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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. I would have to disagree about the Japanese surrendering if we hadn't dropped the atomic bombs. There have been a number of Japanese officers that have said that the Russian entry into the war had a bigger effect than the atomic bombs. They still considered the war in China "winable" and that any invasion on mainland Japan would fail. Of course this all changed when the USSR entered the war and overran Northern China and most of Korea in a very short amount of time. Also, heres a little known fact what I just found out recently. My great uncle who served as a fighter pilot on the USS Enterprise (which was pretty close to Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack) said his squadran which was the only one left on the Enterprise (the rest were flown to Wake Island and Midway Island eairler that week) took off and was ordered to intercept the Japanese planes over Pearl Harbor. When they tried to intercept (they were flying F4F Wildcats) they were shot down by the more advanced Zeros and were even shot down by our own AA gunners. Also considering that it was one undersized squadran against an entire fleet of zeros. They were forced to aport before they made it over Pearl and did not shoot down a single jap fighter. They went back to the Enterprise, refueled and returned after the second (and final wave) was over. When they returned a few more of them were shot down by our own AA gunners and only a few of them landed on Ford Island (which was the naval air station in Pearl) to provide some air cover in case a third wave was launched. I was suprised to hear this because I didn't think the Enterpise was close enough to Pearl Harbor to launch fighters to intercept, but when you think of who was in command of that carrier taskforce (Healsy who wasn't afraid to take chances) it is no suprise that the misson was ordered. I guess the suprise attack pissed him off a little
  2. I agree with you guys for the most part about the Japanese Army, they did not have all that great of weapons, ecspecally towards the end of the war. And their offensive capability wasn't all that great (which was proven in Northern China and Korea when the USSR entered the war and tore apart the "unbeaten" Japanese Army). But we have to admit that even in 1945 the Japanese army still had the capability to take on the allies, even more so on mainland Japan. The entire Japanese army and even the population itself was ready to scarfice themselves to make us pay for every inch of land we gained. That was the how reason for the atomic bomb, to end the war to prevent further allied lose of life. If we had invaded we would have lost hundreds of thousands of men, not to mention the Japanese losses.
  3. I agree with the Dutch Gambit and any other invasion the allies or axis undertake (invading Spain, Sweden, Iraq, and even Canada or the United States). What I don't agree with is the Italian Gambit. If it was just the allies declareing war and launching a suprise attack on the Italian Navy then fine, it could have happened and it is realistic. But when allied troops invade all the unoccupied cities in Italy, it is just working the system. Kenfedoroff likes to invade Libyera on the onset of war. (When Italy declares war on the allies he has invasion forces sitting off the coast of Tobruk and there is nothing you can do about it). I have no problem with that, Tobruk has a army in it and you can choose to defend with it or you can choose to retreat to live to fight another day. I agree with the Dutch Gambit because the allies have to fight for it and can take losses, it could even backfire on them. In the Italian Gambit the allies do not have to fight for the cities they gain, all they have to do is defend (if they choose to do so). There is also no way it could really backfire, the allies can withdraw at any point of time. If later on in the game the axis or allies leave a city unguarded and the opposing side could invade with no losses then I say go for it, the defender made a mistake and the attacker is taking adavntage of it. Also, some people talk about how other people make moves the could never have happened in history. I don't agree with that, the axis could have invaded Sweden if they wanted to and there would have been very little the allies could do to stop them, but the decided not to even though they could have. I don't think any less of the players who use the Italian Gambit or any other moves, I just don't agree with some of the moves they make. Comrade Trapp
  4. The Russians WILL NOT delcare war in 1939 if you invade the Baltic States, they find it much more effective to stroll across the boarder around May 1940 while your entire army is commited in France. Unless you want to experience "The Battle for Berlin" in the fall of 1940, I highly suggest that you stay away from the Baltic States.
  5. Jersey, to answer your question, Italy declared war rather early mainly because I captured Denmark withing 2 turns. As for the staging area for my amphibious assualt, I sent two armies and a HQ (German) into Sicily and launched from there. The werid thing is that in the game I played with Kenfedoroff, the Italian navy was ambushed by the British Fleet and Liberia was captured a turn after Italy declared war. Yet I was still able to carry out my amphibious assualt, I escaped the naval battle with only one battleship and a crusier but the allied fleet never persued them or even tried to oppose my transports (they were unescorted in the begining) If the allies had taken advantage of their victory by intercepting my transports, my army would have taken heavy losses.
  6. I was just woundering if anybody has found another way to sucessfuly invade France instead of the usaul blitz through the Low Countries. I was thinking that leaving the Low Countries neutral may have some advantages. Yes, I know you would lose some much needed mpps. But if you think of it, not only would leaving the Low Countries neutral delay US/USSR entry, it would also create a nice defensive line along the German boarder. Last night I played Kenfedoroff and I tried an new tatic I launched a amphibious assult on the coast of Southern France behind enemy lines (this was with German troops), meanwhile, the Italian Army begain to push into Southern France forcing the allies to commit any troops that are guarding the boarder to repel the Italian Army (so they can not be used on my amphibious assult). I left a good portion of the German Army up north to force the allies the keep a majority of their armies to guard the Magiont Line and the French-Low Countries boarder just in case I did attack up north (if they do withdraw, do the usaul blitz through the Low Countries and quickly capture Paris before they can redeploy). I also moved a majority of the Luftwaffe into Italy in order to support the invasion down south. Of course this entire scenario is based on the fact the Italy has elimanited the British Med Fleet or at least has has it away from your invasion forces. I know most of you are asking yourselves "why would you do all of this when you could just do the traditional blitz into the low countries?" I am just trying to come up with diffrent ways to defeat France quickly and without heavy axis losses. When I tried this last night (this was my first time trying it) I managed to capture the the city in Southern France (I forget its name). But this took several attempts and in the process one of my armies was surrounded and destroyed, but like I said, this was the first time I tried this and I am sure this plan can be attempted with better results (such as the capture of Paris). Feel free to tell me what you think and post any other tatics you have tried or want to try in defeating France (other than the usaul "Low Countries Blitz") Comrade Trapp
  7. 82ndReady and Jim Boggs....this looks like a pretty good idea and I would like to help out anyway I can. If you want, feel free to e-mail me at JTrapp86@go.com or just leave a post (I checkin at least once a day) Thanks. Comrade Trapp
  8. Moon I have to disagree with your decision here. There is a good possibilty that their IPs are the same because of the web services they use. It has been know to happen to AOL users. Not to mention that their profiles show they have completely diffrent jobs, e-mail addresses, and locations. Also JerseyJohn has contributed much to the forms by way of suggestions to newbies as well as sharing his tactics and ideas with other players. If you look at his past posts he has not shown any disrespect to other players. I am sure others would be willing to vouch for him too. I request for the above reasons (and this is no disrespect to you or any other administratior, I think you guys have done a good job with this form) that you reconsider your desicion or at least look into the matter more. Comrade Trapp
  9. Black Night...CVM captured London in June of 1940...you were noobed. In most games, when June of 1940 comes around, the Germans are usally just begining to breakthough French lines (with the Dutch Gambit it takes even longer). CVM managed to capture Paris, gain air superiority over England, destroy the Royal Navy, and capture London...that is no easy task. But it does sound like it was you first time playing so this is expected. Just look around at some of the threads that talk about defending France or Allied Stratigies and you'll soon come up tatics to use against the Axis. After you pratice a little, challenge CVM to a rematch and beat the hell out of him. I suggest you play against Rambo a little, he will tare you apart but you will gain some experiance and he may even give you some tips (after he rubs his victory in your face)
  10. AOL Instant Messenger: Comrade Trapp (I only use this for SC) E-mail: JTrapp86@go.com
  11. Supreme Axis....I am looking for someone to play tonight, you up for it?
  12. BrianTheWise....you up for a game tonight?
  13. Careful Zappsweden....incompitance is not looked lightly upon in the Fatherland. :mad: [ December 31, 2002, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  14. On to victory Rambo. Teach the Swedish not to screw with the United States.
  15. Rambo...just woundering...what would you rate me? PS: I ran into your buddy "wod", he turned into a real pain in the ass in France. [ December 31, 2002, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. Kuniworth....nice try but you have no proof to backup anything you say. I could argue that they are diffrent people by just talking about their member numbers (they are no where near each other), besides, you can tell they diffrent people because they have completely diffrent personalitys. Now quit causing trouble.
  17. Ok, I think its time eveybody stops cutting up on Rambo. Yes, when I first saw his posts I thought he was a complete asshole (just read some of my posts from last week). But you have to admit, he keeps up the compitation around here, hes the guy everyone wants to beat and to tell you the truth...he keeps things intresting. PS: Rambo...if someone ever does beat you, will you admit it? [ December 29, 2002, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  18. Hey guys...I just noticed something....I'm no longer a junior member..I'm a full member! This is turly a day to remember.
  19. JWagner...I never said that there was no other forms out as good as this...I just said that there are other places the are alot worse than here. Besides you proved my point when you said that the other forms you have been to were NO BETTER or NO WORSE. Ya, I agree, there is some personal sniping that goes on here. But it isn't as bad you claim. You know....I hate to say it because I have no problem with you or anybody else here....but if you don't like being here then you can leave, and that goes for eveybody who seems to have a problem with this form...no one is forcing you to be here. I would rather see you stay but you do what you want. And as for Sarge......Rambows part right...you can't go blameing him for everything, personally I think you are over reacting about this entire thing. I'm just posting this to experss my opinion, I'm NOT looking for an arguement. [ December 29, 2002, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  20. I personally thing this form is going pretty good compaired to other forms I have seen. This form you have people posting every minute while on other forms at other sites they may have 1 posting every 2 hours. Yes, we agrue somtimes, but we're just expressing our opinions. There are not many other forms out there that are active enough to have the tournaments we are able put on. Not to mention most of us are willing to help other players with game tatics, ect, where at other site's forms that would never happen. This posting is pretty much directed at JWagner and Sarge.
  21. Yes, Rambow may be sad and pathetic, but I think he just likes pissing us off. But I got to admit, the form wouldn't be the same without him. Yes, hes a pain in the ass, but he makes the form interesiting. [ December 28, 2002, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
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