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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I agree, I'm being a bit too simplistic. There have been improvements and the incremental pause is probably the most important for me.

    However I do have the impression the that RT has been the primary focus of development. And it's nice and is a huge change over the CMx1 games - a real paradigm shift, to use the hackneyed saying. Unfortunately RT doesn't suit me. I simply don't like it - sorry.

    So WeGo is there but hasn't really evolved in my mind. Incremental pause in, but armour cover arcs out. Deployment in, but classic hunt out. I'm still happy and I still love it. But I can't help but think that I shouldn't be restricted in the many of the same ways I was 10 years ago and looking for workarounds or advice to get orders down to my pixeltruppen. For example I'd love to see a table of commands for each unit being 'built' up within a text box on the screen:

    1) Move to waypoint 1.

    2) Face angle 320deg.

    3) Pause 20sec.

    4) Light target fire on Target 1 for 30sec.

    5) Fast move to waypoint 2.


    Can you clarify that last part?

  2. Oh, I see what you mean, you were offering "how should the player think about this", not "why didn't BFC implement it".

    In that case: yes, it's "learner drivers all over again".

    Tanks lurch around, and vehicles don't know how to stop to let someone off...


    Things will gradually improve, the evidence is called CMSF. Maybe we will never be able to disembark guys at a waypoint, in my experience one minute maximum delay is never that crucial. But maybe I'm just used to it :)

  3. I tweaked it a bit.

    @Wolfe, don't worry about units panicking getting mixed up with the fortifications. Once the game start the icons of the fortifications will disappear so there won't be any confusion.

    The only thing that might interfere with gameplay is that the icons are not visible enough under some circumstances. On my PC it is still manageable but it would be nice to get more feedback on this. If anyone want to test this out, I can send them the files before uploading them to the repository.

    Here's a screenshot.


  4. I was thinking, would it be possible to implement a filter in the QB selection screen to leave out all scenarios *without* an AI plan? MarkEzra's done an excellent job, but I'm guessing some people might feel it's too daunting to include AI plans and make maps only for H2H. To avoid boring battles, this extra filter might be useful.

  5. Subject says it all, really.



    If you mean the guys manning the vehicle you can't. (Or I haven't been able to get it work at least)

    If you mean the guys riding along (i.e. the guys in the back of a truck), simply tell the vehicle where to go AFTER that you tell the guys in the back where to go. Once the vehicle reaches its destination (so no intermediate destinations), the guys in the back will jump out and run to their waypoint.

  6. "Houston, we have a problem..." - my login for CMMODS will only let me into the CMSF section of the site - as this is not a CMSF mod there's not much point in uploading it to the CMSF section. :(

    However, I have a backup plan - I've got a premium Fileserve account, so I can upload it there. The upload is cranking away in the background - my broadband upload speed is pretty slow - it's gonna take about 40 minutes or so.

    FYI the file is a RAR archive that was created with maximum compression and I added a recovery record - if you end up with a corrupt download for any reason you should be able to repair the file with WinRAR or any other decent archiver. Also, the size of the file is roughly 75 MB.

    I'll post here when the upload is done with the download link.

    Will you upload it to the repository as well?

  7. I erred in my last post. I don't get a special cursor when I try to deploy the mortar, so I guess the deployment is supposed to occur where the mortar presently is.

    In any event, though, the mortar doesn't deploy. The command shows as available, so why doesn't the mortar group execute it???

    To move deploy them, move them, highlight the last waypoint and click the deploy button. The mortars will the go to the waypoint and deploy.

  8. The only other thing I can think of is that the FO/Platoon commander's radio is not functioning properly and cant communicate to the tubes. Yesterday, playing the first battle of Road to Montebourg, I had this happen briefly. The radios of the time period finicky historically, perhaps this is modeled.

    I think perhaps what we need here is a little developer input.... answer this question once and for all!


    I know that it actually takes time (in the game) to set up the radios. So C2 will not be restored immediately after moving an HQ unit.

  9. It's actually a pretty realistic setup as far as the game engine is concerned. A platoon/company commander is not going to bother the battalion commander (who has his own problems on a larger scale) with a company/platoon level indirect fire mission. That's what the platoon/company commander gets paid for. BUT, it is the battalion commander's perrogative to use company-level organic mortar assets for his own purposes as he sees fit, that's why BinHidin was able to call in 60 fire from the battalion commander directly, but not able to use the BN HQ as a communication conduit from the FO to the tubes.

    I don't think this is how it works in the game, but I might be wrong.

    To me there are three options

    a) it's a bug

    B) there is some delay before the links are established

    c) the mortars are not part of command structure of the FO, so the FO doesn't know they are there. But being close to the Bn HQ, HQ could command them and direct fire.

  10. Think battalion best buck his ideas up to be honest, shame the guy into getting his finger out his arse. His lack of respect for his subordinates simple requests has led to many a needless death and i think he should be singled out in the letter home to mum as the only reason little Johnny will be returning home in more pieces than when he left.

    Do you have a save file? I think the beta testers would probably be interested in this.

  11. I'm no arty expert, but why does FO need a line of sight to call in a bombardment? If I'm a FO and I suspect enemy movement behind a hill or forest, I get my trusty map out Identify the area on the map and call in a strike on that area using a map grid reference isn't it that simple?

    Even if it was possible to pinpoint the area exactly on a perfect map, wind and other atmospheric conditions will influence the path of the mortars, making it impossible for the artillery fire accurately. It is very hard to account for the factors. Also remember that usually you only want to hit a *specific* part of the woods or otherwise you'll be wasting ammunition. That's why the FO needs spotting rounds before calling in fire.

  12. Moving on from the armour accuracy threads, Marders do seem to be just a bit too vulnerable, its understood that they are thinly armoured but it does not follow from that that every hit on one is a kill. Their hull down profile is not particularly bulky and besides, any hit above the gun is basically only going through a shield and not going to rattle around inside like in a tank.

    Being open means that the crew should be able to spot much better than in a tank so realistically, all things being equal, the Marder should get the first shot off. Also they would be less claustrophobic to fight in than a tank which should have implications for crew morale. Most of the stuff I have read here, unfairly in my opinion, concentrates on the Marder's disadvantages. Anyone for a fan club?

    Great game though, Mr Fussy says buy it :)

    I always thought the after armour effect came from shell fragments and armour fragments flying towards the crew, not from the shell bouncing around in the tank. That or I completely misunderstood your post :).

  13. In the first builds of CMSF (the modern warfare predecessor of CMBN) every vehicle made dust clouds (on the right ground conditions) and they could be seen. Unfortunately the way the dust clouds were implemented, it was possible to exactly pinpoint the number of vehicles and where they were going, which is obviously unrealistic. So BFC decided to remove the dust clouds unless you could spot the vehicles.

    As for dropping artillery in the middle of a forest, no idea how that worked in real life. In the game you can only do it if you have LOS or a target reference point. Just curious here, would it be possible in real life? Wouldn't it be hard to judge how deep a forest is?

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