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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Yes, I wondered about Vichy. It was very expensive in mpp and time for Axis, not to take the african part together with Marseilles. I lost all UK airfleets during the african and France battles, so perhaps Axis could have won the airwar over France during the invasion if I had done the same against more airfleets than in this game. But if they had placed more airfleets in France, Allies had waited a bit and built some new airfleets before attacking. The german airfleets in France would have been missing in Russia and delayed the conquests in the east. And thats the problem for Axis: like in reality they cant afford to wage a two front war at the same time. If they dont concentrate at one front they will loose at both. With the air in the west, they can delay the invasion, but have problems in Russia. With the air in the east they can win the war, hopefully before USA and UK reach Berlin. If Axis place airfleets both in the west and east, then Allies have a very good chance to win. But every strategy depends on the situation and how the opponent reacts...
  2. It seemed as if you had operated some land units west. At least you moved them back, so I couldnt see them any more . In Poland there were 3 airfleets before 2 of them died.
  3. June 27, 1943: The war is over ! Axis surrenders. Axis started to operate land and air units back to Germany to protect Berlin. After this decission it was over for Axis. Trench warfare in the east and 2 german airfleets killed immediately by carriers in the North Sea. US units only 3 hexes away from Berlin... Some statistics: Losses during the war: Allies: 102 land, 6 air, 9 naval Axis: 29 land, 5 air, 5 naval June 1943 Allied task force in France/LC/Germany: 5 Hqs, 3 airfleets, 12 armies, 15 corps. [ June 22, 2003, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  4. May 1943: Siberian forces win the battle in the north. Axis retreats behind Leningrad. No Axis advances at Moskov. One hex conquered adjacent to Rostov. Sewastopol still holding out. The last german units in Denmark under attack. Battles near Marseilles. Russian Hqs, entrenched in Mountains and cities are attacked by several german airfleets, but take only one strength point damage. Cities and Mountains are good places for hqs, very difficult to kill them there . [ June 22, 2003, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  5. April 18, 1943: In a combined naval and air assault Copenhagen corps is destroyed and Denmark liberated.
  6. March 1943: The first german city near the coast belongs to the british empire. Axis only 2 hexes away from Moskov and in the outskirts of Rostov. Heavy fights north of Moskov. Royal navy enters the North Sea, transports near Copenhagen.
  7. Terif


    No, this was luck. It is random how much units have to be destroyed before a country surrenders. But each turn there is a chance that it will surrender. So you only have to wait some turns before Canada will surrender. Depends on your luck how long it takes. Normally you can leave Canada empty until some turns before USA would join. Usually if your opponent lands in Canada too early it is a big fault from him and you can be happy (USA enter immediately).
  8. December 1942: Allies liberate Low Countries. Sevastopol cut off. Siberians transfered. The battle of Moskov has begun...
  9. Hi Oak, The Suez canal transport loop is explained in the "User Manual Updates and Errata.txt" delivered with the patch. It is in your SC directory. I guess the manual has not been updated cause of the file size. But all changes from the patches are explained in 2 additional text files included in each patch.
  10. September 1942: Smolensk is Axis now. Russian north front retreats to Leningrad-Moskov. Both mines near Sewastopol lost. Axis have been thrown out of France, Marseilles and Brussel under attack.
  11. August 1942: Naval battle at Gibraltar, one italian battleship sunk. Russians retreat from Riga after german reinforcements arrived. No air resistance in France any more. Allied air superiority achieved.
  12. Yes, french Hq, 3 armies and 2 corps returned to France to liberate their homeland . US forces are at full strength now with 2 Hqs and 10 combat units in France. Axis losses increase exponential now... In the east, Axis conquered Kharkov. Russian forces retreat to the next defence line. In the north, russians are pushing forward to Riga. German airfleet reduced to strength 5 by army and corps.
  13. July 19, 1942: Russians celebrate: their first victory over a mighty german army. German airfleet under ground attack as russians break through towards Riga. Big battle for Paris. One german airfleet destroyed, France liberated. Next target: Brussel - entrenchment reduced to 0.
  14. July 5, 1942: Bordeaux captured. The finish task force is back: russian counteroffensive cut of a german army near Riga. [ June 22, 2003, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  15. June 21, 1942: Second russian cruiser lost in the battle of Finland. Axis evacuates the capital, Finland surrenders. Heavy fights in France for each hex. So far 4 hexes around Paris and 3 around Bordeaux conquered. Similar situation in Russia with changed sides. Axis conquered 3 additional hexes - with this speed the war will take a while . [ June 22, 2003, 06:32 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  16. Germany moved a new army in the finish capital. Unfortunately it survived the following attack with strength one. Next turn, next try .
  17. May 3, 1942: Airfights in France, next german airfleet destroyed.. Paris and Bordeaux under attack, allied forces marching towards Brussel. German air tried to prevent the fall of Finland and is missing in the russian center. Only one russian corps killed this turn. Finland capital garrisson reduced to strength 3.
  18. April 5, 1942: Finland looks better now for Allies: All finish units destroyed. Landing task force west of the capital reunited with russian main force. Helsinki surrounded. Germany has Lv1 antitank and some research in anti-air. Axis is slowly marching east in Russia. Minsk captured. [ June 22, 2003, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  19. March 8, 1942: Brest is now the central supply source of the Allied invasion force. 8 allied armies, 3 Hqs and a lot of corps in or around France now.. Axis reinforced Finland and sunk a russian cruiser. Without air support (jets Lv1 vs 3) it is now impossible for Russia to capture the capital. Solid corps line established between Riga-Minsk-Sewastopol behind both rivers.
  20. I agree with both of you. When UK surrendered, the mpp from liberated countries should go to the nation that liberated them (USA or Russia). So far the only possibility for them to receive some mpp from their conquests is: not to take the capital. Then the mpp from the ressources goes to USA/Russia. But this is only possible in Iraq ( and maybe Canada). If the capital stays Axis, Russia can collect 60 mpp from the oil. In Norway/Sweden this would be too dangerous. With the ports, Axis could move reinforcements in the cities and reconquer the nations. Building new units with the UK minors mpp would be nice, but is not necessary. Originally there were no mpps collected after the fall of England. Hubert only changed this to make it possible to use the surviving units from UK. I guess this could be done easily. To allow them to build units is perhaps more difficult and would need more time to program. [ June 21, 2003, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  21. January 1942: Allied landings in France, Brest cut off. Russia declares war to Finland. Germany has Lv4 long range now and they killed one army transport at Finland. Therefore the capital is not captured in the first turn, but all finish units heavily damaged.
  22. The german surprise attack at Russia was very expensive for Russia. But UK and USA immediately start an invasion force from their homelands. German air attack and destroy the US airfleet, operated to England. In the counterattack Germany also loose an airfleet, 2 others survive unfortunately... Brest under heavy attack, transports along the french coast. 2 russian cities in the south abondoned.
  23. Finally Vichy surrenders. Alexandria corps destroyed. Belgrade captured, but Yugoslavia fights on and occupies the empty city of Albania. Russia and USA will join soon. The last survivors (UK corps)from the battle of Algier are marching through the desserts of Africa, hunted by italians... [ June 20, 2003, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  24. September 1941: Italian forces reach the outskirts of Algier. Germany researched jets lv3. Yugoslavia coups at the end of the allied turn. Axis surrounds the capital. It will fall next turn.
  25. August 1941: After the execution of their scientists, UK finally catched up in jet technology: Lv2 both. Alexandria, Beirut and Algier under heavy attacks, but still allied. Only 3 allied corps remaining around Algier, time to say goodbye... Readiness: USA 76 %, Russia 75 % increasing [ June 20, 2003, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]
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