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Codename Condor

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Everything posted by Codename Condor

  1. He sunk 2 carriers and i killed 2 AF but my AFs were so understrengh that got killed in the attack also --->game over. I surrender. I just went crazy with carriers, i did a good first attack but i committed the mistake to leave BB and carrier (3 hexes away) plus AF at his range. If i should have retreated well i could have given him a pain i nthe arse later with my 3 stars XP carriers.
  2. Great air battle on france, he attacked 1 BB and next turn i attacked his air with everything. NO kills yet.
  3. 1 final attack in fracne with AF + 3 carriers hitting his tanks, as a warning. i get no retaliate.
  4. 30 June. France is gonna fall this turn. I used french HQ defense + Uk armies, i didnt get many kills. Only 1 army and i wasnt lucky with tanks.
  5. what? nice 1 Kuni. Just say the truth and quit bitchin around
  6. It wasnt a retrival. Kuni just wrote bastard at the end of my turn and cut connection off.
  7. Kuni went mad. Call me bastard and ...connection terminated by opponent...i guess he didnt like teh way it was going the war...
  8. turn 4. Ireland corps killed. German troops breakthru in france. Another german corps killed. UK army helpin in france. I attack with everything. Gaps closed.
  9. turn 3 another german corps killed. Poland still resist and without a single troop. Only 1 AF with 1 HP in London. Munich taken. Subs spotted and hit.
  10. turn 2. 1 german corps killed. hiting ireland nad hunting subs. poland corps still attacking german armies and i place 1 10 HP corps on Warsaw.
  11. polish troops doing some damage on german armies 1 mistake in the shop: i wanted Billote and instead i bought a french army by mistake, now i need to improvise.
  12. Hey i thought this game was dead, nice way to say farewell to SC till SC2 comes. So, count em in, u know, i was "the man who would be King" if not for terif, i think i can still kick some asses.
  13. U can persuade him to talk rambo, just quote Patton: Thirty years from now, when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks you, "What did you do in the great World War II," you won't have to say, "Well... I shoveled **** in Idaho."
  14. Rambo "the mambo", u said u lost the game in turn 1, before the war really started because of the bid. I didnt know legends cant handle 245 bids!!! :eek:
  15. i gave rambo axis side for a charity case and i headcracked him! :eek:
  16. Its funny to see people rename old strategies, well, maybe for some newbies this could be something new, but we old-timers have been using that years ago. BTW, Kuni would have something to say about that ZAS thingy...a bit gayish u know...
  17. Condor (allies) vs Rambo (axis) Bid 245 1:5:30 Incredible victory over rambo. Rambo surrenders before Barbarossa in a showing-off allied game. Axis took Poland and Denmark in turn 3 and LC in turn 2. Axis subs sunk a Uk cruisier in turn 2 also. Everything looked fine for old-timer Johnny J. but allies tried the 2 AFs strategy to defend france adn a swarm of french corps. The french campaign finished and the germans suffered heavy casualties: 3 corps+1 tank+2 subs , another sub damaged and his AFs hevily damaged. After the french campaign every ship, AF and carrier attacked the ports in Brest and LC and got 4 stars carriers very soon in the game. Even tho Romania+Hungary joined very soon in the game (december) he really went for the strategy of not attacking Spain and try to invade Uk in Barbarossa but allies didnt let axis to gain enuff MMPs. After getting LR and jets level 1, rambo was losing AF after AF after his last try in May 1941 when he attacked with everything and got killed...everything. UK was terrific. Never in my life i had seen Uk played so aggresive. Attacking EVERY turn since the very beginning. Im sure Kuni cant say this has been gay . [ December 12, 2004, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Codename Condor ]
  18. Axis surrenders with still 10 AFs and plenty of troops. Still AT level 0 and war was gonna be lost anyway i coudnt kill AT level 4 troops. Very bad luck in tech this game.
  19. Known tech Germany: Jets 4 AT 0... LR 0... Tanks 3 Rockets 2 Russia: Jets 4 AT 4 US: Jets 3 AT 4 UK: Jets 3 LR 3?
  20. I cant do many things, always way behind in tech. Russian&USA with AT level 4 and im not even catching up. Russian got jets level 4 first and took Sweden, as soon as i got jets level 4 and managed to get Paris again i employed 10 AFs in the russian front, 10 vs 10 dogfight and i killed 3 of his AFs with no casualties. Now russian troops are retreating and the allies prepare another invasion in the west. I will let em be till, my AFs wont fight in a long time. I think its time to reconsider tech limits as long as no patch is in the way. Its obvious that old strategy AT+swarm of armies is the optimum. Tanks became useless and rockets too.
  21. July 42 German armies retreat to german original frontier. Time to build some rockets and hold tight. Canadian invasion repeled. I need some research in jets to get the initiative again.
  22. OMG, Russia reachs AT level 4...Rambo's lucky day today is, as Yoda would say. BAd thing u didnt went to play poker tonite rambo
  23. i just got HT level 2 and jets level 3, about time... German Rockets 2 HT 2 Jets 3 everything else 0...
  24. oh what a pussy, rambo shows AT level 3 in both russian and US armies! its just incredible i have 10 chits and i dont even catch up in tech , hes always ahead... Retreating in all fronts! Running for my life!
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