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Posts posted by jon_j_rambo

  1. Game A: Japs are uncontested. Bombers are dusting targets in Russia. All Allied units are in Central Russia or in the MedFront. It's just a matter of where the UK/USA attempt to land.

    Game B: Dang near like Game A. Except UK is in the MedFront & the USA is starting to Island Hop. Rather big UK naval offesive is attacked by nasty Axis subs North of Tobruk. We trash several units & run away.

  2. Question should be: Why would I (Camp Rambo) play World War One, when I've got SC-Global, that is the question. Just the thought of WW-1 bores me. Who is the market for WW-1 games? Certainly doesn't interest me. Yet on the flip, I'll actually have to learn some new stuff. Is it a rehash of SC engine or going to have a new tactical feel to it?

    I want Victory Games U.S. Civil War made into a classic.

  3. If you haven't played JG, his style is unique. First, he loves playing the Allies, exclusively. Since he only plays Allies (well, he wants to spar maybe a game as Axis just to become an even better Allied player), he's able to get really good being a single-sided-expert. He doesn't waste MMPs, believes in holding & capturing at flex points on the map. He has trained under the wing of Terif for years. JG & I tangled in SC-1, some great matches. JG real breakout came in SC-2, his Allied game was solid.

    JollyGuy's player profile is simple......he's like Ike. Logistics, planning, & execution of strategy.

  4. One comment - the axis minor victory conditions are too easy to achieve compared to the Allies but as you say we'll all play both sides at some point

    Actually agree with this comment about victory conditions "under 90 days". Play a turn per day as Axis & you should be able to win every game. turn #100 is where the Allies are on major offensives which really start rolling..... Turn #100 is roughly Summer 1944, I think?

  5. Any room for a small one? Count me in. I'll pm Amadeus with my email

    One comment - the axis minor victory conditions are too easy to achieve compared to the Allies but as you say we'll all play both sides at some point

    I look forward to kicking Rambo's ass again in the final :)

    I'm ready right now, son. Your weather luck was my first trist back in the cage. My A-game is the here & now. Record speaks for itself. I'm undefeated as Allies, and have a few KO's as Axis.

    I'm the baddest man on the planet,


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