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Everything posted by Terif

  1. March 21, 1943: Major offensives begun at both fronts. US and UK forces destroy a german army near Paris and an italian corps near Brussel that protected an airfleet, based in Brussel. Airfleet attacked by ground unit, but no damage: Entrenchment 6. Some of the heaviest airfights over France: 5 airfights, one german airfleet destroyed. 10 remaining. In the east, russian forces counterattack near the mines of Rostow and destroy a minor army. A corps moves through a gap towards Odessa and encounters a german airfleet. Russian armies from Siberia moves near Moskov...
  2. March 1943: UK intelligence discovers an improved jet technology at german airfleets. This can be the decissive factor now in the airbattle of France. After the jet advance, Germany transfers additional airfleets to France. Only a wonder can save the invasion forces now. They kill a german army, but looses a US corps. Losses on 1:1 basis cant be replaced very long. Germany has nearly no losses in Russia with its very experienced units. They only conquer 2 hexes (=death of 2 corps) per turn in Russia, but with all mpp going west it will be very hard to win this war for Allies now.
  3. December 1942: Axis transfered airfleets west. Heavy airfights around Paris follows. German veteran armies counterattack and destroy a US army. In Russia Axis advances stops. The decissive battle in France has begun.
  4. November 15, 1942: Bordeaux falls to UK forces. US troops in the outskirts of Paris. Kharkov conquered by Axis troops. Moskov under attack. Axis have to fight for each hex, no retreat any more. Russians have to stay at their places until they are dead . [ May 27, 2003, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  5. September 20, 1942: Siberians transfered. At the right time: Combined invasion in France started. US forces marches towards Paris. Odessa lost this turn. The people of Moskov see the german invaders in the distance, fast approaching...
  6. It will take a while until the game is turning... The Americans are hidden somewhere, only the traces of their transports can be spotted . Its August 16, 1942: With air superiority in Russia, Axis are slowly moving forward. Minsk and Kiev are lost. A new defence line from Odessa to Leningrad is formed. Game will be continued tomorrow. [ May 26, 2003, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  7. Axis airpower is too overwhelming in the north now and the main goal is achieved: Finland is converted. Russian and UK air retreat to a more healthy place after the first UK airfleet got killed.
  8. July 5, 1942: One of the largest airbattles in history occured around Leningrad. 7 german airfleets and a carrier against 3 UK and 3 Russian airfleets. One Axis goal was to kill the UK HQ, but this fortunately failed. Two additional airstrikes and it would have been dead. Simultaneously 2 cruiser and a sub attacked the russian fleet that was bombarding Helsinki and a new ground transport moved into Finlands capital. The last attempt to save Finland. But it was too late: surrounded and bombed from several airfleets, the finish capital surrendered together with the country at July 5, 1942. Since Axis throws everything north towards Finland, theres trench warfare in the south near Odessa. In the west, the first Allied sign of the oncoming invasion: carriers and ships attack Bergen. US ground units are preparing...
  9. The german Hq was uncautious. A russian ground unit was able to attack it, followed by airstrikes. If UK had LongRange, it would have been dead probably . Finally my scientists developed now their first LR technology, but one turn too late. The line in the south is holding, but slowly pushed back. In the north UK and Russia have air superiority and are attacking Helsinki now. USA joins the war after Axis attacked Greece, which will surrender next turn.
  10. May 3, 1942: Axis breaks through the first corps line at Odessa with the help of 4 airfleets. But the second line is still holding and the cut off tank destroyed. East of Riga a german army survived the attacks in a foothold east of the river. Five russian units are placed around now to block it, since it got reinforcements and a german Hq moved in range.
  11. April 5, 1942: First german army destroyed near Leningrad. UK and russian units follow the fleeing finish units. The tank near Odessa still cut off and will be killed in 1-2 turns if the line holds. All quiet in the West and in Africa.
  12. First turn for Russia: Russia builds a corps line from Odessa to Leningrad. UK airfleets, army and corps operate into Russia. One German tank cut off and surrounded east off Odessa. The surviving cruiser at Leningrad strike back at a german sub. 7 russian armies + 1 corp destroyed or cut off in the first german attack. 8 german armies 5 minor units, 2 tanks, 3 corps and 4 airfleets have been used in the initial attack. Axis has a total of 9 airfleets.
  13. January 1942: My scientists are celebrating: they are more advanced in Jet as Germany (Lv2 vs 1 ) . But still in the disadvantage at LR. Russia will join next turn. Probably Axis will attack now...
  14. September/October 1941: German forces start a major offensive from Tripoli towards Tobruk. Hq, 4 airfleets + ground units and battleships. Unfortunately Axis achieved Long Range Lv2 against UK Lv0. I have to fire my scientists . So they can attack UK Hq and nearly kill it, despite 3 UK air intercepting. No chance to survive a fight at this place, therefore UK units retreat back to Alexandria.
  15. June 8, 1941: Yugoslavia surrendered, but a partisan appeared the next turn and captured the italian port in the north. UK forces retreat from Brest after airfleets appear near Paris. Time to reinforce and collect some mpps for the next attacks .
  16. March 31, 1941: Yugoslavia coups. A Yugo corps moves to Bari and occupies the empty city. Allies attacks Brest with ships and carriers. UK player (me ) makes a silly move and operate a weak airfleet to London where it is killed immediately by Axis air...
  17. March 1941: 4 German airfleets destroy a new UK airfleet operated to Tripoli. This opens the way for italian reinforcements and Tripoli is surrounded. It will fall next turn back to Axis.
  18. January 1941: Sweden still holding out, but will fall next turn. Only the army in Stockholm left. Heavy airbattles around Tripoli and Malta, following the naval battle where 2 UK ships got lost.
  19. November 1940: The german army landed near Tripoli. UK operates a canadian army into the city. In an air and naval battle an italian battleship has been destroyed near Malta. Unfortunately it survived all attacks from secured positions with 1 strength point, so UK had to send a cruiser on kamikaze mission to give the deadly strike.
  20. October 1940: Axis attacks Sweden, starting from Norway. Now both Germany and UK receives ~ 250 mpp per turn. Heavy airfights over Tripoli, canadian corps destroyed. German army transport appears west of Tripoli.
  21. The german transport near Tripoli is sunk by british airfleets and bomber. The eastern Med is secured for Allies. Bergen taken with a corps. Ireland surrendered during the fall of France.
  22. Jersey John: I am willing to do the job as adjudicator if you want me to do it. [ May 25, 2003, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  23. UK starts with a Hq and army in Egypt in this scenario. Iraq is attacked in turn 3 and surrenders in turn 8. German forces kill each turn one french corps and are slowly moving towards Paris. In May 1940 they are only 2 hexes away from the capital. Shore bombardements along the french and LC coast. UK transports heading to Italy and Africa...
  24. May 3, 1942: Rambo surrendered after he lost the airbattle in France. UK lost one carrier and a battleship. Germany another 2 airfleets and a sub. Only a total of 3 german airfleets survived the battles. 2 Hqs, a corps and 4 armies landed in France. Reinforcements at the coast. Russia starts a counteroffensive and surrounds Riga. About his naval units not doing damage: Each ship did 5 strength damage to my armies, one of them was lost. No damage ? And when I striked back I only attacked his subs, they never do damage when attacked (defence value 0). They only dived a lot. About veteran air units getting wiped out: Mine were veteran too, but with Lv3 Jets this is not so important anyway. 3 airstrikes with Lv3 are enough to kill every air unit. In average the defender receives 6 damage. One medal experience reduces damage only by 0.5 points (not deciding in air battles), but if the attacker also has experience theres no difference. 3*6 = 18 and even a reinforced airfleet has only a maximum strength of 13. So really no luck if the airfleet gets killed. [ May 25, 2003, 03:49 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  25. I have to say that there was no luck for either side in my games with Rambo. Sometimes he was lucky - especially in the middle of our last game - sometimes it was me. In average no luck for someone. Especially in tech I cant understand why he is saying I had a lot of luck. He was more advanced than me nearly the whole game - with him Axis - and UK had more time for research and probably more chits in Jets and LR. But Rambo you need to learn from your games against me: never operate your air out of Russia, so that UK can kill them one after the other in France. I didnt need luck to kill them, only 3 carriers and 3 airfleets . [ May 24, 2003, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
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