexity.



    Sorry, I didn't read your post correctly, thought you were installing to the 'Program Files (x86)' folder...

  7. 6 hours ago, John Kettler said:

    Blazing 88's,

    Sure looked like a home and not any bookstore I've ever been in. Know of none where you can drink wine. Does a friend have a copy? Did you find some pic online posted by a happy owner? Clearly I'm missing something here. 


    John Kettler


    The pic is from that "Kursk Anyone?" thread that I included in that re-post of the picture.  Baneman posted the pic.  Now is it his pic of his book?  I do not know.

  8. @Erwin, you really should install all your games in a "Games" folder outside of 'Program Files (x86)' location.  Somewhere, someone told me those wise words.  Might be why you are having issues with your game, may be worth a shot. 

    Also, installing to a folder on your Desktop is a good way to test run troublesome issues (especially true for older programs /games).  If the Desktop install works, you could always move that folder to a better location ("Games" folder), just re-map the quick start icon (that should work).

  9. On 2016-08-28 at 2:23 AM, John Kettler said:

    Blazing 88's,

    The very incarnations of a tome!  Let's hope that for the outlay and stupendous price the author got the story right. I'll be happy to borrow it (only half joking and am very trustworthy--am a Trustee, in fact) when you're done, since that's about the only way I think I'm likely to get to read it. The RZM catalogue is the stuff of madness. But in case your Kursk lust isn't sated by your current table breaker and shoulder dislocator, you can have the expanded Soviet General Staff Study from insanity inducing Fedorowicz for a mere $100. Meanwhile, we'll be expecting a detailed book report. Should run about 100 pages!


    John Kettler


    Whatever you do, don't spill wine on the book!


    Since my post-TBI cognitive issues are well known, and therefore a red flag against doing what I said, know my work is very part time and typically has long deadlines. If you search under "john kettler, trustee" you'll see I'm not making up being a Trustee.



    Sorry JK, I have not bought the book yet...  Just drooling over it.  I see Amazon.ca $370 Canadian... That ain't happening.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Heirloom_Tomato said:

    try to reinstall the cmfi gustav line bundle and see what the version number is.  I think there was a thread or discussion somewhere that all the new downlaods were now at the latest version. It is possible you went down a step with the patch. 

    Sounds about right if I recall correctly.

  11. 38 minutes ago, MisterMark said:

    Mine says v1.12 in the lower right and my splash screen shows the Gustav Line icon... I thought I bought the same Gustav Line bundle and then added the patch.  If I didn't do something correctly with the purchase or the patch, it may explain why I haven't been able to play the modified QB/scenario you and kohlenklau tweaked out.

    I copied and pasted the description from the confirmation email of what I paid for an downloaded:

    CMFI + Gustav Line BUNDLE (Delivery: Download Only     CFI1-PC-DW     $65.00    $65.00

    and I downloaded and installed this patch:

    http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317#CM: Fortress Italy PC

    Is this all correct to have the latest version and patch?



    Did you try what Badger73 suggested?   That is what I was going to mention.

    EDIT: Yeah, mine says v 1.20.

  12. @MisterMark Have you ever tried RobO's ROQC - Quick Campaign Generator for CMBB and or CMAK?  Here is the CMBB LINK: http://cmx1mods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=20&game_type=3   The MS Office automated version is awesome as no paperwork is involved then.  Carry a core force forward through multiply battles, keeping track of casualty's, kills and awards etc...  loved that creation for that series.  It took advantage of the QB ge

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