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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Why thankyou Kuniworth. You played well, as steadily as a top player, but with the Axis aggression in you costing you dearly when it counted. Kuniworth played on after 2 Carriers and 1 fighter went down in OCT of 40 and when my LR tech begain to noticeable hit 2-3 and so forth. Luck did help me through, but perhaps I'd of traded luck for less errors on my part. We both play sloppy, otherwise though you can tell we both prefer Axis. GG Thanks for the Concede. It's hard to finish 25 hours of gameplay in real person's schedule.
  2. Stukas, Me-110s, Blenshiems, Sturmoviks<sp, on and on and on..... The way SC portrays Fighters, a large number would be the above. Fighter Bombers/DiveBombers/Medium Bombers/Tank Busters rather than Combat air-to-air fighters Imbalanced, so in the future Fighters Ground attack should be reduced if not I'm sure someone will make it staple in an edited version of the game.
  3. For some odd reason most companies do not offer to Download Programs for Sale. My Impatience is almost Inhuman when it comes to computers. Since I've had one since the 2nd Grade. I'm all for those who just let you Pay by Credit Card and Download your Pleasure all at once. Heck why do you think the Porn Sites make so much bloody money?
  4. yep, waiting myself for SC2. SC has lost it's most valuable resources, It's Core Players
  5. Well, after waiting for nearly 3 weeks to finish it seems I can't get Kuniworth he just is too busy with other things. I wonder if he'd like to concede or not? Kinda getting fed up with hunting him down. If so that leaves America at 3 and Euro at 4 Unless he states otherwise. I'm not hunting him down anymore. 100-200 ICQ Messages is annoying
  6. If the Allies can invade Norway, I usually tend to think the Axis haven't done their job and it's likely time to quit.
  7. Heh, it's true people are a bit fanatical, though it's their hobby at least they're not roaming the streets looking for prostitutes and shooting IV drugs They're at home playing Computer games.. I do suggest some exercise though here or there. Computer games make me lazy too. and make my eyes fuzzy after too much use
  8. Kurt I find it annoying somehow that my Italian fleet usually is pretty weak. Even with experience and tech. it's an idea... but well, imagine 5 Armies, with Gariboldi 2 Stars. Imagine that on top of 3 German Corps, 2 German Tanks, 3-4 German Fighters...with 2 nice HQs behind them... Let the Allies come for France... It's unlikely the Allies will stop this. Operate over 1 Army Group From Russia for a Turn and bam, Channel Run
  9. Bombers can be converted to reveal info about Enemy, it's called Recon, <not sure if mentioned by another> it " isn't " every hex or tile in every single direction that's revealed. It would be limited to 1 path. That path would also have troubles due to the fact of things like camofloug. Why do you think everyone in the Army, Navy and Airforce wear those funny colors for? You just can't look out at 20 thousand feet and say hey look that's the German 6th Army when you've got 100s of Flak Cannons blowing out your arse. Also as mentioned plain bombers are equiped for Bombing and Covering themyselves from incoming Intercepters. They don't have time to be taking pictures and giving tons of info on Recon at 100 feet through hundreds if not thousands of miles in hostile enemy country. In real life they're working on real time, and they often keep radio silence or an ME-109 will be up their but in two shakes of a lambs tail. Info on Ranges, nice! That would be suitable for application in SC2, no? I'd like to add my rundown on Fighter Combat Quality of Each Fighter on a 1-10 scale: ME109 - 6 <F-K Model 7> FW190 - 7 P40 - 4 Hurricane- 5 Spitfire - 7 <Mark 3 on up Model Only> Yak - 3 P38 - 5 P51 - 8 <D Model only> Me 262 - 9 <others opinions please add to performance levels> Experience Levels for US Fighters, starting 1 Bar of experience due to the extreme training programs. 1 Bar for the Germans due to Spanish Civil War. 0 For French/Brit/Russians... When battle of Britian Erupts plus 1 for Brits due to the influx of experienced pilots dedicating to the cause, the officer branch of the RAF to support fighting the LW from Nazi world Tyranny. [ May 27, 2004, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  10. IT is 4th Jet 1st LR Jet 2nd Anti Air 3rd then IT I say place 1 chit a piece on Tank and Anti-Tank tech. Watch what the Enemy does. Double or triple that if they seem to be gaining in those areas, keep of your recon so you know what he's doing. AT 3-4 Can be deadly and then would take Priority over IT for UK, LR and JET is about all you can afford Russia depends... I prefer to go full jet and anti tank USA Fully Anti Tank and Jet also Italy... Nothing, pump out as many corps as humanely possible
  11. Heh Reiver, interesting info. I have to fight through a Lazy mistake parking an Armor or two on the Russian border too soon and Pumping Russian Readiness up a turn to soon and losing out on killing 2 Russian tanks, 2 Russian Fighters and most of his Frontline Armies or my game would be over already. Even though I'm considered good, cause I have beat Zapp, Rambo and Avatar<repeatedly as Allies> I am not that good. I'm just so damned persistent I win eventually. heh. Skill, heh. Advanced knowledge of tactics, bahhh, never read the 101 guides. I'd beat he Guy that wrote the 101 guides though heh Just drink, play, Kill, Murder those Euro bastards and make America #1 m8. We Rule
  12. ev, yep. I understand, when I refer to WW2 though I mean Willy's 109 only. I'm certian between the Yakolev the most produced aircraft of the era and ironically later used by the Irealis? heh I heard that one from a resource on her had to laugh. Great short range AC, now if you put an alteration with a drop tank, perhaps it could go LR without some major modifications? Or, would it matter as they had them already and over England the Spits and Hurricanes would engage them to force them to drop the tank to force them to Dogfight and go home before they could finish escorting their bombers. So really the limitations should be placed in there. The other planes of the era, even the P38 that or P40 had much better range than the 109 and were around in production at the time USA entered the war. Not 100% Sure on the Lightning. I also though the P40 was in service bigtime for the FAF and while the Spitfire was far superior the English should start off with more Hurricanes. More Obsolete Aircraft... The Germans would have the advantage in that they had more, high qualit aircraft to begin with. Though the Brits should upgrade more of their craft as 1940 progresses. This way the Hurricane wouldn't match the 109 during France and later during Invasion of the Isles the 109s would not say only have a limited Op Range, when they get to London or where ever in England they should have less combat ability with limited to fight unless there are no English interceptors. That way they can fly around the country to the last minute with their droptanks doing all the damage they'd like then plop and do 15 minutes more and go home... Though the above is fairly detailed at least a Movement Penatly for the Fuel Load would be good. US Aircraft starting off with more Chits representing the 3-4 they put in LR and achieved rather quickly. P-51s, P-38s could fly to Berlin from Bases in East Anglia, what is the LR equivelant in SC to that? 4 or 5?
  13. So let me understand even if Avatar and Omia wins we still just tie though Euros?
  14. Lastly on this point, by 1941 the German fighting man was the best in the World. In 1945, the US Fighting man was. If 1 Million US/UK Troops would've died in Japan siezing it then perhaps the History of the World and the Death Toll wouldn't be the question of American dedication to V-Day in WW2 From mobilization, victories, economic gains... Whatever way, the only competitor for the USA was Russia and that was a well known fact
  15. The USA should be given the option. That way a Full European knock-out could go into effect. Hey! The American's could say, we'll hit the Japanese after Germany is taken down but now Europe is our main priority. I agree, if the Japanese did not have to deal with the American Navy they would have been free to threaten Russia. However, as they were occupied fighting the Americans and the Chines the Russians felt free to send forces west to fight the Germans. It would be interesting if the US had a choice when it entered the war to adopt one of three strategies; 1. Historical Europe First - No Effect on Game 2. Japan First - US Production Reduced but Russian Siberian transfer activated earlier as Japanese divert more resources to fighting the Americans. 3. Peace with Japan (US Avoids Pearl Harbor by accepting Japanese Sphere of Influence in Asia) - US production for the ETO increases and US receives Pacific Naval Forces but Russia does not receive the Siberian Transfer as the Japanese army is not diverted to fight the Americans. </font>
  16. Say will the 109 have a slight hex Handicap? Like they did historically. Like 4 hexes instead of 5, representing their short range. Will German Artillery get bonuses in FirePower? Will British Fighters get a combat bonus, considering the Spitfire was hot in '39-'40 Will Brits get real bombers in the Lancaster whilst the He-111 doesn't really represent a heavy bomber... Likewise for other Tanks, Airplanes, troops, Artillery, ships, etc...
  17. Russians payed dearly in lives, indeed. Could they have beaten the Full Wermacht without England and USA tying it up? Not sure... I doubt it, they weren't as technologically advanced nor did they have the experience, leaders and Blitzkrieg to begin with. They learned, they countered blitzkrieg and outproduced their enemy. Though precious Germans were tied up in other places that could've ended a War in the East much earlier than Winter could have not stopped the German offensive. Every lost German fighter, every German fighter tied up in the West. Every converted 88 Flak Gun. Every German Surface ship. How many Men, AT Guns, Airplanes, tanks in total? Working not towards the Solitary Cause of Destroying the Russian Bear. In MidEast Rommel's Afrika Corp hitting the Belly of the Beast. What if? Did the precious 'few' lendlease materials make a difference during BOB or Barbarossa. Maybe those 50 tanks were all the difference. Maybe those 1 million Rifles did it... Who knows... it was what? 5%-10% difference in this battle or that one. That's what usually wins wars, when it is tight. Don't understimate the Japanese though, if they were garaunteed a victory they would have taken Russia all the way to Urals themselves How could a Siberian Transfer have happen with that huge threat Looming. Don't underestimate the Japanese and their Fighters/Bombers... Good education on the Russian Armor, I stand corrected. Although Still, the Americans could've done more, yes.. they didn't partition Eastern Europe with the Nazis though. They didn't sit idly by when various nations and provinces were annexed. They didn't sleep whilst others Mobilized for War<Churchill showed the figures to Parliment about German War Production, noone listened till it was too late>. USA were Isolationists, that hurt the progression of WW2.. Sadly it took Pearl to make the USA realize that and U-Boats the War could hit their home. So could Japanese Carriers and Naval ships. We payed relatively speaking, not like the others though. France you could say was soooo weak and unprepared along with England they gave Hitler his early victories. You could claim that Stalin's purges and Paranoid Dementia was why Hitler nearly conquored the Red Bear. Who and what was really responsible?
  18. Well, all I have to say is this how many of you think Russia and UK would won alone, without Lendlease/Trade/Technology sharing. Since the Russian's best tank design of WW2 was an American Design Take USA out of the equation and Japs could've entered Far East after India/Australia fell with couple Million men, that would've be end of Soviet Russia
  19. Ahhhhhhh! But Glez, these men you speak of had to decide many many things. FDR was Charismatic, ever heard his speeches? He makes me want to pick up a rifle for the red white and blue, more so than say Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, etc... He was a Man of his time, and despite the major backing of an Uber Economy, you can't take away from the Man. He was not a weak Leader<he was ill is all>. He gave his Generals and Leadership quite a bit of freedom, something other leaders did not. The men who knew how to wage war, the ability to do their jobs, without as many hinderances. From Doolittle to MacArthur, to Patton<except when Patton wanted to Drive onto Moscow in '45> Harry wasn't as able and admitted it but a good second hand man. People followed FDR, they didn't follow others so wholeheartedly since.. A very Memorable US President. As far as what you said about Churchill, right on! A bulldog against a Tiger! Who wouldn't budge. Stalin was brutal, his purges and his Hellish 5 year plans either destroyed the Reds or made them into an Industrial Power. I tell you one thing, there were few traitors in his Ranks. If you so much as said the word Free or Stalin is an old goat over dinner I'm certian you got a cyanide caspule in your night cap I will admit Stalin's hard hand was unneccessary, but hey, look the Reds had revolted in his lifetime. He didn't trust anyone, he got to where he was by killing everyone in his path. He was in a way an Evil VS Evil... That worked somehow. I still don't know entirely why the people followed, but their were plenty of Comrades and despite his vast Vile Cruel acts he defeated Hitler. He would've likely sacrificed every man, woman and child to do so! Hitler what is notable about him? Great Public speaker, awful tactician, lucky is mostly what I have to say about him. He knew how to Rally the Broken Germans. The Germans built the Machine, their Leadership, their Great Tacticians drew up the plans. Hitler stole most of his ideas from other Great Men and was a figure head. He had a sick Dream, and it never saw fruition. The Italians were sort of Iraqis of the WW2 Era. They couldn't defeat Greece. Albania and Ethiopia fell to the Uber Italians. They were overrated... Oddly enough when the Allies came in I feel personally they showed more bravery. They were like the French, there to make love and drink wine not make war <a clique sure, but name one notable land victory by the Italians in WW2 vs a World Power?> Ready or Not they never impressed me...
  20. Comrade: Heh, Yes indeed. From the Redirecting of the Luftwaffe from Airfields to Terrorbombing during the Blitz to the wasted Research on Rockets/A-Bombs/Super Huge Tanks that were not practical, to the Poor directing of Resources to Rommel in N.Africa<of course sending just enough when it was over for them to surrender in Tunisia> on and on and on and on... Hitler helped the Allies win. Perhaps his Clairavoyants and Tarot Readers were really effected by the Gods... Not to say he didn't have his great successes. Although even the GHC didn't believe it was all possible and were shocked and went along with him when he was popular, until then they were pessamistic about his goals. Then when things went bad they saw the terror and Propaganda Hide any ability for them to overthrow him. Too bad and too sad that they didn't succeed to blow him up, but then again Communism and Democracy prevailed... 2 Factions, we didn't really need a 3rd
  21. Sirocco Agreed 100% Respecting others, if someone wants to talk trash talk they can do that drunk at the local bar "Your Point becomes lost in Thoughtless Words and your right can be only wrong when you cannot intelligently and maturely express a point." ~Liam
  22. Well, if the end result is 3 to 4, saying that Kuniworth concedes and Avatar defeats the dreaded DH. I hope we got some sort of Grand Play Off.
  23. Hmmm, I wonder if you're not a another play who has been banned from public speaking "Adolf Hitler at a certian point assumed control of much of what his armies did. He liked to meddle a lot. He was the one who gave the 6th Army the order not to retreat from Stalingrad?" It was his own General who defied him You're about to lose this ID by the way if you keep up the language.
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