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Posts posted by jon_j_rambo

  1. Ports below strength-5 cannot embark, this is huge. Except SForces are diff.

    Ports below strenght-5 cannot disembark the same turn, leaving troops exposed & unused for an xtra turn.

    So bombing Tobruk is a very common move by ppl, to slow up things for the enemy.

    Bombing cities below 5 screws up land operands.

    List goes on.

    -Legend, in a corporate meeting always teaching

  2. Osoman, in a current game against JollyGuy, my Japs have Bomber+3, LR+2 in 1944. Bombers pound cities at will inside the Russian countryside. There's no way he can mount an offensive back towards Manchuria. I've got one of the bombers popping the oil in the Cacussus, its a beautiful thing.

    Bombers are critical for stopping port landings all over the globe.

    Far as that starting UK bomber, use for spotting early in the game, u know Nazi subs are everywhere. Maybe use UK bomber to destroy French ports to screw up SeaLion. Maybe send bomber to Africa to pound down Italian terror training in East Africa. Maybe put in Malta for spotting and tag ports.

    Report for duty son,


  3. All depends on the opponent, the nation you're playing, tactical situation.

    1) As England, why in the world would you research subs? UK barely has enough MMPs to survive, upkeep the RAF, & support troops across the globe. The UK has units & minor friends (Austrialia/New Zealand/India) in which you can't even afford to upgrade with starting tech. Come on man, subs for England, REALLY?

    2) Of course, attack with some dud no-tech bomber against +1 AA is going to cost you. But what strength target are you hitting? What's the purpose of your bomber? If you have just one British Bomber with no tech, do you expect to start a bombing strategy? Get real. Use the one bomber for very key special support & spotting.

    Success stories: I love the bombers. Double attacks, long range, spotting, fear of God, & mentally demoralizing to the enemy. In remote areas of the board in which the opponent has no fighter support, the bomber rules the area like a Queen in Chess. Bombing key ports at the exact time, leveling supply, cutting off operands.... There's another great use of bombers for the Axis on defense, but loose lips, sink ships.

  4. nice write-up Bob, that's the gist of it.

    -I have learned the hard way about Greek weather patterns. If you put Bomber in Greece, and have fighters in Albania/Bulgaria, the rain line will screw you. Guess it works both ways, Bob's RAF caught the adverse side of flight patterns in Burma.

    -At this point I can barely tell the two games apart. Hasn't been alot of little action, it's more like a Heavyweight fight.....with alot of positioning until a major-major battle.

    -Monster battles are due in Turkey/Greece/Balklans

    -Other game the Pacific is going to be a monster fight

  5. In our game each axis and allies have 3 points in the USA, I got a +14% for the USA from england despite the fact each side has three points in. Do the points no longer cancel each other out?

    Maybe your opponent had 4 chits vs 3 chits, thus a net chance of 5%. Then when you said, "come on man, how many chits do you have?". He looked and saw 3 chits, because the last chit just hit.

    Now you know why they call me Legend,


  6. In light of today’s date the 69th anniversary of Pearl Harbor I thought I'd ask the question: Is it worthwhile to attack PH in Global?

    My own experiences would lead me to vote no. I was interested in hearing others responses.

    On a more serious note – let’s all hope and pray there will never be another “day that will live in infamy”

    Why wouldn't u attack PH? I usually pop it for 2+ turns, search for foolhardy yankee carriers too.


  7. Russian help really doesn't come from within. Only so much they can do when Gerry SS comes a knockin'. True help comes from the West. If Allies pick the right time & place to invade Western Europe, Nazis are toast.

    From what I've seen, Allies have the advantage, especially for the newbie. That's what makes this game great is the playability.

    David and I started a game, its early 40.

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