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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Yeah I know it's steep, but it costs me 14 bucks at a wise place to ship to my Girlfriend in Canada and 25 from some. That's just regular UPS No frills...Bloody, it's the adjacent friggin' country. GET THIS IF YOUR CANADIAN: It cost 30% GST or so.. LOL and you pay duties at the door for items that are from out of country like USA. What a rip off aye? "My Looney ain't worth a tooney, because Brian Mulroney and the GST." goes something like that ROFL That's on the American Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, Canada and the USA
  2. I think what happened here is what we call premature Accouncement. Had Huey known this project was going to be bigger than he initially planned the release date he would have not announced much on the game. Accidents do happen. It'll be out likely in 6 months if a lot of work goes into it a year if not... I assume by the statements I've heard which is fair and respective. Personally I could do without the AI I never will play it anyways and a lot of other features. #1 is a Bones and #2 is a Skin #3 is functionality. Perhaps partly what has messed up HC is us we bring up to many different "things"...all these betatesters and such are not practical, we the community aren't very either. SC is Practical had no Hype nor Expectation which this does which is hurting it's release, finality and well ultimately likely what will turn out. Just like MOO3 so much buildup and 3 years later what a dissappointment. It would have been better to have made MOO2 updated... SC2 sounds SO MUCH like SC1, so it will not be a dissappointment... you guys know he's not an Army... it's not a big Genre, basics.......this is not Matrix Games so get use to it, it takes time, energy and devotion and we're getting it. Best to play another game, like CIV4 or a few other titles, Fly Aces High, another so so game and have fun come back in 6 months and check Either way I don't judge I have actually produced a REAL SOFTWARE program, it's backbreaking. Plus I sold Software for 5 years Retail, god, no piece of cake. Very profitable<an untrue statement mentioned here> it is not a weak industry, RICH one... just SC may not appeal to the masses, you might make more selling Windows and Office Retail but then again if you enjoy SC and Wargames, better to do what you love. I sure got bored of that crap
  3. Several reasons can cause all this. Broken Monitor, wrong driver, broken Chord connecting to the back of your computer(broken pin or bent one), wrong refresh rate, etc... goto display driver in control panel. goto advanced, flickering could be your MGhz on your Refreshrate.. Perhaps set too low sensitive eyes will see this on SC cause the screen brings it out, I set mine to 85 or so, some monitors mind you cannot take that without busting. Also the wrong driver can cause a flicker, may try to remove your current one, check your Manuals, the Make of your Computer for the Current Driver<whichever> you may have to goto your Manfacturers website, want more help? E-mail me at TMSFORMS@AOL.COM or ask the pros on here. IN THE END, Windows Help will guide you through what I can, just gotta do your homework especially in XP, it's all pretty simple if you just make a few mistakes... Always can revert back, reinstall XP Write me before you blast your machine into smitherines or bust your back if you're not Computer Literate are Rich, call a Techie Austa Lavista
  4. LOL, interesting votes. Germans? Heh, a very strong group. Remeber, English has a lot of German in it, heavily influenced by Saxons. Throw on some Norman and native Briton Norwegian and Dutch has a lot of German in it so does Austrian, Swiss<in places> and Luxembourg... That is a large region... Historically next to Russia one of the largest ManPower pools of Europe I suppose why so many brilliant people would come from there. It is in the end just a place with lots of People, now nolonger what it was however how many Americans have Germanic Ancestory(I) OH and I borrowed Boris Becker's Serve Even though thank the French or else noone would've kept the Germans in Check over the past 2 centuries, we do owe them that...
  5. Good thing that SC2 comes there isn't any real competition. World at War really sucks==NO IP for a 2005 released GAME?.. I haven't heard any new on World in Flames has anyone else? I think this genre is pretty flat Sad thing, strategic wargaming use to have a fairly nice following. I think the failure in sales, the Xboxes, Playstations and in general the younger crowd have ruined Wargaming.
  6. Good thing that SC2 comes there isn't any real competition. World at War really sucks==NO IP for a 2005 released GAME?.. I haven't heard any new on World in Flames has anyone else? I think this genre is pretty flat Sad thing, strategic wargaming use to have a fairly nice following. I think the failure in sales, the Xboxes, Playstations and in general the younger crowd have ruined Wargaming.
  7. Did I see December 31st 2006 for release on SC2 ::cries, kicks SCREAMS, scratches my eyeballs out:: Lordy, Say it ain't so, "Mr. HC man, look and see, OH YEAH, is there a release date in your bag for me, OH MR. HUBERT you didn't make me feel better, oh no, I got a bad article.... Mr. Hubert look and see, let us know if a Release date is within this century...Wow wowow oh nno no no no Mr. Carter." "Say it ain't so, the sooner the better, deliver the Better!"
  8. Did I see December 31st 2006 for release on SC2 ::cries, kicks SCREAMS, scratches my eyeballs out:: Lordy, Say it ain't so, "Mr. HC man, look and see, OH YEAH, is there a release date in your bag for me, OH MR. HUBERT you didn't make me feel better, oh no, I got a bad article.... Mr. Hubert look and see, let us know if a Release date is within this century...Wow wowow oh nno no no no Mr. Carter." "Say it ain't so, the sooner the better, deliver the Better!"
  9. Hey I'm as good as Rambo<as Axis anyways> And I'm half Americano Best German, Erwin Rommel........He holds the spirit of the German General during World War II. He was neither political affiliated either way but to what he was forced to do to make Rank. He didn't allow SS men into N.Africa and he was overall likely the best German General at least by reputation in the 20th century. Think of taking that lousy group of nothing and nearly conquoring all of North Africa from very hard and determined Limeys. That wasn't an easy feat. He was clever to flood the marshes in Normandy and had he been present and fully in control who knows how long the war would've been protracted, until 1946? Whoa, good thing he was no more early on.. An A-Bomb could've hit Germany!!! Thank Hitler for one thing he was so homicidal/suicidal he ended before the big one hit Europe
  10. Long Range Naval Bombers, not something the Germans possessed, nor great naval divebombers-fighters-bombers, etc... The Japanese had quite an assortment. Makes me wonder why they didn't borrow from their buddies ? As far as Strategic Bombing, yes it didn't heavily impact Land Units, most bombs missed and as far as naval supremacy with B-17s I have never heard of it or Lancasters, totally a waste... Strategic, Heavy high Altitude Bombers generally don't hit anything......... The Fear Factor, the FireBombing, the supposed Level a Country instead of fight it's armies with pre 1945 technology was proven not very effective in fact if SC2 made it a very effective weapon it would be a laugh but when a fighter unit might half the MPPs of a city it REALLY makes me want to laugh. Let's hope this isn't the case, a Fighter can barely carry a Bomb let alone level a city... Perhaps 30-40% of industry could be TEMPORARILY disrupted by Very VERY good bomber formations in mass. Bridges and rails definitely! As well communications... Though only temporarily... The cost could be somewhat allocated in other ways, representing the strategic level To Add: I heard of Naval equipment like the Condor, and other fast German recon aircraft. Fast... Makes me wonder if Early jets had been applied what sort of Recon the Germans would've had.... Jet technology should be a plus in the new SC toward Recon and intel information As far as the battle of the Atlantic I wonder in SC2 how much the Condor and other aircraft will be represented, that and Longer Range US-UK escort aircraft...Will this make a huge impact? [ January 21, 2006, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  11. Even with a Wrench you can Hammer a nail through a piece of PlyWood. You just have to exercise a bit more force is all. And the Germans had plenty of wrenches just too many fools who hadn't brought enough nails Even with SeaLion a very remote possibility, As there was no real Kriegsmarine to undertake it. Maybe Ireland, who loathed England. would've allowed for airbases/naval bases there and other bases to launch attacks? Definitely would've enticed Spain to enter as well... Could a 100% blockade of the British Isles been accomplished with the Royal Navy bottled up awaiting a SeaLion over a 6 month period? What sort of damage would that of done........and perhaps the Germans could refine and learn the technique of Amphibious warfare..if not claim the real estate the Brits couldn't defend. To your Allies or Pro-Axis Supporters. Meanwhile in Asia, the Japanese maybe saw Indo China and India as easier targets? The Italians and Germans Mopping up Suez, MiddleEast.... The Jugular of the British Empire.... How Would America Save the day when the Atlantic was dominated by the Germans and they feared their backdoor against the Japanese? But they could. Plenty of time to bring the fighters back to the southern airfields when the invasion was on. And the bombers, don't even have to move those forward. What do you think they were going to do if it looked like they were losing the BoB? Keep losing? Nah, they would have pulled back, built their strength back up and bided their time. Between the RAF and a Royal Navy fleet sortie (plus a few British subs in there raising hell), the Germans would have been slaughtered. And they knew it too. Both the Navy and the Army refused to launch a Sealion without a guarantee of air superiority. The Germans really had a hell of a strategic problem. Not enough subs for a blockade. Navy half gone from the Norway invasion. No amphibious shipping or even any experience in it. And the wrong air force to just bomb Britain into submission, if that was even possible. </font>
  12. Santa, just to add to your points, wise thoughts... Though Strategic Level bombing worked alright in Ploesti, the Ballbearing factories, the Rhur<sp?> Dams... Also in other places... If it reduced 10-15% of German MPPs, why not reflected? The Norden Bombsight was not accurate really over European skies as it was likely in Neveda but with 1000 bombers, some will kill their target... Area bombing was partially effective... Ever hear of the Germans talk about the pounding they got in Normandy region around D-Day, they said the bombs were going off like mad, it was disheartening beyond words... The Morale damage of areabombing ground units was effective, the Germans did that pretty well themselves with their divebombers and medium bomber. Flying Cannons to a degree, the Soviets had a nice one too.. Tankbusting was a big thing in WW2, even the Hurricane were modified for that as we had no tanks to actually kill huge Tigers without hellish losses. All the mentions of collateral damage from FireBobming, AreaBombing, all the morale boosting I've heard is in the face of a dedicated foe. Though in third rate powers such as Poland I don't hear the same.. If both the land and naval war was going bad, the strategic bombing leveled the people as well as their cities. It wasn't effective alone granted.. I'm likely to believe that the German DiveBombing was a more humane weapon of war than the Lancaster or B-17/B-29... Though we finally figured out how to area bomb to the degree of total destruction... Small scale area bombing is ineffective, large scall likely too... The whole concept was not proven during WW2 though the few cases of planned and well trained strategic missions did play some role.. U-Boats a cheaper and less represented tool likely played a larger role. All things in WW2 were shipped on Boats, Aircraft weren't as they are today. Perhaps all the money spent on Bombers should've been spent on a better tank
  13. Granted John, really there wasn't much weapondry in the German Arsenal designed for such operations. They'd of been better off with their Para units capturing ports and making a mad dash than attempting to use makeshift barges ill equipped for that bad weather of the English Channel... Though on the scale of a nation like England unlikely to work as it did in other locations. Although why did the English prepare so thoroughly? Any threat still was possible. The Germans had ingenuity, they did things in record time. They just needed a Commander who with the right plan to implement and execute.. Who knows, as I mentioned, why bother with Sea Lion once you starve England just let it become a useless floating Piece of Poop, rather than a Knife in the back of the Reich........if the Germans were that wise.....triple the U-Boats, total North Sea Domination, Total Air Supremacy... No need to conquor and hold the Island, you've got what you want... now you can devote resources to Taking other locations.
  14. Decisions of SC2 that are going to suck? The game hasn't even been released yet how can you decide any of this? On a Screenshot, that's hardly a reason to make a real observation, try the game then critisize it LOL
  15. Lars, would airpower alone staying in a hobbit hole protected England from an Invasion fleet when the Royal Navy was caputz? Especially when most of those were fighters, not ideal for targeting amphibious assualt craft or transports. Even given, had they managed to kill off a large percentage of the German threat, the damage done upon England without fighter protection. The damage could've been terrible, the morale would've been dreadful. All and all, even if Hitler held off on the order to invade England would've been a recluse and not an inspiration as they were during the Battle Of Britian. With the Royal Navy stuck at home hiding up North in Scapa Flow and the U-boats free range it wouldn't be long before England was crippled as any sort of threat<all that needed to be done> if an invasion was planned and a majority of the Royal Navy was destroyed and it was then called off, what good would the Royal Navy be in all the Theatres they served? The Battle of the Atlantic would've been more than likely to go the German way. Starved to Death the Island Fortress of England.which was hardly much of a Fortress in 1940. would've just stagnated as a force to threaten the Third Reich's backdoor. Now if a Mad Dash and forcing the RAF out during the Beginning-mid phaze of Sea Lion were to happen and along with the Royal Navy the Brits smooshed the Germans with an amazing dash who knows. Though the Germans I doubt would've launched Sea Lion till both Air, Naval supremacy was achieved... So hiding was pointless, it was costly and a sign of weakness. Fighting was a sign of Strength and Preservence.. It was an act of Defiance.. Egotistical by Brits, but they protected their HomeLand and inflicted a humiliating defeat upon the finest Air Force in the World... Giving the World the thought "we can beat this guys if they can" Now, then again........ Had Hitler remained pounding London around the clock for a whole year and invaded USSR in 1942 what would be left of London? I doubt that was in Churchill's plans, even or Hugh's... I know what they wanted, they wanted to beat the Gerrys in a fair and square fistfight and they did! How? IMO, superior Will, Superior Tactics.......slight edge in technology... meanwhile the Germans overindulgant in Chocolate Cake after all those easy victories, gluttons... <Goering obese in the body and in the head> They didn't expect it, they didn't respect their adversaries. Oh and lastly, How can you lose when you outnumber your opponent more than 2 to 1? When you're better than he is at flying, when you fighter is as good at least... How can you? You don't respect him enough you are then vulnerable and weak, ever do that playing SC I have, and lost to inferior opponents. [ January 18, 2006, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  16. Yeah and ? The Germans had proven their ability to sacrifice a lot of men and material. A foothold in London region means refueling possibly on English soil to hit Northern targets and Southern England means that maybe Ireland joins the cause and lets Luftwaffe fighters fly from there. The backbone of the british airforce was near broken. They didn't have the resources of the Germans, just look what did they lose in total vs the Luftwaffe. The Luftwaffe attempted a war of attrittion and although they themselves could only afford to lose so much they could suicide enough of their forces to take the Island it was Hitler's indecisiveness and Goerings lack of foresight that really didn't help the Fighters and Bombers do what they do best...... Had the Royal navy come to the test hard to say, they may have prevailed. Never know..... Then again, we've found that Navys didn't prevail well against Land Based Aircraft even though the Germans weren't adept in 1940 as far as I know of hitting shipping, ships, etc... purely with aircraft... though given 3 or 4 months they were pretty innovative they may have learned... Remeber how poorly equiped the British were... and how seriously they saw the prospects of an invasion. I have seen the pillboxes in the British Countryside personally I have been to the very hangars that were used during the Battle of Britian Things have not changed all that much, the Brits were on their last legs and they needed a miracle. They needed time to regroup, rest, and then strike out against the Germans which they did......and utterly destroyed them...proved themselves more than worthy a superior adversary. However in no way shape or form an offensive one, yet. Had England of even partially been conquored, even with resistance there would be no point for the USA to liberate Europe. There would be a vast amount of industry<England was a Major European Industrial Power even if outdated> There would have been lots of extra punch against the Russians or possible Naval threats from the Americans.. I wonder if a Surrender would've taken place if the Wermacht would've ever captured London.....however impossible a feat that may seem, others have done it Just not in many centuries
  17. Lars you might want to check your history but had the RAF retreated any further back there would be no RAF or any Britian. The whole point was air superiority to invade England. That was all but gained by shear #s even in the face of heavy losses on the luftwaffe. The British fighter production was being hit, their pilots were irreplaceable and they were having their airfields hit. had the Third Reich put there invasion plans in full gear no fuel or supplies would've been getting to that Island. it would've been crippled... Without the RAF protecting the South of England the whole of the country would've fallen. Can you imagine what the Blitzkrieg would've done to England? All but Wales and Scotland would've fallen in weeks. granted no long range fighters hurt the luftwaffe, Germany blundered... Also Dunkirk, there would have been no British Army to fight had they just plowed them down...
  18. Lars, agreed over English Soil that was a clear advantage. However it is the German High Command's Fault<Goering> he didn't get rid of the Radar towers when he had full capabilities to accomplish this. Also when do you actually get use of that radio and radar? You could say the German experience in Spain and in actual flight made them superior over that aspect, evening that part out.. However still remains the 109 is sleeker than the Hurricane and packs a nice punch in it's nose... The ME109 was faster, better climb, better turn, and in vaster Numbers... All this is irrelevent in SC Terms, only noticed by the appearance of an HQ to raise the readiness of Luftwaffe fighters......... Had a real Commander been in Charge and not Goering the Luftwaffe would have destroyed the RAF<and the RAF had the homecourt advantage> it was nearly accomplished but of course egotistical blunders. The Hurricane was a decent fighter but outclassed from all reports I've heard
  19. ::laughs:: ahhhh, guys let's take it out in the ring. You have to use all that pent up aggression in actual combat... Superiority of One Nation over the other! JESUS LOOK AT THE DOOR, "American Eagle is now DHL with Deutschland flag colors on it!" What has happened. Proctor and Gamble is now owned by the BundesBank! Beware folks They watched France and Was Great Britian win with Trading Empires now they caught on to the only way to dominate the World with your Goods and Services! screw Panzers and Me109s that's never going to cut it. Automatic Shavers and Automobiles<and they're BETTER THAN OURS>> OUGHT OH!
  20. Airfleets don't dominate as much as you think. Good amount of ground units can kill Airfleets if you know what you're doing... That along with smart tactical decisions starving the Airforce rich opponent to death. on Average by Barby I win with 7 Airfleets.. Perhaps adding an 8th or 9th into that campaign... To bust Russian cities. seeing 10 or 15 airfleets is disheartening but you've done something very wrong or the opponent has too many air and not enough land and you should exploit this
  21. Well, if the HE-111 was obsolete at War's Beginning there were was little opposition. Similar to the Me109, Brits staple diet fighter was the Hurricane where the 109 had advantages. The French Dewi...<isn't that a P-40 take off?> Well, anyways the Me109 was far superior to most of it's opponents as was the HE-111... or the Stuka... Though as the years progressed the Allies caught and brought superior designs in Superior Numbers<more importantly> that turned the tide. Really in Terms of Aircraft in SC, the Germans should start with Fighters Level 1... With Level 1 bombers... As they had the only sufficient #s of upgraded Equipment
  22. The Germans did have the best Bomber early on in the War. The HE-111 was fast, blitzbomber Lightning fast. Although a Medium at best and shortrange machine... Not as durable as say a B-17...which was able to absorb a lot of damage. It's not respresented at really, most of German bombing was focused on Divebombing and Army support. Though they if anyone should start with an actual Bomber, as much as England Germany should have one 1. HE-111 will be considered the best bomber up until 1941 of the War.....it doesn't even exist in SC Terms while it leveled nearly half of Europe
  23. John, a good point would be, though this would be touchy due to the sensitive nature of a salesmen trying to sell say 1000 copies of a game to a nation that doesn't want to remeber such atrocities. I would however purpose that in SC, we are the Chief and Commander and though Grey or Green we can run it any way we like... Historically accurate however there should be a % increase in foreign War Readiness as the war progresses. IMO personally I would add in a feature for our on-line psychopaths, proceed with the Nazi exterminations or turn the undesirables into Liberated souls and add the Manpower and Industrial might to the Reich... Hell, don't forget now, Russians would have to be on the list too.. How come when Stalin invades German cities there isn't a German Scorched Earth Policy? Hmmm, double standard about The Game... Every woman in Berlin was raped numerous times during the fall of Berlin, millinos were in an exodus from Prussia to Germany during the end days. Countless millions of German civilians died. Perhaps Bombing German cities should incite a further war effort, as did bombing Brits, having a possibly negative effect for choosing to bomb ports, cities and killing civilians... for each bombing a possible chance the next turn of 5 MPP output extra from that resource due to the citizens going out of their way to produce for their Fatherland, Motherland, etc...
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