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Posts posted by vincere

  1. Yes we know and yes its been raised (back an early Alpha FWIW). :)

    No doubt there’s a whole thread somewhere here on it.

    In summary - Bradley TOW shortcomings:

    1. Vehicle drives around with the launcher permanently “erected” / “deployed”. This gives the vehicle an unrealistic advantage in terms of engagements. In RL the launcher is too delicate to do this with.

    2. The vehicle can fire TOW at targets outside its engagement envelope (from memory its +/- 5 degrees from level) i.e. in RL you can’t fire “uphill” (i.e. with the target markedly above / below you).

    3. The vehicle needs to be on a pretty level spot to fire (ties in with “2”) otherwise the control wires (the “W” in “TOW”) get fouled.

    4. There is no reload capability.

    5. There are no reload animations.

    All of this was raised discussed (“argued over“ for the ones who think we are all “fanboys” on the Beta Test team) and eventually discarded as not being practical to code / not being important enough to the simulation to spend time coding, etc.

    Sorry its not perfect but its in the game.

    Maybe in CMX3 ...

    Thanks for the inside track. That is terrible. Not how it is in CMSF: compromises were made and it plays well. RL all those $$ and crappy issues like can't fire down hill etc

  2. Besides that its a pain in the a.. first to split a squad into half, put them into the landrover, acquire the ammo, put them out, put the other half squad in and finally merge them.

    I think resupply is a nice feature but the way its done is a failure in gamedesign.

    It never bothered me, but I think that you hit onto something there. Would be better to have the resupply command that we could put in a chain of movement commands so we don't waist a minute of wego in the vehicle. And if it's frm something like a jeep they could just grab the boxes and go.

  3. Personally, If I had to pick one, the unexpected new feature I'm happiest to see is the addition indirect fire capability for ALL on-map mortars and guns, including the ability to call in indirect fire from on-map assets via radio (assuming you have the C2 link). I bet it took quite a lot of coding and playtesting over this past year to get this one right...

    This didn't sink in with me when I first skimmed the page. A very welcome leap from cmbb.

    Also I've been getting the feeling lately that the Tac AI has really come a very long way. Steve made the point not so long ago that this can be easily taken for granted. I used to use target command quite a lot, now I rarely touch it because the guys do a better job against multiple threats themselves. Similarly, it's moving them is less 'hail mary' as they'll stop to engage targets as they appear.

  4. I enjoy the challenge of a difficult battle for sure.

    What I hate is when a scenario designer chooses to make a battle difficult by making enemy reenforcments appear on the map from unrealistic directions. Sometimes they do it right in your rear without any warning in the briefing. I doubt those T-72's could sneak up on you like that in this day and age. When this happens I get the feeling that the scenario designer is just running out of creativity.

    Scenarios are generally very good, but I hate this too. And it can be equally bad news for Syria whan their tanks land on the map in the open. It'd be better if they land on map behind a dip or something.

    Maybe if maps get larger then this will become less of an issue.

  5. In CMBB and CMAK (I only ever played the demo of CMBO; sacrilege, I know =P), when an infantry unit suffered a casualty, whether from fire or close combat, the pixeltrupp[en] would recoil as if taking a hit to the head.

    Given that in CMx2 an individual pixeltrupp casualty falls to the ground, a big part of the visual simulation of close combat is already "in".

    Hey, yes, I remember that. Wonder if the sounds will be similar.

    And now we have individual pixel troops I really wonder at what range it will trigger.

  6. Recentlry stumbled on another way to increase the tension.

    Two squads on ground floor with limited visiblity due to a wall outside.

    2nd squad runs up stairs and while I'm watching 1st squad and all hell breaks out up stairs with them firing on full auto. Resisting looking for 40 seconds and hearing it from the downstairs squad's perspective was tense with me wondering wtf and whether there's any casualties.

  7. Without reading through the hole thread.

    Will there be those cool close-combat sounds like in the CMx1 games again ?

    You know, the screaming and beating noise if there was close-combat going on...

    I think that they've said yes; but no animations.

    In a recent SF thread some guys said that there was a jerking animation during close combat in CMBB. Been some time since I booted up CMBB so can't remember, but some guys claimed to enjoy watching the jerking as much as some of us enjoyed the sounds.

  8. Why Normandy?...

    Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!

    You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have

    striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The

    hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

    In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on

    other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war

    machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of

    Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

    Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well

    equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.

    But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of

    1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats,

    in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their

    strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home

    Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions

    of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men.

    The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to


    I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in

    battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!

    Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great

    and noble undertaking.

    SIGNED: Dwight D. Eisenhower

    That is a class response to the OP's question. Nice.

  9. I thought redbrown meant dead?

    LOL I was probably the guy that did 99% of that mentioning over the 4 years.


    Mord and others, you guys should so get the casualty mod. Skull and Cross Bones for dead, so there's no mistake. Looks better too.

    It's crossed my mind everytime I've had serious casualties from one of my vehicles hit, but I never posted about it.

  10. gibson

    My understanding is that unwounded and slight wounds wilol get out of the vehicle.

    But full wounded (not dead yet, but more likely to be without buddy aid) do not get clear of the vehicle.

    I think your tests must be showing lightly wounded guys getting out under their own steam.

    It's a slight niggle, and way down my list let alone obvisously the important list infront of the man. But when a vehicle gets hit I always have the instinct to want to get guys over there for casevac, except when it's cooking off rounds.

    Michael Emrys: as gibsons test points towards, plenty of crew survive their vehicle being KO'd.

  11. Thanks for posting the link. Very interesting, including from the danger close aspect and the 'surprise' again about how many fighters survive heavy punishment.

    I know CM doesn't do Special Forces, and I'm glad of it because I much prefer playing with an infantry company or so. But in SF in particular many battles could have incorporated them.

  12. Currently, yes. It irks me too so I'm hoping we can do something about it now that we have many more open topped vehicles than we had in CM:SF.


    Is buddy aid and casevac something you'll look at when you look at more realistc settings for prisoners? I found crew casualties in CMSF a slight niggle that nobody was ever pulled clear.

    Glass is half full by the way, Normandy looks like it's shaping up to be a cracker.

  13. When I was in the Army I had a SSgt that told me to make sure I had an AK or two in what ever vehicle I was using on patrol. That way if I greased a not so bad bad guy I could fire off a few AK rounds into the wall, drop the weapon, and say they were an insurgent. No bull folks, and this was in Basic training. The SSgt in question was a bad a** tho and I have no doubt he was telling me this from experience.

    Sad, because slack fire discipline should be locally jumped on; and units have enough integrity and balls to deal with the rare psychopath, and sex pest. But the press publish too much guff when they get a wiff of accidents and mistaken judgement calls. So I have sympathy for the AK in the vehicle

  14. I have never tried making holes in the wall with my cat. I don't think he would like it, if I did. There would certainly be a lot of noise, fuss and blood (mine). He is very good at purring, sleeping in comfortable places and eating, though; so I guess it just a case of using the rght tool for the job.

    I had a cat once that made holes in the wall where I didn't want them, and I didn't like it.

    That cat was the wrong tool for most jobs.

    Cat I got now with ginger patches makes for a good stranger shredder.

  15. Close combat will be improved for CM:BN. But as I've said forever and a day... there will not be any close quarter combat animations. That's just not something we can fit in. Plus, no matter what we can realistically do with the animations they will still look unrealistic. Even FPS games with tens of millions of Dollars (for you Europeans, that's about 300 Euros :)) don't have very good CQB animations. So we're not kidding ourselves about it.


    Will we ever get any animations, even if abstract?

    For the fun, because although rare, those close moments were great back in the day, kinda climatic.

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