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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Axis turn 13 (July 28, 1940): According to the report and since France bought last turn a corps with only 107 mpps cash: Beirut corps disbanded too - bad exchange rate . All french ships already disbanded a long time ago - no french survivors in England. Another 2 french corps killed - Paris should fall next turn. Marseilles italian. Since the beginning, both UK AFs attack (to use the AA bonus of London) or intercept every turn - so UK could not save mpps too.
  2. Axis turn 12 (July 14, 1940): 2 french corps killed, mine conquered. Reinforcing the AFs, preparing to attack Paris - now defended by a french army. Italian navy trains at Malta - french corps on the island.
  3. Axis turn 11 (June 30, 1940): German tank reaches the outskirts of Paris with a str 7 HQ in the city. Unfortunately the HQ survives 3 attacks (tank + 2 AFs) by taking minimum damage in each attack. Italy will join next turn. Ireland abandoned - will fall in 1-2 turns (no UK transports nearby).
  4. Axis turn 10 (June 16, 1940): Allies gamble again and leave Paris empty - only a new bought corps between the german forces and the city...bad combat results at the beginning force Germany to abandon the attack and kill another french corps instead. So luck saved Paris this turn, but next turn Germany will reach the outskirts of the city.
  5. Axis turn 9 (May 26, 1940): German corps at the coast lost, but a french army gets killed too - Germany again 2 hexes near the empty Paris, this time in the center near the mine.
  6. Axis turn 8 (April 28, 1940): Next UK corps killed - german forces moving along the empty coast. First units 2 hexes away from Paris. The french capital is again undefended - if Germany had tried to kill a french army with 4 air and had succeded that would have meant Game-over for France...
  7. Axis turn 7 (March 31, 1940): Allies attack with everything the french mine (attackers reduced up to str 4...) and can kill the german tank there with the last attack. UK corps killed, 2nd french hex conquered.
  8. Axis turn 6 (March 3, 1940): The french mine-army attacks a german tank in the Ardennes and gets killed in the counter. Mine german occupied. Another french army near Brussel heavily damaged.
  9. Axis turn 5 (January 7, 1940): UK corps destroyed, hex SW Brussel conquered, Elbow taken. Veterans from Polen operate west. One of the subs was a good diver and survived one more turn - in a last kamikaze attack it slightly damages a 4th UK ship.
  10. Axis turn 4: 3 polish units destroyed, the last survivor surrenders. Denmark surrrenders. Munich retaken. Air repositions towards Paris. Atlantic: 3 UK ships damaged, subs will be sunk next turn.
  11. Axis turn 3: The allied player make the mistake many unexperienced players do and attacks the german tank. So the french armies get heavily damaged, Germany kills the Ardennes army, moves deep into France and even occupies the french mins since Maginot is empty too because of taking Munich. Denmark corps destroyed, city will fall next turn. Warsaw conquered, but the last 4 polish units refuse to surrender.
  12. Axis turn 2: Same procedure as every game with Zapp...again the same old/obsolete strategy: UK air around London, french HQ built...but hey, there is a change : Allies DoW Ireland turn 1. Poland: 2 units killed, armies build a ring around Warsaw.
  13. Somewhere in July... Allies surrender unconditionally - their leaders were shot as a deterent that you should not use obsolete strategies in a war
  14. July 12, 1942: Finland joins Axis. One italian army lost - a italian task force (3 armies, 2 corps, 1 HQ) is fighting side by side with their german brothers . As retaliation 2 russian armies destroyed - only 1 russian army in Kiev left... West: US transports move to southern France and Spain. Without aircover an army transport gets sunk by german air. Italian transports approaching USA...
  15. June 28, 1942: First turn without losses for Germany in Russia - an army survives at str 1. 1 russian army, 1 corps destroyed, several others heavily damaged - Russia is now running out of armies too. North: German tanks reach Leningrad. West: Many US transports at the french and LC coast. An army transport survives 2 airstrikes. Fresh air built, now 5 german AFs in the battle of France/Britain. UK built a third AF. USA built also an AF - research chits must have been sold now. At the moment: Axis is 2:1 superior in units and earns 875mpp/turn vs ~750 allied mpps.
  16. June 14, 1942: The brave bulgarian corps that buried down the russian mines moves deeper into russian territory and attacks Konev HQ . Russians continue to attack aggressively and kill a german army. As retaliation 2 russian armies destroyed. No tanks to kill any more - no survivors . Only 2 last russian tanks spotted in and around Minsk. Russian cruiser killed instead. West: German air repositions into attack positions for England. The battle of Britain has begun - report shows lots of italian transports swarming the sea . German navy sails west to help protecting the axis invasion force.
  17. May 17, 1942: German corps killed near Kiev. Germans retaliate and kill again 2 tanks, 1 army and a corps. Second russian mine buried down... Russia shows anti-tank lv 2. West: US transport outside Hamburg, coasts are protected. Heavy airbattles around London, German air in the offensive, this time no AF lost - 1 UK air is not intercepting any more...probably UK finally is running out of mpps . Germany researches Jets lv 2 at the end of turn.
  18. April 19, 1942: Since a HQ was in the encircled area, the german units were still in supply and HQ supported. One german army lost during the russian attack. As retaliation 2 russian tanks and an army destroyed. Another army survived at 2, a corps at str 1. Russian mine near Sevastopol occupied by a cut of corps and buried down. In the west: German air attacks a UK AF in southern England, but during interception they already take 8 points damage vs a lv 3 US AF, so it gets killed in the final battle - nevertheless since Germany has reached Anti-air lv 2 it was surely expensive for the enemy air too. German airfleet replaced by a new one...
  19. March 22, 1942: Russian offensive near Kiev, 1 german tank destroyed. Axis take revenge and kill 3 tanks + 1 corps in return - an army survives at str 2, Riga conquered. Russia built 9 tanks, 3 armies and 7 corps near the front so far. Russia already researched anti-tank lv 1. In the West german air goes into the offensive and kills a US AF that attacked the last 2 turns and were therefore weakended with direct strikes - one german AF missing in action. Portugal surrenders
  20. February 8, 1942: German forces move cautiously forward in Russia. Several tanks and armies spotted around Kiev. Tanks in Riga + Minsk. 2 new russian corps destroyed, cleaning the rear area from the last remnants of the first strike. Iraq surrenders, Portugal survives at str 1.
  21. Nothing with repairs...Allies again attack with all airfleets and carriers...where does all the money come from...western allied losses should be over 400 mpps each turn. Barbarossa started pretty weak with only 7 armies, 6 tanks, 5 AFs and a couple of corps - due to the expensive airfights in the west. Fortunately Axis have now an income of around 850mpps/turn. [ November 23, 2004, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  22. December 14, 1941: Allies retreat from Brest to repare their damaged carriers and AFs - pretty expensive for Allies each turn 4 airfights. Barbarossa starts: All 9 border armies destroyed or cut off (including Odessa). Both tanks, cruiser and an AF killed. Portugal and Iraq: capital surounded Greece surrenders
  23. Yep, this game also reminds me at my last games with Zapp a year ago - identical copies. Zapp still uses the same old (+ obsolete) strategies like a year ago - with stone age strategies against modern strategies... .
  24. October 19, 1941: Heavy airbattles between the 4 allied AFs and 4 german ones. Germany got LR 1 and sinks a canadian army transport outside Bergen. UK has no mpps, but they are very successful in research - UK battleships show GLR lv 2 + the ones in sight are reinforced...
  25. September 21, 1941: Allies have 4 AFs in total (2 UK, 2 US) - the many airbattles throughout the game took its toll. UK had also no mpps for research nevertheless they reached lv 1 jets, but carriers are still useless. At the end of the turn Germany gets jets 1, so they will be able to compete with the US lv 2 jets now and it will be even more expensive for Allies.
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