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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Goodale You got any scenarios in the 1,000-2,000 range or are all yours 100,000 point gargantuans? I'm looking for one in the 1,000-2,000 point range that hasn't been played to death.
  2. Well now, this thread is a travesty sir, an embarassment to the Community. What would a potential newcomer think coming in here and reading this? I ask you? I am so ashamed.
  3. I shall lower the water level in the old bong to half way as a token of respect.
  4. It must be me because that's how my wife's mother introduces me at family gatherings. Send me the Iron Roadblock scenario. I'll be the Russians. It got rave reviews in one of the other threads.
  5. Well this was posted at 2PM yesterday. Guess he must be resting up from his trip. What is up with all these Sleeping Beauties? Ever since this wino guy showed up, people have been disappearing or going off for week-long naps. First YK2 sends for a bottle of wine and then whooosh gone. Then Seanachai, and now the supposedly untouchable (literally) Justicar. I'm tellin ya, this makes me think of Boo's targeting ability, cause something is amiss.
  6. Ahhh yes the fresh scent of Colombian Coffee. The aroma, the flavor, the full-bodied buzz it gives. I have only one complaint and can use some advice. How do you keep those stems and seeds from getting into your daily cuppa?
  7. Okay let me get this straight. After being unconscious for 5 days (Saturday-Wednesday), the Bard now must go and sleep for a day or so???????????? I never realised that being in an alcoholic coma could be so exhausting.
  8. Good Morning Maggots :mad: Can we all say Friday? Okay then, some observations, in no particular order: Goodale A tip for you lad in scenario design. I noticed in the picture Ropeadope posted that when the Tiger crew bailed they left their crack stash behind in the tank. It is clearly indicated in the status panel. You nong! The Germans kept their crack in their gas mask containers. DUH! Fix or do somefink! Soddball Apparently, now that he has captured the Holy Grail (Goodale's sig line), any purpose he had in life has now ended. He hasn't been seen in these parts lately, although there are rumors that he is now Travelin mike_the_????????? Still retains title of Nong, which he has spent months earning. You are the Nong of Nongs, you Nong. Sending turns at 3 in the morning and then whining that you did not get a turn is cheap, underhanded, low-down, and gamey. These are his good traits. Dave H Can anyone be this kind and decent? I mean come on! It has to be a front. Clearly the man is the devil come to trick us with his saintly demeanor and patience. His ploy is reverse psychology. He continuously chides the wino about the evils of alkehaul, knowing full well that his tirade will drive his target to double his consumption. Watch this guy very closely. Snarker A Bomb In A Bull. Represents his highest achievement in the humor department. Need I say more? Keke & Eugen They are Finns. Not Arms, not Legs, but Finns. Hopefully the evolutionary clock will restart any day now. Beckett Proud to be a Volunteer. His pride will be severely chewed up and digested into small morsels of ejectable waste by an angry Gator in a couple of weeks, so cut the guy some slack until then. Besides, he needs it. Edward Windsor Thanks for the package! I won't open it til Christmas like you asked, but seriously, I can tell it's a clock already. You know tick, tock, tick, tock. I can hear it. I guess the surprise is ruined now, huh? Abbott Still looking for Costello. That would be Lou not Elvis. I will not go too far with this guy, I have read his Gun Thread. Have a nice day Mr. Abbott Wallybob Once, Twice, Three times a poster. Still working on the involuntary reflex issue. Does real well until his brain kicks in. Keep plugging lad. Robohn Fortunately (for me), I haven't really had the opportunity to get to know this fine lad. That in itself is commendable. Axe2121 Would I kick a man when he's down? Would I take the opportunity to berate someone who is gone? Absolutely, but not today. Oh crap, the printer has finished, time to put 10 minutes of work into my daily grind. For those I have overlooked, you're welcome!
  9. Clam Broth???? Sometimes I do worry about you Boo, I really do. Now be a good lad and use this map I will call Attackers Nightmare and set up your defending tanks so we can commence to blast away. Oh and MrSpkr You have clearly been outclassed in the subterfuge department by El Mysterioso, so you might as well send him the set-up.
  10. Is this one of those metaphorical thingies? Anyway I flipped a coin and it came up tails, so obviously you won.
  11. Seein's how we both excel at armored combat, I have in mind a 500 point QB, rural, gentle elevation, moderate trees, using pure armor. Set in June of 1942(sorry, no Brumbars). You may choose either the T-34 infested Russians or the PzIVF2 Germans, with the Russians as defenders. Oh, and ten turns should suffice. What say ye, oh wind beneath my wings?
  12. Yeah yeah, that's nice. Now send me a phawking turn you yellowed bellied sap sucker! We best finish this Chucking contest before you are absorded by your more significant other. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  13. Sheesh, looks like mike_the_wino has already camped out at the bar. I'd recognize that blur anywhere![edit]-Didn't notice this until now, but he's already holding on to the next stool to keep from falling over. Looks like a beautiful set up for a wedding. You better have lotsa pictures to post when you get back. You know how sentimental some of us are. All the best to Jason and Paula!!!!!!! [ September 11, 2003, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  14. I'm really having a problem reading Goodale's posts. Apparently the weight of all those sig lines keep dragging it down the screen. Even scroll lock doesn't seem to help.
  15. Oh Great, an SSN that thinks he's Tatoo getting ready to go on a Fantasy Fishing Trip. Where's Ricardo Montalban when ya need him?
  16. Scenario Description Too Germen armured vehicals hav brokin thru and are heeding fur yur HQ. Ewe hav an 57mm AT gune and six ronds to stop them. Good Lucke! Edited by Axe2112
  17. Hmmm.... Why do I think this was no accident, but a deliberately conceived and methodically executed statement on the frustration of having to resend turns? Must be the Floride in the water making me paranoid. After all Lars is such a nice guy.....**CHOKE**....**GAG**.
  18. Hehheh! Heh heh heh heh! *giggles* Grue want to try joke! ssshhh* *WHOOOOoooooooMMMMP!!!* *silence* Ooh. *ponders* Grue think Monty Python joke don't work when using 1 ton mallet on head of Wallybob! *sweeps remains under carpet, then wanders off* </font>
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