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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, HOI is a great game. :mad:
  2. I was so bored of regularly checking the site for updates that I gave up, but holy sh*t. :eek: Those are some sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet new screenies. </font>
  3. Sorry Tony, the history of this forum has proven otherwise. The new guys come and go, some even become part of the "old guard" after a time. But none the less the "old guard" is here to stay and will remain the backbone of this forum.
  4. I know that, but you had everyone on the list (including the ones who are still active), so I figured the list wouldn't be complete without Edwin P.
  5. You forgot the one and only: Edwin P.
  6. Just to warn you, you may be an experienced player against the AI. But against a human opponent, your a newbie (not meant as an insult). Your first few games against a average opponent will end in quick defeats for you as you experience moves the AI never does, not to worry though, its all part of the learning process. ICQ instant messenger is the best way to find SC opponents for TCP/IP games these days. Check out the ICQ Numbers Thread to get everyone's ICQ number and e-mail address. I guess you could also try Battlefront's Opponent Finder Forum: English Speaking Players. Up until about a year ago, that was the primary way of getting a game of SC. But most of us have moved to ICQ since then. For PBEM games, check out Curry's SC PBEM League. Hope this helps. Comrade Trapp [ July 16, 2004, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  7. Do a search, this has been discussed many times. I can tell you this though, an experienced opponent will usually be prepared to counter the turn 2 LC Gambit, unlike the AI.
  8. I think this statement still stands. Like I said before, you have posted nothing but your baseless opinions, which without supporting facts or sources, means nothing.
  9. Is that your answer? lol, that’s a nice opinion and all, but do you have any actual facts to support that statement? The British Expeditionary Force consisted of about 394,165 men (source) by May 1940, I think they were a little more than just a bump, wouldn't you say? And they did all that within a year, so yeah, I'd say its impressive. lol , funny, not once in this entire 2 page thread have you posted any facts or sources supporting your argument, all I see is your baseless opinions. Better luck next time.
  10. Granted, but I'm sure their tactics did play a pretty big part in their victory over the Allies.
  11. SoDak Will you please be so kind to enlighten us on why the Allies lost the Battle of France in 1940? Since according to you, it didn't have anything to do with the German Army's superior tactics in the area of armored warfare combined with close air support never before seen in the history of warfare. So please, enlighten us.
  12. Been on vacation for the past few days and just got back today, glad to see this little problem was solved. Judging by the guy's profile, I doubt we will be seeing him again under this screen name again. He only made 3 posts, all of which were made on the day he registered and all were made in the "Opponent Finder Forum: English Speaking Players". If we see this guy again, he will probably be under a different screen name. Luckily, we have the little bastard's e-mail address so its all good. Like Rambo said, this one is pretty cut and dry, we got proof and we got his e-mail address, can't do much better than that.
  13. He lied when he said he "disbanded all the useless units", that pretty much killed any chances of him saying "it was an accident" convincingly.
  14. Yes, please do. And was this a SC PBEM league game?
  15. Personally, I sometimes put a chit towards jets if the campaign against France is going extremely well, which is rare. And once or twice I got lucky and got Jets +1. But Tanks +2 and Jets +1, plus 3 airfleets and a tank unit, all by May 1940? Yeah right.... If he is cheating, he isn't even good at that. Terif, maybe you should get Aztecace to send you the pbem file so you can check it out for yourself.
  16. The Netherlands are included in the Low Countries, did you mean to put something else there? Regardless, level 2 tanks and level 1 jets by May 12, 1940? You have every reason to be suspicious. Has he disbanded any units that you can tell of? I'll let someone else who is a little more experienced with this type of thing comment, but like I said, you have every reason to be suspicious. Comrade Trapp
  17. I guess you could also try Battlefront's Opponent Finder Fourm: English Speaking Players. Up until about a year ago, that was the primary way of getting a game of SC. But most of us have moved to ICQ since then.
  18. ICQ instant messenger is the best way to find SC opponents these days. Check out the ICQ Numbers Thread to get everyone's ICQ number and e-mail address. Comrade Trapp
  19. In that situation, the AI being too easy to beat has nothing to do with it. It would all be a matter of MPPs, you would not only loose Italy, but you could in no way attack UK's territories in the Med (their main source of MPPs). Also, it would be nearly impossible to take out Vichy France. You would also have nothing that you could stand up to the Royal Navy with. Meanwhile, you would have barely enough MPPs to match UK with, let alone the USSR. Like I said, its a matter of MPPs. Making it impossible to attack the enemy's MPP resources is not a good solution for the weak AI. Besides, why waste the time when you can play real people with real strategies?
  20. They will start to run out of supply when its your turn to attack back. In amphibious landings, if you haven't captured a harbor (or at least a city) by the end of your turn, you will be affected on your opponents turn.
  21. Thanks Rambo, you just found me a new avatar.
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