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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Good one Soddy, and I hesitate to point this out, you being a spelling whiz and all, but you spelled mad little threat wrong! Must be your eyesight. I think Dave H mentioned in another thread that you had problems identifying units or something.
  2. Just promise me one thing, puh-lease???? Do not turn this into a 20th Century Galactic Civ or Age of Empires. Then the only way to win is to get the Interstellar Death Ray by turn 10 or game over... Just thought I'd mention that [ September 15, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  3. Goodale I'm gonna start that Men and Tigers scenario tonight. I'm taking the Germans. My friend is taking the Russians. He has never beaten me, YET. If he does, I'm sure everyone will agree that: IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. Hmmm...could explain the great rate I got, and he did mention that plywood would be an extra charge. Latest report has it swinging to the north, missing us and heading along the coast of Carolina on Thursday. And we all now how extremely accurate these weather people are. Thanks guys for your kind thoughts!
  5. Careful Dave. You know how sensitive the good Brit can be. He's liable to get his yarbles in a wad. [edit]-Oops! Too late with the warning. [ September 15, 2003, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  6. Monty You misunderstand. It's the other guy's HQ's that are overpowering.
  7. Ah...Life is good sometimes. My dear, sweet, patient, understanding, and beautiful wife has almost completely recovered from her battle against pain, frustration, annoyance, and anger. Plus, she has almost recovered from her recent surgery as well. I have borrowed a bit of deviltry from Berli and booked us two days at the beach this weekend, which was just confirmed. She doesn't have a clue! Not since she married me has she been this clueless. The beach is her favorite spot and we haven't been in quite some time, so hopefully, she will be surprised. I only wish that you lot could join us. It would be really nice for her to realise that she could have done much worse!
  8. I have encountered die hard HQ's when advancing and have had them hold out for an inordinate amount of time against infantry squads. I attributed it to higher morale. "Lieutenant, we must retreat or we will be shot!" "If you retreat, I will shoot you" You know "higher morale".
  9. Jim , I find the “move to contact” order a bit frustrating at times. I am able to cover more distance much quicker using the “move” command. When under incoming fire “move to contact” forces the troops to stop and return fire. Thus often leaving them in undesirable positions until corrections can be made. I have good luck with “move” as the troops can draw a bit of fire and continue moving upon the path I have chosen. Of course using “advance” as often as possible when moving in poor terrain. I use “move to contact” in situations where I know incoming fire is likely and cannot use “advance”. Or when squads are moving through covered terrain where enemy contact is likely or assured and “advance” is not called for at the moment. When I am using infantry squads or split squads as a reconnaissance element in open terrain I will also use “move to contact”. You do bring up a very interesting point. I look forward to further discussion on the matter towards improving my play. Excellent topic Dale and Jim . </font>
  10. I find this very interesting. I very rarely use the "move" command, using "move to contact" almost exclusively. It has been my experience that infantry that is under a "move" command when taking fire, breaks and retreats more readily. In "move to contact", they take the fire, but most time remain prone in the hex(?) that was fired upon. I would like to see a "hunt" command for infantry, that would allow them to move forward at a walk, then drop prone and return fire if they come under fire. This would be a huge help when playing QB's due to the complete lack of intelligence in regards the enemy's dispositions. Any other insights on the "move" vs "move to contact" usage?
  11. File the following under late night revelations: It occurs to me that if this gentlemen were to team up with our own Elvis, we would have Abbott & Costello posting in the MBT Now for sleep.
  12. AARRGGHHHH!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Axe was here and I missed it because of Flag Day festivities in Tampa. Oh, how nice of Berli to drop by on his way to Tampa to welcome a certain officiating crew to the fiery regions. AARRGGHHHH!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. It was a gorgeous July afternoon and Comrade Captain Booski was delighted in the discovery of a field of wildflowers less than a quarter mile from his defensive position guarding the road to Smolensk. The huge KV loomed menacingly amongst the scattered trees, it's long barrel trained toward the sound of approaching German tanks. Booski had picked a dozen wildflowers and was basking in their scented glory. He had been in this position for a number of days and the stench from the lack of proper hygiene had become almost unbearable. The sweet scent of the wildflowers filled his head with notions and such. Suddenly his carefree thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the main gun of his KV firing. Startled, he looked up and dashed across the meadow to return to his position. As he neared the massive steel beast, it fired again, followed by an explosion from the direction the Germans were coming from. Climbing into the Iron Roadblock, he announced curtly, "Okay, I'm in charge now!" Barely were the words out of his mouth when... BOOM!!, the T-26 on his left lurched to a halt, a thin wisp of smoke rising from it's crew compartment. Then.. BOOM!!! KA-BOOM!!! The T-70 on his right took a hit, it's turret blasted into the air by a huge ball of erupting flame. WHANG!!!!! The big monster tank shuddered. A direct hit on the gun mount. Booski had returned just in time!
  14. Prinz Eugen If you're looking for turn #085 from the Nugget, I think I can help you out. [edit]-Must have had a good grape harvest this year. [ September 14, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  15. Quite right of course. We also accept liberals, conservatives, military grogs, and political activists. All are welcome here. Who we do not welcome are intolerant little twits.
  16. RADLEY!!!! The shootin's started, where are you?????? You actually knocked out one of my tanks! Note to Self-Boo's forces seem to perform better when he's not around.
  17. Because a lot of you are unaware that there were actually four interviews conducted for this piece and that Steve, Charles, and MadMatt were also interviewed I thought you might be interested in seeing theirs. Interview One-Steve Interviewer: Tell me, what does BFC stand for? Steve: It's a concept that I came up with while working on Civil War Generals 2, which, by the way, is still the best Civil War tactical game on the market. When I think of all the accolades that Mr. Meier got for his rts games Antietam & Gettysburg, it truly apalls me. I mean if someone wants real time action let them go outside their house and experience it. We focused on those that preferred to waste huge hours of their lives sitting in front of computers. I mean seriously, what is so challenging about real time? When I want real time action like say Miami Vice or something, I just go out and fire up the ol weasel and race through the forest screaming to the top of my lungs. You want real time, I got your real time. Hey Sid, yeah you, sure you got the money, sure you got the glory, but do you have a weasel? Well do ya? Hah! That's what I thought. Interviewer: Well thank you, but we're out of time now. -------------------------------------------------- Next up was Charles Interviewer: Well now, I understand that you're the brains behind BFC. Charles Interviewer: Right.... now, how much time was spent developing the code for the Combat Mission games? Charles Interviewer: Okay...thanks very much -------------------------------------------------- Interview with MaddMatt Interviewer: Well you must be excited representing the good folks at BFC MadMatt: Big Freakin Whoop Interviewer: You have developed quite the loyal community around your Combat Mission games. MadMatt You know what, they're all a bunch of losers. Interviewer: Well thanks for dropping by, any final thoughts? MadMatt: See ya. ------------------------------------------------- As an accountant myself, I can clearly applaud the final decision to use Moon's interview to go to press with.
  18. Boggs poked his head up out of his foxhole, which he had thought was deep, but had proven to be less than adequate for the fury of the recent Finnish Civil War Things had quieted down now, but from horizon to horizon nothing remained but the charred trunks of what were once proud pine forests. Gathering his kit, he dashed for the safety of the General Forum
  19. I was hoping you hadn't noticed those parachutes wafting gracefully above you. It takes a BIG parachute to drop a tank.
  20. It was a late night last night! Send the one in which all your tanks were smoldering wrecks, or the other one, it shouldn't matter. I don't remember hitting the send button twice, but then again, I don't remember if I put the toilet seat down eith...... [edit]-Well that question has been resolved....OW! [ September 13, 2003, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  21. Very interesting! While the Peng Thread Police are out cracking heads in other Threads, this (most fabled and revered) Thread is allowed to slowly fade to the bottom. This is NOT acceptable! Now then: Boo Be a good lad and send some turns today, I have an urge to blow some stuff up.
  22. I swear if Axe was here this wouldn't have happened....... Let the Thread drop like this....... Bunch of damn layabouts............. Got no sense of responsibility............. It's this younger generation.............. Out partying and such.................. Grrrr :mad: :mad: :mad: (Bump)
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