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Posts posted by vincere

  1. My partner is very busy with other things and I'm a newb to scenario design, we've collaborated on ideas only so far with a plan for an op, but what we have in mind will take place in WW2 rather than CMSF, so it's safe to say it's a fair ways away. It definitely won't have everything CMx1 ops had, like vehicle salvage, but given a 4 hour game time we're hopeful we can cook something up.

    Still be interested in ETO or East Front operation.

    If you have not seen it, LongLeftFlank's impressive work may be of interest:


  2. I don't want to give our plan away, but we believe we can "recreate" a CMx1 operation with this engine. We've disagreed about this before? From my perspective mapsize limitations are what prevents making pbem old style operations, i.e., if one could make a large enough map persistent damage isn't an issue. Rather than having a sectional representation of a continuous map(many old style ops were like this) we would just do the whole thing. So, I don't think we could recreate from the beachhead to Carentan because of mapsize limitations. But there are other ops that can be done.

    I'd like to see that, do you plan on uploading anything?

  3. If you want to focus their attention in a direction but not have them fire, what I do is shorten the "range" of the arc to a few meters. They won't fire at anything out of the range of the arc, but will be focused in that direction.

    (I hope it works that way.)

    That's exactly what I thought; but has a sqad Jav a tank way past the arc.

    Worked well in this case but could easliy not be so good next time.

  4. Vincere, when I clicked on your link I got this message from YouTube:

    Just out of curiosity, what is the name of the piece you wanted to link to?


    Ooops, sorry had clicked your first two and posted The Ride of the Valkyries with choppers, then clicked on your third.

    I try to make up for it:

    As much a visual experience as music. But the music lived with for some time after first hearing it as a teen.

  5. That's where my particular WWIII bet is placed (hope it's 00, not Red/Green).

    Yeah, pretty high on my list. But I keep thinking about great wars of the past.

    The examples of the two biggest kids on the block.

    And examples of personalities being drivers of events that would have had very different predictions 5 or 10 years before they peak.

    Also the dark horses, events and economic shocks that are that are not planned for.

  6. Russia and Europe are quite dependent on each other, so invasions are not really on the table of any sane strategic mind. I think it is Russia that is scared at this time, not the other way around. They have been showing force for a couple of years, in my eyes as to let the world know that they are still there and intending to remain a important force in the world.

    The clash of civilizations is no longer between capitalism VS communism, and neither between 'Sovjets' and 'The West'...

    I'd buy into that analysis, with an exception. An iron leader takes the helms in tough times and is bent on armed expansion. That said, Russia has remained a logical player in brinksmanship for a long time.

    At some point China may look more like a threat to Russia, and as communism and capitalism got into bed to see off Germany then under some improbable but possible circumstances why not do it again.

  7. Welcome to the board. I'm sure somebody much more knowledgeable and authoritve will come along with a more informed post.

    I got charged about £16 for a module, which was money well spent each time.

    Download didn't take that longe because the modules are not that big in mb terms- although lots of content :)

    Do you live in the stix; because English and Welsh broadband isn't that bad or expensive.

    By the way; once you get a module then there's no more worry about paradox patches even for the base game. which is a good thing.

  8. OK, well Erwin is calling me out here so I have to respond. A couple points:

    The ancients would settle this like Men with honour. It's true that scraps of thread can be found where disputes were resolved via a pbem and public AAR. Win, lose, or bloody butchery; both forumite's honour would be preserved. Some think that stories about the likes of Goodale vs ParaBellum are Myth and and fantasies to spice up Normandy refresh monkey threads. But a thing or two could be learned from the ancients...

    Seriously, both approaches are compatible. Personally, I think that most of the gamey stuff aint too gamey and thankfully BF's stated aim is to reduce it gamey. But, hey if that Arty aint gonna touch the roof I wanna know about it.

    That said it's so much more fun and a stimulating challenge to get into the principles and concepts of jnt62006's approach. Also that approach can be a good way to make sense of what you need to do when there's an awful lot going on.

  9. It does not change but it should and, I think, easily could. When, for example, an external MG runs out of ammo, it goes from white letters to gray letters in the equipment list and will stay gray until reloaded. I don't see why the same couldn't apply to the M707 and others, with "IR Optics" grayed-out until the crew unbuttons.

    That's a good idea. If this stuff isn't going to be in the manual then needed really.

  10. Thanks for suggestions.

    I have found MilSketch very promising, but a little fiddley.

    Paint.Net hs been the easiests to use to madify images. And Fraps has been the best for me so long as it doesn't ask me to pay again.

    Thanks again

    edit: it's hard to make out but this is a mg floating in the air with version 1.30


  11. natobug.jpg

    Do you talk about this one? I reported it some time ago in the NATO v1.30 little bug thread. Since then I don't have seen it again during play, but I don't know if something was done about it by BF.

    Similar, but mine was in a building like this:

    (Thanks to the community pointers I've finally posted my first screen. Oh and this was pre- 1.31)


  12. It seems like everything takes twice and more as long these days. At first I thought it was just me—you know, getting older and all that. But now it is clear that somehow the space-time continuum has accelerated so that clocks run faster and so do calendars. Curious. According to Relativity Theory, if the expansion of the universe were to reverse, its increasing density could cause this effect. It could mean that The End Of Everything As We Know It is at hand.


    At a certain age, cough, cough... err.. forum seniority, you get fewer packets of consciousness per second so it seems time is speeding up.

  13. Do you know if this isn't the case?

    To be honest no. I've always assumed that it is based on a v old explanation from Steve, I think before SF was released. Some more tests would be good, will post back if I get time to do them.

    Also I'm being a little jaded towards spotting in relation to this specific battle. Generally spotting seemed ok to me. But this battle, holy cow. Snipers, jav teams, FST, JTAC, HQs all looking out and on AAR map and bloody loads of uniformed units prone in the open on the aircraft pan amonst other places. But I digress.

  14. Yes, exactly, because you're not supposed to. It's not the overwatch that's important, it's that a civilian vehicle IS for all practical purposes 'invisible' in a civilian environment.

    There should be a chance to spot, even if v small chance.

    Vehicle low on suspesion, package in the back, just out of keeping with the area or even a Blue soldiers intuition etc.

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