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Everything posted by Oak

  1. Having 2 UK BBs around Malta may have been a mistake. 1 is killed; the other moves to Malta harbour to see if it can give more than it takes on its way out. Both French cruisers become Free French. UK carrier attacks German corp near Brest. Ireland surrenders.
  2. France will fall soon. Entrenchment kept army in Paris untouched last turn. Dublin corp killed; Ireland will fall next turn. 2 UK carriers + Rodney BB now at level 2 experience In the Med, French corp mans Malta. UK BBs attack Italian army in Tripoli and corp in Sicily.
  3. Allied ships attack coastal German army, but without result. French commando corp moves into empty Munich Only 2 corps left around Paris; 1 army entrenched in Paris Italy enters the war
  4. French troops pull back to defend Paris. 1 corp moves into Germany on a commando mission; 1 corp on the Maginot lines attacks a German army
  5. German subs destroyed. Continued fighting at LC border. Germany moving troops west for assault on France Axis reinforcing Dublin; Allies reinforcing Copenhagen
  6. 3 corps continue in Poland (1 at full strength) Denmark fights on Subs attack Allied fleet, and extensive diving helps them avoid damage. Badly damaged UK cruiser limps away. French forces continue to attack German army & corp at LC border
  7. Poland fights on. 3 intact corps remain, plus air. One sub found & dives to avoid destruction. Attack continues on Ireland. French army & corp attack German tank, with tank knocked from 10 to 7.
  8. Germany moves army, tank & Bock west. Allies DOW on Ireland. British & French navy go sub hunting.
  9. Wow! I'm mentioned immediately after Terif and before Kuniworth. I am flattered. Now, if I could only learn to play as if I was second only to Terif I'd be set.
  10. You say you've beaten the best. Just want to know who it is that you've actually beaten. I would think that you'd be proud to list the players you've beaten. PS: It is "Singaporean" although I'm actually an American.
  11. When in doubt, turn to the manual. Here is what the manual says about the Difficulty and Experience option: Difficulty: This setting is used to affect internal percentages such as US and USSR interest into the war, number of Soviet troops that are transferred from Siberia, Free French creation percentages, Allied tracking of Axis surface raiders in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean during FoW, plundering amounts and initial Soviet income upon its entry into the war. Note: This setting does not influence combat formulas. Experience Bonus: This setting adjusts the experience bonus given to all opponent units. This includes existing units on the map at the beginning of a campaign as well as all subsequently purchased units by the AI.
  12. You get MPP (that is, 'build points') for resources (cities, mines, etc.) that you control. You don't need to occupy them to control them. For resources in countries upon which war is declared, you need to move troops into the resource to gain control, but occupying that space is not necessary to maintain control. As for defending major cities, a greater level of defense is provided for by entrenchment levels. As for the difficulty settings ... the AI acts the same regardless of the setting. The Difficulty setting just adjusts variables like how much plunder you get when you conquer a country, how many French ships become Free French, etc. My recommendation is that you buy the game and then start playing some human opponents.
  13. Puni also challenged fellow Swede Rugrat (I mean Rannug) but never followed through. So, let's see if this game actually happens tomorrow. I'm rather keen to show Kuni that the Allies can win a game with a zero bid ... although I may well be over-estimating my abilities and under-estimating Puni's.
  14. So, who are some of the players that you've beaten in your climb to the top?
  15. Of course, as we get near the end of our game I will need to sign off and then go silent for a few weeks so that the game is never finished.
  16. Am I allowed to do the Bulgarian Gambit?
  17. Don't worry, there won't be any Rome Invasion. I want this game to be interesting and last for a while. To give you some additional incentive, I've joined the Z-league so if you beat me the game will count for the ladder.
  18. Fine. How about tomorrow (Sunday) morning, your time? I noticed that you also challenged Rannug but never played him. Since you are convinced that Allies cannot win without bids, I'll play Allies straight up ... without any additional MPP. You want to host or should I? PS: Yes, I live in Singapore but I'm very international. Born in USA, elementary school in Hong Kong, high school in Korea, college in Canada, graduate studies in the USA and UK. My wife is Russia and my last name is Danish.
  19. I have no intention of ever doing the "Rambo-Rome-Invasion" ... just curious. But, I figured it out so my curiousity is satisfied.
  20. Pardon my ignorance, but can someone -- anyone -- tell me how Rome is taken in turn 5??
  21. Terif, I am curious. What would you do if the Allies operated the Polish air fleet to Copenhagen? Let's hear from the Master. Oak
  22. You can go to the "Opponent Finder Forums", that is part of this Forum site. If you are interested in Play By Email (PBEM) games you can join the PBEM List that I have set up. To do that, just send an email to me at: reid@pacific.net.sg
  23. If it was something likely to create problems for experienced players then experienced players would already be doing it. However, it is likely to baffle and perplex newer players playing Axis ... giving an advantage to the Allies and the potential for inflicting some damage on the Axis fleet.
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