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General Jack Ripper

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Status Updates posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. Having been following the situation closely on a weekly basis, it seems to me the Russians have finally figured out the principles of the 'Inchworm Attack' as reports of small bite-sized advances happen almost every day for the last few months. It certainly took them long enough, and it comes with a sense of trepidation as the Ukrainians never figured it out at all. Such incredible squandering of human life over a simple failure to learn strikes me as particularly egregious. So far I find this entire war rather distasteful, and given the circumstances under which it was instigated I cannot help but be disgusted at the current global order and see no redeeming features worth mentioning anymore.


    I have reviewed my original posts which had caused such consternation and cries of HERESY and I still cannot find anything I said back then that was specifically incorrect. As the situation has played out my analysis in broad strokes was correct, and continues to be correct.

    Specific considerations such as the proliferation of drones escaped my notice, but one thing is for sure. The propaganda rhetoric about the Russians running out of ammo, their tires all rotting off, and their tanks all breaking down and getting stolen were just plain wrong (both at the time, and in the ensuing time afterwards). The disagreement to my position based on such rhetoric was just plain stupid, and I was right to call it out for being stupid at the time.

    If I was to be censured for calling something stupid, or calling someone who says such things stupid, then I guess I'm just not built for such a kindergarten environment. I thought we were all adults here capable of rational discussion, but when the core of the audience are made up of froth mouthed 'Cold War Veterans' who want nothing more than to drag the world into WW3 to soothe their fragile egos (my own dad is included in this category đŸ¤¨) I don't know what to say.


    If you are reading this post, I send you my warmest greetings. I am not dead, nor was I banned or had any moderator actions applied to my account, I merely decided I had better things to do than split hairs over propaganda videos, random twitter posts, and one-sided perspectives rabidly enforced by popular opinion.

    I may go back to making YouTube videos again. If anything I have learned an awful lot these last couple years, and also received some live confirmation of ideas that previously had been theoretical. I find the conduct of war fascinating, but I do decry the cost at which it comes.

    I wish nothing but peace, happiness, and prosperity to all people, except Communists. đŸ˜…

    Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 21-06-39 How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get.png

    Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 21-50-50 How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get.png

    Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 21-55-57 How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get.png

    Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 22-12-40 How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get.png

  2. Uh oh. Literally who? is mad at me!qPpgqDv.jpg


  3. Quote

    Why don't you bend over and fondle Ukraine's genitals like the rest of us?

    You wouldn't get it, even if I explained it to you.


    He just wanted to be left alone.

  4. I'm not dead, but my computer is on life support, and I am sick of working overtime.

  5. Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you're all right.

  6. I was hoping to touch base with you about a project, but I see you're absent.

    Be safe.

  7. I got a new job, thanks to Benjamin Franklin.

  8. I see you haven't been around for a while, but if you do get this, please know some folks are waiting patiently for some Shock Force mods to appear on the new repository. ;) That's all.

    Hope everything's okay.

  9. I'll be gone for a month or so. See you when I get back!

  10. For a disembodied brain floating in a jar full of Red Bull, you're a wonderful human being! ;)

  11. Nuclear Combat! Toe-to-toe with them Ruskies! YEE HAW!

  12. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy, to sap and impurify, all of our precious bodily fluids!

  13. The pool is open! See Ya!

  14. Need a new pool liner!

  15. Beef noodle! Delicious!

  16. Visiting mom for Easter. Yay...

  17. Smells like Pork Chops!

  18. Kill them, kill them all!

  19. What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?

    1. Weer


      Just trolling

    2. General Jack Ripper

      General Jack Ripper

      Oh, okay. I was just curious.

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