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Everything posted by kurt88

  1. Yeah, what can I say, btw, I loved the first five chapters! I'll be sending you an email soon.
  2. Yeah, what can I say, btw, I loved the first five chapters! I'll be sending you an email soon.
  3. I totally agree on this one! JJ, Respect to you, let it be known to the world!! Join the weirdness!!
  4. I totally agree on this one! JJ, Respect to you, let it be known to the world!! Join the weirdness!!
  5. Bas, we moeten maar es een spelletje spelen man. Ooit. Good idea Ranger! Moon/Madmatt, could we have a sticky for this, it's real handy.
  6. kurt88


    Well, you know, I was thinking, and euh... you know, I do try to think, it's not because I'm blond or anything hehe, euh, wait... oh yes, euh I was thinking... to maybe... euh... YES, sue this JerseyJohn dude for hiding the Low Countries from us!!!
  7. Nice colors Agent Smith, especially the Italian ones like you mentioned. Good work and thanks again for making them available! And now let Trinity go, I love her and won't share her with a machine ! Trinity , ahhhhh....
  8. And we got an agent Smith, I bet Mr. H is a machine and ...
  9. FF, I have send you some mails to ask if you could resend your last. I deleted it by accident, so I hope you still got it. Hope your email trouble is over now.
  10. Nice thread JJ! I'll have to check my books on the subject. Naval warfare is something I haven't gotten into yet. Did you see those photo's on the net that were released recently, mostly by RAF pilots flying over concentration camps and D-day? If I remember correctly there was one spotting a German warship in the Norwegian fjords. Here's that link. It was the Tirpitz and the Hipper. [ February 08, 2004, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]
  11. kurt88


    SC2 !!!!????? I just got him to cut back on SC1 and now there's rumours about an SC2!!!??? I got to get some more downers... and sue that Hubert character!
  12. Those graphics look real good. Unfortunately I don't know squat about tinkering around with this sort of stuff. Thanks for making these available!
  13. Good to hear that the league is a succes. Hubert can be proud!!
  14. Ranger, Kuni would like to do your AAR on the Firebase site since he's not allowed to post here. Maybe you could just put a link here to the AAR. Here's a link to CT's site, you'll have to register first Anyway, you guys should decide. Good luck to all the sem-final players.
  15. Maybe it's the dead guys, they are know to surface once in awhile. Look on the bright side, maybe we get to see some old acquitances.
  16. Against the AI I play with the FoW off, I think it plays better when it can see my units and movements. Against other other players I think we all play with FoW on.
  17. Les, I'm running Win98 still :eek: I think I'm quite immune for the virus.I was last time. But if you decide to wait, that's ok.
  18. A bidding sysyem is also often used to boost up the Allies a bit, this can be usefull especialy against a experienced Axis player. A lot of these sytems go around, 1:4 ; 1:8 ; 1:5:20 and others. For example, one bids 100 to play Axis. This would mean that UK gets +100 mpp's and Russia +400 mpp's from the start (1:4). Or +100 and +800 and the 1:8 system. You can add these numbers using the editor. If you like PBEM play I suggest you join Curry's PBEM league, it's really the best way to get better, playing other people and get soundly beaten a few times in a row , you pick up routines and strategies quite fast. You can register for the league here. I also bumped the thread conserning the PBEM league. Welcome to the forum Col. Kurtz
  19. Bumping this one up again for new players.
  20. Better watch it, we'll take over your airspace in a second
  21. Well, if the Dutch get more forces, Belgium would have to get Eben Emael, the mightiest fortress in Europe at the time. MORE POWER TO THE LOW COUNTRIES !!!
  22. Round Two is about to start! For Group A it's Iron Ranger and Friendly Fire. For Group B it's Dragonheart and Kuniworth. In Group B OD also had a chance left but I didn't hear from him to continue our game after I posted in the other thread and send him two emails. I also have no record for his game against Kuni. So the Tourney continues in the semifinals. Iron Ranger vs Kuniworth (check Firebase to find the crazy Swede ) Dragonheart vs Friendly Fire It would be nice to have an AAR for both games and the final later on. The title of Blue Master awaits...
  23. Seems like the captain of Team Europe as become a bad loser, he should come talk to me
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