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Posts posted by jon_j_rambo

  1. "History, I'm talking about history" -Robert Shaw as General Custer.

    Okay, it seems like we have alot of historians out there. Everybody has there beliefs about WWII, as with any other issue. Once you state your point, that's great. Then it's debate time. So this leads me to my beliefs on WWII, in statement form.

    My top-10 'takes' on WWII (like David Letterman)

    1) The Germans were OVER-RATED !!! I'm tired of hearing all the bull-crap about their generals, equipment, planning, engineering, pretty uniforms, etc. ANYBODY CAN DEFEAT UN-ARMED COUNTRIES. Poland, Low Countries, & Baltic States don't count.

    2) The SS were OVER-RATED !!! Big-deal shooting women & children. They hid behind the lines, until a nice soft spot was available.

    3) The Stukas were OVER-RATED !!! Anybody can bomb somebody who can't shoot back.

    4) The War @ Sea is UNDER-RATED: It took brass balls to go out in the middle of the Atlantic in some U-Boat.

    5) The French are weak: UNTRUE!!! Look at all the wars they had been involved in over history. Vietnam, Napolean, War of the Roses, Dark Ages crap, French & Indian, etc. Yes, the got their ass kick in WWII & are a little whimpy now, but over the big picture they have fought well.

    6) Africa was a waste of time in WWII!!! Who gives a rats ass about Libya & Egypt. If Germany was some smart, why didn't they go for the oil instead of dicking around in the sand (kitty box)?

    They could have used those troops & resources in Russia.

    7) Resistance Fighters are UNDER-RATED!!! Snipers, French Underground, Sabatours, etc. played a huge role screwing up the Germans.

    8) Patton is the biggest STUD!!! Yes, the battlefield kill ratio & stats are questionable (do you believe everything you read), but this guy banged his way across France & opened up the front. He saved, or lets say "our blood, his guts" rescued alot of GI's at the Bulge.

    9) The fire bombing of Dresden is UNDER-RATED. Everybody talks about "The Nukes" which makes sense. But hell, fire-bombing people to death worked.

    10) And, finally, I think the Allies could have save alot of lives if a different attack was used instead of D-Day. It seems like the history books (& movies) emphasize the whole battle revolved about the landing areas & keeping them secret. Alot of allied body bags were used. Could there have been a better plan than D-Day?

    Just sharing my thoughts. Let me know your 'takes'


  2. Carl --- Wow! Did you actually type all that or was the a cut & paste? Thanks for the history lesson.

    Here's the update from my game vs Jason:

    Turn #1: I beat on Poland. Declared war on Denmark, used boats to warm them up.

    Turn #2: Captured Warsaw, but they did not convert. Beat on Denmark with land, air, & sea, but not capture it. British sink my U-boats in the Atlantic, but they loose a Carrier.

    Turn #3: Poland & Denmark "see the light" & join the Axis the hard way.

    Turn #4: All quiet on the Western Front. For now.

    Current Feb, 1940: Italy joins the war.

    That's an update for you sport's fans.

  3. G-Man --- Nice to meet you, I'd love to play some new opponents. I've played 6 different people the campaign game so far. The Germans are the heavy favorite in my opinion. We can start a game whenever you like. I am able to play via e-mail a turn in the morning (post to you around 9:30 AM EST, & one or more in the evening 9:30 PM EST.) I live in Mountain Standard Time & work the normal 8-5 type job, so that's my schedule... But I'm going on vacation/out of town the week of Thanksgiving & won't be touching a computer for gaming, except for some sports betting via some public library. Just let me know. My e-mail is: jon_j_rambo@yahoo. I actually use a friends e-mail now for gaming, because yahoo servers don't seem to like uploading/downloading SC games. I currently am still using patch #4, because I have a few games going on. I'm playing one guy in a hot & heavy game...I'm the Allies & am actually being a factor in 1943. That's it for now.

    Carl Van Mannerheim --- Sure enough. I'm man enought to take the '44 beating. I'll do the best I can. I measure my play against myself anyhow (kind of like my golf game).

    Remember, I can start play anytime, but cannot play between Nov. 21 - Nov. 30.


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