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Posts posted by Melnibone

  1. Originally posted by John Kettler:

    Speaking of this, one of the things that you could do in CMBB but can't in CMSF is to advance with the hull pointed one way and the turret another.

    I thought you could do that in CMSF - surely a movement command combined with a target arc would do that?
  2. Originally posted by Zatoichi:

    I saw this happen to one of my opponent's soldiers in a PBEM game last night - the sole survivor of a squad was running diagonally back and forth in the ground floor of a building while my squad shot at him from an adjacent building.

    He finally stopped this when he managed to run into one of the bullets my soldiers were spraying in his general direction, so I'm not sure how tired he was.

    I saw exactly the same in a WeGo game last night - single enemey guy was doing a marathon around his building until one of my boys slowed him down.
  3. Originally posted by G B Scurlock:

    The author needs to change this or the campaign is useless. This is a fun campaign but what does it matter if it can't be finished.

    Better too hard than too easy in my view. This is war not tiddlywinks. ;) I would not change a thing in that mission - one of the most memorable I have played in CMSF.
  4. Originally posted by markl:

    Were there any third party scenarios ever released for Winter Storm? That always seems to hint at it's general popularity.

    There were a few I think - but they were fiddly to create requiring delving into XML iirc. This new game has a proper scenario builder so I would expect there to be a lot more in the future. I did get Winter Storm but never really got into it - that may change soon.
  5. Sniper One: The Blistering True Story of a British Battle Group Under Siege

    From the Back Cover

    'Contact front! Contact front!' Immediately we were down on our

    knees and aggressively returning fire. Then we slipped away into pairs.

    While one bloke got up and sprinted 10 feet back up the alleyway, the other

    emptied all the rounds he could in the direction of the gunmen. Then the

    pair swapped roles. Fire and Manouevre, fire and manouevre.

    It was like the bank robbery scene in 'Heat'. It's amazing how well you

    remember it all when you need to. But still the RPK poured lead at us. A

    whole burst went straight between Smudge's legs as he was stopping to turn

    and cover me.

    'Average?!' I said as we looked at each other in amazement. Then we

    carried on ...

    About the Author

    Sgt Dan Mills, MiD, was decorated for his command of an

    eighteen-man sniper platoon during the siege of Al Amarah. During a long

    army career he has served in Bosnia, Kosovo, Northern Ireland and the

    Falkland Islands.

    Highly recommend this one - great book.

  6. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-------Spoilers-------XXXXXXXXX

    Its a tough battle - I got them to surrender in the end this way:

    1. Take the village with a platoon to protect that flank.

    2. Blast into the CW compound using the wall nearest the start line.

    3. Two platoons and Bradleys take the first section of bulidings - use plenty of Smoke

    4. Abrams split - either side of CW compound and advance.

    5. Used a lot of artillery on the main CW buildings. Wait until it stops then advance infantry under Bradley Smoke to commence final clearing of CW plant (still tough! Take it slow use TOW on Bradleys)

    6. Bradleys from village now move on one SAM site

    7. Abrams on the other down the right flank

    8. Final artillery barrage and Abrams\Bradey TOW on Storage facilty finally caused a surrender with approx. 15 mins to go.

    Great battle! Enemy RPG's nearly made me cry at times ;)

    [ March 04, 2008, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]

  7. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    Well if you want the best service, buy the blessed thing from BFC.

    I bought the deluxe BFC version. Why that matters so much who knows. I now have an out of date printed manual and a pdf version - which to my knowledge has never been updated (v1.01 it says on mine). Even if it has it is an unfriendly format for printing. Don't you get it?
  8. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    Well why don’t you put your neck on the line, buy Acrobat Professional (yes spend some money) and publish the results and see what happens.

    Instead of expecting someone else to do it, take all the risk and you get a free copy?

    I certainly wont be using my copy to make one.

    Do you ever think about the effect your continuous snippy comments in numerous threads have on customers? Probably not. This game needs all the help it can get after the bad start it's had. You are not helping.
  9. Originally posted by c3k:

    If so, when is "411:20"?

    From Manual (PDF):

    Time of battle: shows the time of day when the battle starts

    Temperature: shows the air temperature during the battle

    "411:20" looks like a QB bug to me. Never played a QB - time has always looked OK to me in scenarios.

    More tooltips would be nice though - and I've never really understood perfectly the After Battle screen at all ;)

    [ February 29, 2008, 06:13 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]

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