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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. I used to have lots of friends. They would invite me over and I would stand next to their TV. Funny, since the advent of cable and satellite TV, I spend a lot more time at home, alone, not sending turns and stuff. Lucky for you guys!
  2. Oh my....Grog Humor constituent elements Get it? constituent elements Okay, needs some work. Can I vote twice for Andreas? [edit]-Remember I'm from Florida, it's legal to vote twice here. [ September 23, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  3. I second the nomination of Andreas. As he is constantly pulling information off the top of his head, it would appear (that in order for him not to win the Madmatt lookalike contest) that some hair restoration, at the least, would be in order. As far as sense of humor...he appears to be more German than Grog, which when taken in combination would give him the wit of brussel sprouts. So, I vote for Andreas.
  4. Okay Maggots No turns tonight because I have gotten in touch with my posting hoor side. Normal turn rate re-commencing tomorrow nite. Synchronize your sundials. :cool:
  5. You better tell me, fella, that no books were damaged in the process, or I'll have your guts to weave a paisley tie with, Boggs. </font>
  6. As the mighty MBT rolls along to it's 300th post and it's ????? renewal, let us remember the one who made this Thread. I'll never be able to look at Berlichtingen the same again.
  7. Once you get past the somewhat stilted language, and the almost charmingly innocent views of morality, they're a good read. A lot of personal honour and doing the right thing in adventurous times. A bit like Sir Walter Scott, but with a better eye to action, and less on immense amounts of character development, detail, and local colour. </font>
  8. Oh, they're alright. We've all been discussing moral philosophy and personal empowerment by means of the Peng Challenge Thread. No viruses, Boggs. Although I think at one point we all mocked you. </font>
  9. Well that's good, I would hate to think it was a complete waste of time and cyberspace. Now that I have read them, I think I liked it better when I thought it was a sinister plot. At least that wasn't boring.
  10. NOOOO!!!!! Your role on the CWT is vital. The voice of reason to the rest of the insane babblings. The heart of compassion to the rest of the blood-thirsty maggots You are the safety valve that keeps the lid on. If you stop posting we could have serious Environmental issues. Dave you must bear up under the tremendous responsibility. The pressure is great, but as I have always heard: When the going gets tough, Dave will throw you a life jacket
  11. Snarker You dolt! You can't have KA-BLOOEY!! if ya don't got the KA-CHING!!! DUH!!!!!! [edit-because of a mistake in Snarker's quote] [ September 22, 2003, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  12. Hey! Who's sending all these Mad as a Hatter E-mails. I got about 20 in my in-box and the senders read like the hierarchy from the Illuminati. Hell I even got one from Dorosh. Somehow I smell a virus or something. Anybody else receive this great honor? [edit]-I haven't opened any of them yet. But Lars, dalem, Boo, MrSpkr, Seanachai, Nidan, etc. are the senders. Anybody got a clue??? [ September 22, 2003, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  13. *sniff* You make me proud! Now go forth and smite the Mouse. I cannot get that word outta my mind.....oblique, oblique, oblique......... Is it French or something?
  14. When addressing Mouse you could have said it rhymes with "squeak", and added something humorous and witty about Rodentia, however, you created a vapid, humorless post that would have been better served in the Goodale Thread. Twit! </font>
  15. Quiet Mouse Do you not realize you are in the presence of Genius? Oblique Rhymes with: geek, leak, meek, peek, reek, seek, tweak, weak.... My Gawd! The possibilities are endless. Joe I need more time!!!!
  16. Dave My good man, I certainly realize that if ignorance were bliss Indiana would be heaven, but put away your heart and listen to your brain, just this once.....okay? Now, turn your ear towards Vanderbilt and listen. Shhhh! Quiet everyone....do you hear it Dave? Why does Vanderbilt remain in the SEC? KA-CHING!!!!! There, did you hear that?
  17. ROFLMAO!!!! Bump for Hueristic He's gotta see this one!
  18. NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I claim....absenteeism....no proper notice.....unfair time limit. Now see here Joe, this is just too fast for a fair application of the rules. There are still some amongst us who, through no fault of their own, were unable to compete in this new contest. I demand satisfaction, or failing that, the opportunity to submit an Epic Ballad that will be far and away the epitome of malicious, maladjusted, misinformed, mangled, malodious, and meaningful hate. I require but one bit of information, in order to proceed properly, and that is the correct pronunciation of Cabron. Is it pronounced: So how can we see the swelled head of Cabron? If he passes CAS, out his arse it'll be blown Or: Puberty has not been so kind to Cabron what he's shaking at us wouldn't frighten a fawn. I would hereby/therefore/whereas/heretofore/hereinafter file an injunction to stay the execution of Coventry until such time that: 1) Correct pronunciation is given 2) All entries are submitted. [mutter]Go away for just one weekend and look what happens, complete and total anarchy. And I missed it.[/mutters]
  19. All right maggots I am back, with a serious attitude problem. A certain sporting event has brought me much anger and bitterness which must be avenged. I have a desire to thoroughly smash, burn, destroy, anihilate, vaporize, and incinerate a group of tanks that are commanded by a lame, gamey, brazen, immoral, illegal, and friend of Cabron type. Any Volunteers? Beckett!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: You may expect a package in your in-box one night this week. It will be full of fury maggots or maggoats in your case. ARRRGGGGHHHHH!! :mad: :mad: The rest of you Goodalian Swine can expect a return of the high paced turn sending you have come to know and hate. I have returned from the much-needed weekend at the beach recharged and energized. [edit]--BECKETT We hatessssssss it, hatessssssss it, you.....you...... LAWYER!!!!! :mad: [ September 22, 2003, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. Ooops! My bad. I did not clarify. I was referring to the road marches endured by Panzer Lehr and 12 SS Panzer during the first 48 hours after the initial assault. It seemed that the interdiction allowed the Allies (British & Canadian) to win the build-up battle in that area during the initial stages of the landing. Only 21 Panzer was near at hand, but spent the day marching and countermarching.
  21. I read in Paul Carrell's Invasion-They're Coming that the major reason for the inability of the Germans to mass their three panzer divisions to counterattack at the Caen area beachheads was due to the Allied air interdiction from the skies over Normandy. Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
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