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Codename Condor

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Everything posted by Codename Condor

  1. Early Zapp surrender. He couldnt even take LC. He will have to improve his strategy a bit me thinks.
  2. Condor takes the lead. After my 2 victories in a row the score is 8-6 or something like that. Power games still to come.
  3. Well bid was 150. i was playing allies. Result: France took berlin in April 41. Poland breakthru in turn 2 and i chose france HQ defense strategy. Rannug commited teh mistake of advancing by hte coast where he lost tank and armies. After that with my AF+carriers i managed to kill some more troops. he bought Manstein and taht was a mistake cos i already was killin a lot of armies. I saw 3 german Hq and maybe 5 or 6 corps +1 army, u cant do anything with that. If u are being hammering dont buy a HQ, buy tanks and armies. Well UK end the war with 5 level 1 jets AFs and a french tank entered berlin, just like history....
  4. game up [ June 27, 2005, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Codename Condor ]
  5. Enough bidding. Yours for 150. I'll come back in 2 hours aprox.
  6. Rambo won the second game of the nite. bad poland campaign and agaisnt RAI. Total score: Condor: 4 - Rambo: 4
  7. Game already in progress and resumed goes to Condor. Rambo jsut couldnt stand losing Manstein the first year of the war. he invested in carriers and had no troops to atatck russia instead he bought a swarm of corps till his final surrender. Condor 4: Rambo 3
  8. Haha, Jersey John asking for a lock in one of his threads! aint it funny?
  9. Condor: 3 - Rambo: 3 This is a race till eternity, or till HC develops SC2 whatever comes first... Mother of all wars, fight between good and evil, we've been playing this same game for ages but all battles are different. We have had RAI, Norway sneak attack, carriers bersek france attack, manstein early corpse, jets pre paris,...more to come. Stay tuned.
  10. hehe, thats my strategy. A timed attack with everything just when u begin to feel overpowerful. Anyway, u played way too good and u were clsoe to get to paris. In the last part of the game u didnt manage to support yer advacned forces thats why i killed em very easily.
  11. Where r u hiding man? we had a game running, i know the fact that u lost Manstein in France can drive nuts anybody. "I'm the best you ever seen Fats. I'm the best there is. Even if you beat me I'm still the best." Fast eddie from the hustler "Stay with this kid; he's a LOSER" Gordon from the hustler "You've the best excuse in the world for losing; no trouble losing when you got a good excuse. Winning. That can be heavy on your back too, like a monkey. You'll drop that load too when you got an excuse. All you gotta do is learn to feel sorry for yourself. One of the best indoor sports, feeling sorry for yourself. A sport enjoyed by all, especially the born losers" Gordon from the hustler "Rambo man, you shoot a great game of SC."
  12. Bid was 160. I took allies. Very fast game with an aggresive France defense, axis couldnt really get to Paris. no poland breakthru for axis and standard LC surrender in turn 2 (rundstead+tank+army attack+2 AFs). In poland i retaliate with AF and i left a german tank with 3 Hps. In france i chose my teh french corps defense and DOW on Ireland to get some XP for carriers. After i took Ireland i bought another AF and with 3 AFs + 3 carriers+ monty i began to kill everything axis was launching. He was close to activate italy soon in the war but a sucessfull retaliate kill the tank and the german hopes to win the war. After i kill 1 of his last troops i took LC and axis surrendered unconditionally. "Fast and loose" [ June 25, 2005, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Codename Condor ]
  13. I didnt read this before. yep, thats it. the central corps yes but, u use both tanks to get breaktru. Just operate 1 of the 2 southern armies to teh west. Its quite similar to the terif breaktrhu but u dont use rundstead in poland as terif did.
  14. i have a better strategy: Central strategy, im using it every time. U know i always use both tanks in Poland in the first turn. I use 1 tank+2 armies (even with the help of 1 AF) to kill the central corps and there u go u have a breakthru. Ive been operating Rundstead to the West almost always since the begining (just when i noticed i got more attack values). TRY IT!
  15. FLASHING NEWS! It was weird that the slowest player in the planet never get disconnected in the middle of his 30-40 minutes (being optimistic) turn but over 10 times at the end of it. Zapp avoiding axis to get some tech advances: "You think you know something, don't you? You think you're the clever little girl who knows something. There's so much you don't know . . . so much. What do you know really? You're just an ordinary little girl living in an ordinary little town. You wake up every morning of your life and you know perfectly well that there's nothing in the world to trouble you. You go through your ordinary little day and at night you sleep your untroubled, ordinary little sleep filled with peaceful, stupid dreams . . . and I brought you nightmares." --Uncle Charlie. from Shadow of a doubt
  16. Europe Team Terif as Oliver "the Machine" Ortman Oliver Dragonheart as Ralf Souquet Kuniworth as Mika "iceman" Immonen Immonen Zapp as Marcus "Napoleon" Chamat Chamat Hellraiser as Steve "Romford slim" Davis Davis
  17. There's a golf version, a pool version and why not an SC version of Europe Vs USA. Lets see who is who: USA US Captain: Jersey John as Nick Varner Rambo as Earl "the Pearl" Strickland, controversy but a very good player. He doesnt like a foreigner to wipe him. Strickland Liam as Tony "the silent assasin" Robles Tony Comrade Trapp as Rodney "the rocket" Morris Rodney And to help the americans Codename Condor as Jhonny "the scorpion" Archer Archer Europe Team next to come. [ June 12, 2005, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Codename Condor ]
  18. Hmm, as long as i read yer AAR i noticed something smelled real bad. That bad luck is impossible. I remember another game i played against Zapp, i had a very similar bad luck in tech (jets) while playing axis. I cant remember how many years with jets o and Zapp jets 4!!! In the game Zapp disconnected/lose conection?? at least 10 times. Yer game suffered some disconnections also so i wonder... has Zapp managed to find an anti-jets tech bug by cutting connection??????? HMMM.
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