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Posts posted by jon_j_rambo

  1. [Atlantic Sea Battle]

    Allied Royal Navy & Aussie ships come after the Legend in Jan. 1941. On the Allied turn, the following got sunk by the Allies. He went nuts.

    Nazi U-29 (sunk)

    BB-Rodney (sunk)

    BB-Mayala (sunk)

    BB-Royal (sunk)

    Legend licks his chops, a "time to kill". Here's my counter with Wolfpack, Italains, Bismarck, & Air cover from the English Channel Normandy. Bismark has +2 tech, still roaming & raiding strength-7. Most my U-boats were upgraded to +2. Wow, glad he attacked when I paid for the tech.

    Italian-BB on an attack (bad roll for kill) (sunk)

    BB-Warspite (sunk)

    BB-Valiant (sunk)

    DD-St. Clair (sunk)

    DD-Nigaraia (sunk)

    DD-Bulldog (sunk)

    DD-Campella (sunk)

    CA-Aussie-Sydney (sunk)

    CA-Aussie-Cruiser (sunk)

    Raiding last turn was 40 MMPs, plus Bristol raid by Bismarck.

    Bomber popped Bistrol port & London port.

    [Egypt] Bock goes for it. Sends Legend's Panzer #2 for Alexanderia. We see two different HQ's from Africa & O'Conner from England. The target is the British General O'Conner because Brits have known 7th Armor in Cairo area last turn & WDE Army in Cairo. We nearly get the kill on O'Conner, he's down to strength-1. He can escape the port is about his only choice for next turn. Not wanting some bs to happen from behind, we send Elite +1 Nazi Corp to ping Oasis African. Bock holds the supply line for Legend's Panzer #2.

    [China] China, or should we say "new" Japan in a matter of months. Zhu-HQ is KIA'ed, Corp KIA'ed, Army KIA'ed, we are to the next city which will be siege because it has entrenment x4 with Army. Need that city then the last one which is the "The Alamo" of China. I'm one city & two hexes away from it. I have overwhelming troops, HQ's, etc. Chinese have 1-HQ left, maybe 4 ground pieces at best.

  2. Jan. 1941

    Axis U-Boats & ships raid all convoys leading to the UK. BB +2 tech pings Western Coast of England. Small combat in the winter waters West of Ireland. U-Boats do small damage to Austrailian CA. After my turn is done, more rain hits the majority of the area, thus good for defense.

    Egypt: El Amen is taken down by Panzer & Corp, this was nice. Blackshirts ping from the south on the newly formed 7th Armour. We back off then....

    Japs continue the pounding in the winter months, Chinese HQ & Corp take expensive damage. Two more Chinese units are cutoff from supply in the mountains West of Langchow. I brought a Tank in, not sure why.

  3. November 1940

    Axis ships raid. The frozen tundra covers England along with their large ground forces. RN & RAF hiding. We ping-up a corp on the channel coast with air & crusier.

    Egypt. Germans land Panzer, KIA on a lost Corp on the sands. Blackshirts ping HQ in Southern Egypt.

    Romania joins.

    Chinese have snow too. Little damage given West of Langchow. Just time now. They are low on units.

  4. March 1944

    [Russia] Ah, we really don't have a clue.....ah, so run-around in the snow, look for weak targets and supply lines. We kill Romanian near Stalingrad as we cross the Volga. Near Dneipper, we KIA Panzer.....Tanks are deadly in this one. The Russians have a bunch of slow moving +1 Infantry +2 Anti-Tank (which doesn't help) against a somewhat organized Nazi Army/Air. We the weather breaks, I will get trashed. I had to do something in the snow because I'm on the ropes, he has Stalingrad/Moscow.

    [Asia] Big pile of US stuff slowly works toward Phillipines. Singapore is taken back for the good guys. Half Dozen Nazi subs will be in range in two turns. Chinese lost their 1st capital....whatever.....somebody will pick up the change soon enough.....My offensive is sloppy.

  5. October 1940

    Yes, JollyGuy has stated the situation at the end of this battle. The British have a bunch of ground units.....I see at least 3 full Armies, tons of Corps, and SF. The Royal Navy has backed off, the RAF has avoided air combat against tech +3 Nazis. Yes, the Naval battle was pretty much as an exhange. I didn't spend any amphib MMPs, this is good, but I will lose a paratroop....they will die with their Nazi daggers in hand, in London.

    Italians have busted out of Gibralter, but nobody to fight. The Royal Navy has gotta be in Scapa Flow, Manchester, etc.

    SeaLion is over.

    In Egypt, Italian Army leaves Tobruk to take on a charging Corp. There is an Italian BB helping with the attack.

    [China] Good news, Langchow is crushed & captured. Another Chinese Army trapped in the mountains is whacked to death by the sword. It's off to the last Capital.

  6. September 1942

    CRAZY attack turn. All Allied forces (save the Chinese) go absolutely nuts on all fronts.

    [Russia] Attack no matter what if you "can do damage" per roll, or any 0-0 attacks. We dish, we take, it's ugly and crazy. Action along the entire border. I kill Panzer, damage bunch other units, but I had to take more damage. Don't care.

    [Normandy] We land Corp, cutoff Spain railroads to stop the Holocaust of MMPs. Corp is pinging Paris, trapped, pinging for no damage against HQ. Every other unit attacks, too much to mention. About a ten+ attacks against the Luftwaffen on Normandy, it finally died. I prepare landing craft.....land on Denmark, it's occupied, trapped I am. Go for the port of Kiel, same thing, lets start walking around Germany. Try to land in Norway, run into Sub......More landing craft looking for places to land. Kill DD & CA (by USA)......I went nutz....remember, nutz is a strategy.

    Austrialia......Yankee ships go ramming speed. We attack with no technology against BB-Jap, it is sunk, we take heavy damage, don't care. Also attack another Jap-BB near New Zealand.....both heavily damage. Yank-HQ with Fighter on Aussie land. Nobody has a Carrier (well, know). Jap Special Forces killed on worthless island by US-Tank.

    Egypt, the 7th Armour is a crazed maniac......helps kill another Italian Corp.....dude is a Legend.

  7. Another round. The Royal Navy came in again. He's got 2-BB pinging the coast, with three Aussie CA, wow, that's a long sail :) I lost a ship or two. We counter right back, kill CA, work down the BB. The Bismark is out there fighting with my U-Boats.

    RN shows up in force with some Aussies :) We'll fight on. Chinese getting a taste of the sword.

    Italians are trying to ping there way out of the Rock, going to take awhile.

  8. Yes, the Allies are back, and clearing up the Atlantic & North Sea waters. Axis own Iceland, don't care. What I do care about, that stupid Ireland in my way. The Yanks DOW on the Irish, blast them away, we wanted the port. Bad news thought, the Norwegians weren't really excited about that Western boldness, Norway joins the Axis. We chase U-boats, can't be many left, maybe 2 damaged?

    Allied units start pinging Normandy where Luftwaffen Fighter is scouting. American bomber pops the Mine in Germany, can't tell the damage, but we got hits.

    Egypt is home of the 7th Armour of England, he swats Italian ground units every turn. Wow, does Xwormwood enjoy slugfest games.

    Russia, speaking of slugging, the Russians keep fighting. We are both taking damage.

    China, same thing, ground fighting, but we are the one's taking the damage. Chinese have no punch. Just getting worked on in the mountains by superior lead Japs.

    Couple little things happening in the Pacific. Jap Navy sniffing and raiding Austrialia & New Zealand. Yanks show starting weak ships in that area. Couple small land unit battles on the worthless islands......but hey, what else is there to do in 1942.

  9. September 1940

    Yep, it's a trap, not a gift. Royal Navy came to the aid of London & the channel. 2-BB, 2-DD, 2-CA, but no CVs. I lost Cruiser & U-Boat, but did a few hits before death. The Brits haven't put much tech on their ships this early in the game. Also, a swarm of stuff is geared up against London, Corps, and SF in the background. I don't think it was a trap, but rather when he moved his Fighter out of London, there was no supply to operand a unit back in. Either way, I haven't wasted any MMPs on Amphib movement which is a huge cost. The paratroops are in London full strength, low supply, and the Brits have the port.

    On the counter, I send some fighters, tactical, bombers on naval support missions. I attack with 2-CA, 2-SB.....sinking couple enemy ships, reducing BB to one. It's a slugfest. We end with our ships on French side of the Coast for air support reasons.

    [China] 3-prong attack on Longchow, we reduce the unit to strength-5, also cutoff him from the HQ to the West. But now my supplies are getting thinner. Chinese Engineer lost in the mountains is KIA'ed.

  10. August 1940

    [Europe] Ah, I'm lost for words. London is empty, there's DD in port. Ah, supply-1 in London because I bombed it last turn. Ah, is this a trap? Political nightmare waiting to happen? Oh well, I'm taking it. German Paratroops take London, no damage taken. We ping the DD. German Bomber does attack on Manchester & the coastal city on the Eastboard. He has DD there, couple Corps around Manchester & Engineer. There is no RAF or RN to speak off. RN is raiding Norway, or somebody is. Guess I fell for the trap. End of turn the Yanks & Russians aren't happy about London falling, but I'll take it.

    [MedFront] Italian Navy raids the key convoy line thru the Med: Austrialia, New Zealand, & Egypt cash (MMPs) are sunk.

    [China] Japs waste Chinese-Army in the mountains East of Langchow, also kill Chinese-Corp West of Langchow....it's a killing field.

  11. February 1944

    [Russia] The snow flies as the sound of tanks are heard. Three Russians go West from Rostov straight across the Dneiper Line to battle two Panzers, support infantry & Tactical bombers. We ping Panzer & Tactical. Crazy move, but when in doubt, charge. Another Tank heads North from Rostov, behind the pocket of Lebbs Army. We attack a Germany Army. Other units get out of their snow forts behind the Volga, use riflemen against Romanians. Reinforcements are place in Lennigrad, they were cannon fodder a year ago, this time, orders are given to raise hell, wonder wherever. A few ground units come out of the North to annoy the Nazis. No real strategy in the snow, no real punch, just charge.

    [MiddleEast] US Tacticals soften up a pair Italian BB down to strength-4 each. RAF is reinforced, they are bi-planes against the fancy Nazi fighters.

    [Casablanca] We do a scout mission, nowhere to land.

    [ireland] Snow, no supplies, no port to use. Italian Battleship is penning us in.

    [Asia] Place of all the action. Chinese take Hong-Kong, there is celebration. Chinese mount an offensive in the North, just find holes & attack. I will take damage, but I must push the Imperialists off. Targeting Jap-HQ with ground & air support....he's roughed up quite a bit.

    Huge Naval push into the South China Sea. American & British Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, Sub, Destroyers are working over Dutch East, Singapore, raiding convoys, sunk a Jap Sub. A few intercepts from Jap CV's which are East of Phillipines. General George S. Patton is given command of all Allied Ground forces in Asia, including a Paratroop group he is personally leading, capturing the rich oil of Dutch East. We hold the North Island, Japs on the South. Allies have Air support on the Mainland too, figured I gotta support the Navy from the nasty Japs. Whenever possible, CV's & ships are kept close to Mainland fighter support. We haven't done a major crazy naval attack, but rather an organized focused manuever.

  12. January 1943

    [Russia] Winter weather gamble paid off at Rostov, the Russian Tanks slipped thru the port. Everybody attacks Rostov, big badass Panzer +5 tech had called it his winter home. First, two artillery rockets to soften those trenches, then three Commie Tanks. The Southern end of the line is freed. There are Nazis West of me, but I only see one Panzer. To the North, is a big pile of Luftwaffen. I slipped a paratroop in, some badass Nazi with 5-star experience is there. Problem the one that had been trashing the Israel British RAF figthers. Hopefully it snows again. About the first good turn the Russians have ever seen in the whole entire war.

    [Asia] Major offensives all over the place. We are closing in on the ground on various juicy targets. Massive air campaigns waste the key Jap-HQ (4-star) near Hong-Kong. Bunch of mix & match Allies helping out. WiPro-Indians, Chinese, etc. We are going to free some the mainland soon enough. More activity on the Dutch East Indies. We get canal access, send in some lead DD boats, BB, and sub......we sink Jap-CV.

  13. Summer 1940

    [Europe] Fighter shows up to London, there's also DD in port. Herman Goering sends the Bomber again, and the Italians use theirs also......London is leveled to 0.

    [China] Little bit of rain never stopped a good offensive. Japs kill Army and Corp. We now have 3 hexes beside Langchow. The kills were in the mountains & plain.

    [Africa] Wow, the BlackShirts took the Sudan! Brits didn't reinforce, was surprised. Tactical Bomber chopped down the ultra weak defender. The Brits have taken alot of units into Egypt via scripts, shocked, figured I'd gamble, was doomed anyways. I did pay for the Italian HQ down there......dumb gamble.

  14. June 1940

    [China] Oh my, the Japs are charging again. We take Changsta. Big surge against the mob of Chinese at Langlow is now on. We wax a Corp sitting on the dirt trail two hexes NE of Langlow. Chinese Tactical sitting in my way, it deserves a ping. My strong Jap-Army in the mountain way to the East of Langlow pops some dude for couple hits. I do have Sian, but not the fortress, don't care.

    [Europe] Time to bomb London, why, because we can. No Luftwaffen intercepts, bombs away. Raiding Egyptian, Capetown, Rhodesia.

  15. Russian front is divided at Volga, but he owns Stalingrad & Moscow, not cool. But hopefully the winter weather will shake it up a little bit.

    Egypt. USAAF starts popping more sorites on the capital city. American Army lands in Israel. RAF giving some support.

    Offensive towards Bangkock, US ground forces get one kill, will take the city next turn. Hanoi is hit by ground & air, we KIA the SF+2 unit, but do not take the city, no worries, we walk in next turn. Captured a couple small islands. Shore bombardment on the DutchEast Indies oil well.

  16. Rain lifts in Burma, Allied forces attack. Shore bombardments loosen up Jap-SF on the coast in Thailand. British Carriers show their face, do some damage, American CV finish things up. Large about of Air now attacks HQ just North of Bangkock, he's destroyed. Bomber from China pops the port of Hanoi, then the city.

    Russians dig & build. I could use some Infantry power better than +1. Could use some snow too.

    Turkey, we hold the whole country, no movement.

    Allies conduct small air missions into Egypt from Sudan, nothing major.

  17. June 1940

    Germans have done some scripting decision events, I have no idea whether a couple or worth it or not. The Germans now have a gold mine in the Carib.

    Royal Navy is surrounding Brest, expecting an attack? He may try thee ol' quadriple naval bombardment then air support move.

    Speaking of navies, we are raiding: Rhodisa, CapeTown, Egyptian convoys.

    Japanese are going nuts in Northern China. Great news the capture of Sian has happenend. Pinging some lonely Engineer in the mountains, he must be building a fort for nobody to use. I'm charging with everybody, forget about having garrisons :) Only thing, the Chinese hold the fortress......but I want the well built railroads. Carriers with LR wipe out a whimpy partisian.

  18. Paris was taken in March, but the French did not surrender until this turn April. I lost 2-Armies & 1-Panzer in France with extending for quick play, probably not worth it. The Legends #1 Panzer was waxed just East of Brest. I quickly countered the British Corp in Brest for 6 hits, and beat on the BB doing bombardment with Tactical & Fighter....so at least he took some damage. French have now surrendered in April. Vichey France was allowed to form. Italy has obviously joined the world domination plan.

    Japanese surrounded, destroyed & captured ChengChow. We are advancing in the North. Sian is being pinged & the fortress 2 hexes to the North is surrounded. We are only doing light operations in the South, thus the Allies easily control Nanning.

  19. July 1943

    Russians are tired of feeding the treads of the Panzers. We back-off, stay behind the Volga. Meanwhile, our offensive is in Turkey, we start the push towards Constantinople. Russian Tanks KIA one Corp, damage another. British RAF continue to hang out & sortie from Israel & Iraq.

    Burma, rain.

    Hanoi, offensive. Multiple light air groups soften Hanoi, while Indians try in vain to take the city. American Bomber levels the city, but the port is still open for business. Chinese do some pinging on the Eastern sector.

    Behind that....rather quiet.

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