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Everything posted by Liam

  1. 20% damage with a majority of average AFs on land units in current SC with average HQ support is Uber. 10% more with chance, add tech-exp and LR makes them deadly weapons. Recon-Seahitting power cause they are cheaper and easier to repair than most sea units. Land units should recieve 20% average damage for a fighter air strike. 10% is a bit closer, and a cap no matter experience or tech as 40s era aircraft Minus Nukes were not that strong<even nukes had a bit of trouble with accuracy early on. Remeber the testings in the Pacific that were miles off and the ships targeted were taken up again by their crews temporarily?>
  2. this has been extensively discussed and aircraft cannot see everything, what about cloudcover? Deception, camouflage? On and on and on and on in fact, a recon unit sees an army might mistaken it for something else, perhaps should out of realism be reflected as something else? This is a complex category
  3. I'm sitting here reading all these things on lendlease over the years, tends to make one wonder did the Axis recieve any? In the way of goods like Metals, oils and other such things.. Was it enough to reflect in game? As Axis subs targeted UK, US and Russian lendlease if the Axis possess a sea route resource should it also be able to be targeted? Say for instance North Africa where or the MidEast
  4. I WANT IT NOW Before my G/F moves in and I won't have the cash to buy it HU FINISH THIS PROJECT<well don't finish it with 15 bugs hehe>
  5. Well, Avatar I've just seen Dice from you and others have that were nothing but what could one say, "AMAZING" doesn't mean you cheated, in fact I realized you were just using really really new and innovative strategies that I'm not sure you pioneered I've seen others used them too, to kill of Germans Panzers and Armies via the Elbow. To be honest though if you were to player Poker, you'd be a Millionare with your luck as far as my record, well, the thing you do know is -20 of those losses are to Rambo.. The plus 8-9-10 victories are all against Rambo. Noone else has my time to play anyways and well he's better than me hands down The last League we had, you beat me 3-4 games with Allies, I then took the Allies<which I suck worse at then the worst League player in existence> You quit about 30 minutes in outta 3 or 4 of those games...then I think I also took you as Axis that's why I was #1 on that league and rightfully so, since you dethroned DH with your luck and I dethroned you with my skill P.S. we still have an ongoing game if you'd like to continue it sometime
  6. Interesting theory. If the Germans were being defeated without USA then why would the USA get directly involved and contribute American lives? Only under a Declaration of War and an attack from an Axis Power. So leaving those out for Germany<as more of her attacks were indirectly aimed at the US shipments to the Allies> Hitler probably would've never jumped on the bandwagon to DOW the USA. Especially considering his early ambitious plans in Western Europe and in Russia had failed or fallen short of his expectations. Likewise the Japanese may not have had just harsh embargos if they weren't such expanionist Fools. Had they been more appeasing and slowly taken over China with more Diplomatic and slow moving annexations... Though the Japanese branches were quite divided, quite chaotic. I disagree with some say about their decisionmaking being more sound than ours... <the Japanese Army had portions that didn't want to surrender after the A-Bombs were dropped and the Emperor had officially surrendered, they planned a coup that failed. Had it succeeded, hundreds of thousands more American lives might've been lost liberating China and other regions and their spirit was to the death> Why would Japan attack Russia? Unless Russia was defeated a highly mechanized Russian force would've likely destroyed the Japanese like they had in the 30s.Now were Russia being pounded by Germany and then Japan on the bandwagon along with Germany, eventually political pressure from Berlin to Tokyo could've possibly pushed the Japanese Army to seize Russia, especially if the Brits lost India and China was pretty much in the bag... However I think the Japanese saw India is a slight bit juicer target. Bit more natural resources in SouthEast Asia, Indonesia,<and India was a threat against it's domination there> so Far East probably would've been seized more painlessly if anything but for SC2's sake. What I'd like to suggest more the Effects of Japan's strikes on India or the MiddleEast. As Germany and Japan if they crippled Suez would've most definitely dominated this region, forcing Russia to act against Japan instead of the other way around... Likely pushing Stalin in Also cutting out Churchill and his lifeline to Australia and the Far East Colonies and Defense and Support to the Americans.. Furthering the demise of the British Empire [ March 09, 2005, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  7. I can't say that Avatar definitely has a hack to get good dice. He's a good player, he comes up with innovative fast paced "win all" moves. However overall I own him. If he beat me it was in France and due to some gamey early premature strategy. Dalmatian had more staying power Honestly. He's overall be an honest and decent player I'd play him anytime. Avatar, I'm leary of and that's good. He may pull some nasty trick out that you've never seen but if that doesn't win the game you'll likely never see a posted win or the end game. If you have 3-4 games to adjust to Avatar's new strategy, he loses every game. "Rambo has never dodged a lose/win with an incomplete. We've had games we didn't look back at once or twice but it was over a restbit. The last 3 games with Rambo.. I honestly had all three of him. The 1st he quit early I don't know why, we all lose patience. 2nd he had a very low percentage chance of winning he played 4-5 hours after I had perfect destructive Axis Power. Other night, I was tired, I had a great tech lead he came back from Ashes and turned a Victory of a Virtual Defeat 6-8 hour marathon. That guy does play his game all the way through! Don't ever want to hear different."
  8. Germany and Italy joined together in a common cause. All our Minors have joined up... Bulgaria was awfully late nearly Summer joining Norway and Sweden converted along with Vichy. MidEast Converted all during the Winter Spring Summer Expansionism period of the Reich. British Jet tech took off and experience was being gained with no mercy on the Dutch and Belgian people... Having murdered nearly a 100s of thousands of those peoples in that region, Luftwaffe moved in to retaliate and save those peoples and some exchanges happened. Some LW hit a Carrier and destroyed a UK Battleship in the N.Sea. Aside from this the British were unable to force the cards with the Germans. The Italians have taken zero losses pre D day... and gained much experience Germans, converted Spain and moved into place to further Iberian expansion in Portugal timing perfectly with the backstab on the dreadful Communists in the East... December 1941 a Full Pronged attack was launched, weakening in 1 Russian Armor and weakening a Russian tank. All Red armies cut off.<we've still not perfected our Red Army Kill of> The Russians managed to have only killed 2, 1 that German Corps that amphibiously landed to support a Finnish Movement against Communism<Didn't work however> Riga, Odessa and Kiev<kieve mine as well have fallen> Numerous Red Resources destroyed... Mainly intact, Greys look to make major advances there soon... In the West D-Day arrived, Brits initially having had a difficult time now have captured LC with their French Allies and the traitor Weygand Many poor Italians have died bravely fighting for the Reich, over qtr of a Million thus far. Plus the death of the infamous Frogmen to a massive UK-Free French-US Sub hunting Fleet in the N.Sea... Americans smashing around Borduex and Paris is ripe for the taking. German Forces sit at the ready, 750,000 Axis Allied Troops<are worthless spitballs of course to retaliate> American 120 MM Guns now revealed AT 2 UK LR? Level 2 Fighters Germany Level 3 fighters, level 1 AT, 1 Heavy Tank Russia, AT 1 The Front is widening, UK Carriers and Fighter now Uber... West is Open for Allies, East is a Axis Domain<Russians cannot convert anything yet and deathly afraid of losing ground> Good War so far and not bad on my side considering
  9. Yeah Terif is right about that, I've had plenty of games, after tech pretty much petered out and the Reds and Greys fought on, my Germans started to get close to 4 Stars on a lot of their armies. Even with an MPP disadvantage it was hard for the Reds to break me because those HQs ended up very close to 4 stars as well. Most good Reds will not use Purely corps on the defensive in Russia. However likewise, you need a counter to the Western Carrier Experience which with LR is much more deadly than AT in German Armies and Corps plus experience. I find as a rule of the thumb, aside from planting corp defense for D-Day do not give any target in Brest or Norway for Enemy Carriers. Plus plot plenty of counter attacks and give those Carriers as many intercepts as possible. You want to force the Allies into late late '42 as you can before he has Max Carrier Experience. You don't want pure Carrier strikes killing a unit without as so much as a breath from anything else... Plus your Fighters will be worthless
  10. Friendly, personally, if you buy 25 airfleets as Axis against me and I'm Allies<intend to lose the game> as you'll have to disband your entire army, fleet, HQ and whatever else you have and spend 0 on tech... Hmmm..You could probably defeat a guy like this with nothing but Carriers, as he'd have level0 German airfleets...
  11. Sloppy, you're going to need to read the book and also read Terif's Notes... If you look at the Sticky's you've got Bill Macon and Terif and a few other guys critiqueing strategy for newbies you're a way way too newbie to be asking these sort of questions if you do not understand the basics like bidding or AT AA Tech... But regardless I will say bidding is buying the Axis by paying off the Allies to make the game more balanced. AT is Anti-Tank Weapons and AA is Anti-Air research which is entirely useless Read those guides 3-4 times and hot-seat practice basic tactics, principles and ask more questions open a topic in fact, you'll get a lot of helpful fellows on the boards who'll explain every little facet to you. Good luck m8 <Hey I'm the Eternal rook, I think I've got the highest loss record on SC, but I've also got just 2 guys who I cannot beat so far >
  12. Sloppy, build a bunch of corps behind the lines. Add up what you can afford and what you can expend totally.. Try to link up from Riga down through the Rivers, Prippets<forget about Odessa and Kiev> Minsk, Riga- and the Dnieper River where behind lys 2 extremely valuable Mines you want to hold onto. In fact that region of Ukraine is valuable due to have having 3 mines. You can easily use about 10-15 corps to do this. Depending on the strength of your German Counterpart. If he's too strong, well, and you've no bid you're in trouble! Use Armor on your Citys and in general remeber units in Marshes are better for defense worse on offense. It's hard to kill Marsh Units. Forests also offer some defense bonus and the Rivers half the enemy's attack strength. You want to use all this to your advantage. Another important factor for Russia<TAKE FINLAND> Do not let it be Axis, go right in, using Amphibious matched assualts or at least 3 fighters and several tanks and smash that puppy the minute you've got the time. Use Zhukov so he can get an Exp. Point or Two to use against the Germans in South hard pressing your flanks. I would try not to engage the Luftwaffe for a long while. And meanwhile in the West I do hope that you've US Military and British Air? You'll find Tanks are important, and so are good rated HQs.. Fighters are useless and if you can draw the German's West you can probably take the pressure off your Eastern Front but you better be winning on one of them. AT and Jet Technology are two big options. That are purely AT and if you've no AA rule, exploit since your opponent exploited you on the bid rule
  13. A little advice to your newer players about the balance between the Axis and Allies. Germans after Fall of France to cut up the Minors or they will not have sufficient MPPs or Research<plus land/air units> to kill Russia and defend France. Russia can defend itself and in some instances go on the offensive with a good Bid<a Bid will give Russia between 4000 and 8000 MPPs, with 5 chits in AT or Jets it is just a matter of time before research evens itself> The Western Allies properly played can plow France and likely take the Rhine and Berlin within a year. Depending on how well the Germans know how to defend and how much of their resources are concentrated on taking Russia it can be very hard for even a Skilled Axis to take down 25-35 Corps behind rivers, in marshes, in mountains, Tanks on citys and do it in time to operate back over to save their butts from the West who by that time may have 8-9 Jets, 4-5 Carriers all 3-4 Star and that is that is the end... To summize if you're having trouble beating the Axis with your Allies, if you're not doing the 1:5:20 or 1:5:30 bidding system, with 200-300 on your side you're just not a very good Ally. It's standard and workable and just about every Allied player I've lost to or beaten did fairly even at some point considering Axis had their proper early Economic breakthroughs with these figures... The Bidding system is 'fairly accurate' and Experience is not the Key. Western Allies have Experience, so Wermacht does too, but doesn't mean that the Germans stand a chance against if Russia cannot be broken in time. Once Allies get LR and Uber Carriers game is gone. They can practically clear France in a matter of 6-12 turns... Cutting off the North African Corridor and soaking up a huge amount of MPPs, with massive Corps landings, cutting of Scandanavia-any open citys...Forcing the Axis to commit anywhere from 5-10-15 corps to the West to just 'hold' you need to learn to use the Russians. Take Finland with a 5000 bid, take Turkey... Post those tanks fully entrenched with 2 or 3 corps on a line. When 1 line breaks, have 2-3 Armor in the Rear with an Army to crack the opening units, fill back in with Corps. You do not have to operate your HQs so far foward with Tanks as they have the movement... Axis air will only go so far... You'll find taking Riga can take 6 months...Moscow doesn't garauntee Axis Victory. I was in a game vs Rambo the other night I had Moscow if I wanted it, Rostov in the South, but he had cut through Turkey and into Iraq and I was out of time and that was that. Likely had Russia, but Allies had my Flank and it was going to go. Even if I could've taken Russia it would've taken much too long.. It was the Summer of '42. Allies had been in France since '41 and Italy-Spain-N.Africa were all going Green... I had superb defense but Allied Research was giving them Jets before me and LR, along with decent AT for USA. I was unable to hold against their climbing experience. Given Iraq was a factor by late game, not early... The Allies put the pressure on... They held Syria-Egypt till late late, allowing for a last minute Turkey-Iraq Blitz... Even without that factor... All was reliant on Germany taking Russia down which was much more likely given that... Russia stripped the Eastern front and went right into the Desert with many armors and cleaned up... This game has many more strategic and tacticaly possiblities Look a them, examine your opponent and emulate them and you'll beat anything Russia can in some instances go on the offensive. Or the West can... Depends on research, bit of luck, early play... If they cannot game then was decided by poor decisions before the flop of Barbarossa ever hit and by the Turn of D-Day and the River of Take German Resources/or the Rhine game is decided for them Other way around flop poor Allied play in France, too much MPPs for the Germans too much research excess Airfleets, subs, ground units and any minors they want... game is decided before the Turn in Barbarossa for them and the River Moscow-or London.. Either can be taken easily by this point
  14. heheheh I will create WW2 myself 15 years of hex wargames I think me and few other guys can get it down pat 'perfectly' in these 'contexts' this editor will be kick ass Well I can at least talk through a couple examples of the editor at work, based on the posted screenshots. Page 2 has combat.jpg and country_data.jpg. The Combat Data Target dialog allows you to easily adjust any attack/defense value by unit type for individual countries. The Country Data dialog shows a wealth of information. Set country alignments, whether they get partisans and scorched earth or not, production modifiers, capitals (and alternate capitals), industrial centers, plus links to editing other data like production delays, etc. Page 3 has map_size.jpg with the resource layer selected and the various resource sprites available for selection in the window on the right. Select a resource and place it on the map. It really is that simple. You'll notice 5 menu buttons at the top. There's a green button for editing the tile layer, blue for rivers, redish for terrain, black for resources (shown selected), and a counter for editing units. It's easy to define a map size (as shown in the picture), then start filling in tiles and rivers and terrain, etc. Well, easy enough although larger maps do take a bit of effort. </font>
  15. Whoa, 25 airfleets, Xs 400 is what?
  16. Vichy was hardly organized enough to do much of anything. Why do you think Hitler stormed it in '42? I'm sure partly due to suspicion. And regardless was it not much more than a Nazi puppet anyways?
  17. I saw Strategic Command Boxed Version at Babbages today, and I saw it for sale in a 3 or 5 wargame set as well at Electronic Boutique. I eagerly await the Release of SC2, I've been burning lots and lots of cash on other junk games... A&A RTS just got resold on EBay along with several other wargames and some just thrown in the trash or permanently shelved... Hu, buddy... I know it's a complex project but we are junkies, we need our morphine. I haven't had a new fix in ages.
  18. Ports are vital, but not really if you have a city. You can survive with either, you just cannot retreat then out of that area. Plus Ports provide a handy buggy amphibious assualt attack. All units in SC have a readiness influenced by HQs, Citys, Ports...The higher rated HQ, the Higher supply City-Port etc... more Readiness<actualy fighting effectiveness you're going to get out of those units> DO NOT ever go into an offensive operation without either an Angle, a crapload of units, or an HQ... Rule of Thumb Also If you go into a low Supply region, with 5 supply bring a 7 or better HQ
  19. As I know it, Air, Navy never destroyed land units on Land. During D-Day after untold tons of bombs were dropped on the Jerrys, they still managed to come out with a significant force to counter the Allies with. In the Pacific even with massive Naval Bombardment the Allies failed to destroy Japanese Garrisons entrenched upon various Islands. The other night I watched a show on the American Assualt on the Philipines and I heard a elder Soldier talking about the effects of naval bombardment. He was saying that the Navy men believe that bombarding land targets was like Naval ones, they were totally different. Very hard to get a beed on a land target and very hard to pulverize it. Naval Targets were quite easy, hit it and sink. I doubt you could find too many cases of Artillery, Rockets or anything of the like disbanding Corps, Army, Panzer-tank size units.. Perhaps ships
  20. Heh, playing you isn't like playing another Terif. You sense my weaknesses before I do and exploit them before I can react. I know exactly what the Jerrys can lose before it's too late. I think with AA and no mistakes I might have a chance in 1 in 50 games! Any other player I'd play on, but with you I feel you're laughing and confidant of winning totally after a certian point. I had Kuniworth and Dalmatian both try this and both fail. Sorta the last ditch effort.. after they couldn't find a breakthroughs in the main Russian line or in the West..
  21. yeah, I've never seen it work that way HR but then again I've never seen Terif use it either! Usually when an Ally goes for Turkey, not always now it's a desperate act I noticed. They can't find other breakthrough points, but I'd love to see it used for victory once
  22. Dalmatian: Good ole Bud! Never ever ungarrison a Minor Axis Capitol. Very rarely do they not surrender on that. That 1 move can cost a game! I notice you try to break through Iraq and the narrow pass, it never works against an experienced player.. Unless you caught them with their pants down, 2 or 3 Italians can operate down and hold the front there indefinitely. It's better to train your Russian Airforces in Finland and just leave them away from combat. Rarely can they gain experience against mountain units without taking major damage or inflicting little. Plus a smart axis may operate 1 Jet to Bahgdad/Syria/Mines and make a few intercepts before you gain exp. effectively destroying your Air. I may build a Air there, cost the operational cost in half, even with low Readiness effective vs inexperienced Level0s or 1s. I notice you like to invade Turkey, if the Axis are short of Units, I've seen it work or if the Reds strategy means a fairly early surrender for Turkey. However, it's just like extending the front, and now you've got two very big problems. The Axis if they have more land units are merely able to stretch them out and know you're also thinned in Russia. Also, those Mountains are worthless for running an offensive, so you need to get the Prize or lose fairly early IMO. It gives you a pathway to Iraq but a direct Operational method for Axis to get to MidEast and a bunch of MPPs. Rarely have I seen Turkey taken if the Axis are well built up in Land Forces. In fact, never... Mountains are just too hard to attack into and Tanks, with full entrenchment work like a doozy there. Also, it's very hard to counter effectively against German Units with 4 Bars on their HQs or a few bars on their land units. Better to retreat into the swamps, behind the rivers, etc... You cannot help the fact that the Germans get UberExperience really not unless you're an offensive Allied player, which few can do successfully without losing. I think it better to invest in LTs and LR and Jets and back off... Wait to Axis have to operate some forces to the West and then move Russian air and forces into Invasion Sweden, Snipe HQs, or UberExperienced Land Armies... Another last very strong point, I find that invading a defended USA or Canada is impossible if the Allies just post corps. The Axis Navy is worthless over there, without Super Subs and at least Mid Atlantic Action operating not too far away from home. Sometimes 1 or 2 US Subs is a wise investment, it effectively blocks anything and they're perfect Scouts that do no alert the enemy to your presence!
  23. John basic fact is I see Kuniworth marching around the board spouting everything is gay all day long until my eyes are about to bleed offering nothing but irritation. Where are these senior Moderators when it counts? Obviously a majority of us are profane, often nationalisitic<along with insults and ideology> We're wargamers, you can't take that away from Rambo he is who he is. You're going to take that away from him you're spitting on him for being who he is.. Unfair.. I see several other fellows right now who deserve a lifetime banning.. If Rambo isn't reinstated I'll stop using these boards and I'll leave it to the "Gay Discussion" That noone tends to intervene on. I'll just use the programs play guys and shutup. Save my conversasion for more openminded places to share ideas, thoughts and feelings... We're just gamers it's not like lifetime banning or making an example of some guy achieves anything of great morality. If people can't take Rambo or others, as I do with Kuniworth and some of the Belgian Empires Delegates, just ignore them Ever heard of that feature Free Speech is Democratic, Censorship in it's essence is wrong
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