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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. The point is that in Latin there is no word "scenario". There exists only an adjective - "scaenarius-a-um" - which refers to something that deals with theatre. A rough translation of the word "scenario" could be "scaenae-arum" but I am not sure about that. In Italian the word "scenario" is the same as in English but the plural form is "scenari" or "scenarii". Peppe
  2. Which mailing list? Are you referring to "Comando Supremo"? Peppe
  3. I'm interested too. Could you please send them to: satyajuga@hotmail.com Thanks
  4. Superpower Battle Isle: The Andosia War Operation Flashpoint
  5. I did think that in the US there was freedom of speech. I can't really understand why someone should be insulted or banned only for saying his own personal belief, he's not committing any crime. The USA perpretrated several genocides in the last 50 years but I would never insult all those who praise the American democracy for that reason. The only difference is that Americans are the winners and history is written by winners so that their genocides, their napalm-bombing, their embargoes are not taken into account. The USA are a democracy but this did not prevent them from being the only nation to launch an atomic bomb over other human beings.
  6. Are you joking? The Republic of Salo' is the name of the state created by Mussolini in 1943 soon after he was freed by Germans. The RSI (Italian Social Republic) did not betray the germanic ally and kept on fighting together with the Germans.
  7. I forgot about this one: http://www.geocities.com/kumbayaaa/itreparmedforces.html
  8. I read a lot of good material about that but I guess you don't speak/understand Italian so I can only give you the following link: www.comandosupremo.com where you can find several interesting articles and a bookstore (linked to Amazon.com) with many books in English. Hope it helps you
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