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Posts posted by jon_j_rambo

  1. Summer 1942

    [Europe] Tired, exhausted, and taken huge damage......but the United States has broken into Nazi Germany. Russians are battered also. The price of victory is never cheap. We will eat Christmas dinner in Berlin, no problems.

    [Pacific] Jap Carrier blasted & sunk. He had torpedo planes loaded, now they are at the bottome of the Ocean. Austrialians with help of American Carrier kill SF-Jap. India is bracing for final Jap attacks.

    Allies crusin'

  2. *** GAME OVER ***

    Jollyguy has surrendered. His first game back he jumped into the pool without alot of practice. We are now playing two new games. He likes playing Allies.

    Axis had the scariest possible Navy in the Atlantic. Had all the units built, experience, and even two ships from the Port of Prince script. Had Iceland, England snuffed with no MMPs.....Didn't even have reason to invade. Things were going well in the Pacific too.

  3. Xwormwood --- Exactly, sucks huh? Same thing with my first two UFC matches against you & Minty. Luftwaffen was useless in Germany of all places, let alone Russia. I didn't know it rained that much in Buntaland.

    Now, a few changes should be made in regards to Air in bad weather. Let them at lease move 1/2 movement with NO combat. Sort of a mini-operand. That's only like 2 or 3 hexes depending on tech.

    Also, not EVERY hex should contain rain. Mix up the coverage within an area. Like 85% of the hexes in a weather zone with rain would be covered. Weather should also move like real weather, forecasting, etc.

    I'd like cloud cover too :) Have fighters mix it up in the soup. Plus, worse spotting.

    Also, inaccurate spotting would be cool :)

    How about "dummy" units? Like Pattons' fake units for D-Day?

  4. April 1943

    [France] Rain, rain, rain. Ground attacks only. 4th Yankee Armor goes nutz, damaged like Sgt. Guffy in the movie classic, Battle of the Bulge. He rams Nazi Tiger Tank East of Paris, we get the kill. Paratroops rake clear Southern fortress in the Siegford line. If only the American people knew the reckless casaulties, I would be voted out of office. General Patton has American bombers up'ed in tech due to rain, they are working from London. +1 LR, +1 Bombers. Paris has been cutoff along with the mine. I don't have alot of punch, but spirit I do have. Spainish rail controled, but not alot of power can I have going in. Milan is ours, completely out of the theater.

    [Russia] Sneak port taken, Allied ships working the coast line in Baltic. Russian Tank heads dead South, blows away +2 tech Romanian Fighter, that was fun :) The Russians are weak, but so are the Germans.

    I'm using total disregard offensive strategy, trying to punch drunk the Germans to death.

    [Asia] Land battles in India & Austrialia. Another unorganized strategy used by the Legend. Transport runs in Jap-DD North of Pearl Harbor. Yankee Admirals sail where the action is. Pacific is a big Ocean, people.

  5. March 1943 ---

    [Europe] The Allies massive 2-prong attack continues. We've pressed into France with reckless manuevers. General Geroge S. Patton leading the charge. After a complete exhange with the Kreigsmarine has weakend our navies to damaged goods, it's upto the Air Power flying from England to pound & pick spots. Paris has become engulfed with units, but the Nazis still hold the capital. Yanks own both Western ports, pressing some units into Spain, others have bypassed Paris completely. This turn, sent both Yankee paratroops into harm's way. We've captured Frankfurt, Germany. We are beside Nazi-HQ & a couple of Panzer+3 tech units. Thee other paratroop 101st captured Milan, flying over a neutral Vichy France. It's a parking lot of weaker Allied units, but by sheer numbers, things are rolling.

    [Egypt] 7th Armour continues to play with the Italians, popping Corp, pressing towards Tobruk.

    [Russians] Reds taking huge damage, but who cares, certainly not me. We've abandononed most of the territory vs the Japs, to press towards Poland. I lost Odyessa, just to enter Romania, the front line is mess, there really isnt' a frontline except for Riga River. Lead Commie Tank waxed a General, this is good, think it was Leeb. Germans will counter, but he's outnumbered.

    Germany is doomed. They should fall in 1943.

    [Asia] The Japs have invaded India quite strong. He has 6+ units in the country coming from both the East & Southern ports. Not much I can do, nor will I, don't care. it's outsourced labor.

    Japs are fighting me in Austrialia, too. Not sure of the Jap Navy either. We had the early exchange with surface ships, but no real carriers battles.

    The Chinese still are holding.

  6. June 1941

    [Atlantic] Massive Axis raiding of the Atlantic. Taking ~50 MMPs from England per turn. Also pinging London & Bristol & Irish locations. Gotta be careful because the Carriers are somewhere. Surface ships are now worries, the majority are "below surface" ships.

    [Egypt] Italian & Nazi ground forces have finished off Egypt. Waxed a couple African HQs, British HQ, 7th Armor, WDF, etc.

    [China] We're on the last capital. My supply is off a little. Need to revamp a few key strong pieces for the final kill. HQ needs to move forward. I did lose an Army on overextension, it happens.

  7. Rambo,

    I didn't think you were old enough to remember VG's Civil War. I loved that game and still have a copy of it somewhere. I'd love to see a American Civil War game or something like AH's War and Peace. I had a group of 4 friends in High School and we would play W&P all night long on the weekends. After I moved they moved onto Empires and Arms but I still love W&P (I still have a copy of it also).

    One of the reasons I love the SC series games and W&P/Civil War is the beer and pretzels approach. I don't have to memorize a 60 page rule book to play the game. I've always been a firm believer in the KISS principle. SC series captures it perfectly, I guess that is why we have all become SC addicts!

    LOL, I quote a game I haven't play. Dude, do I know Victory Games US Civil War? I am VGUSCW !!!!!!!

    Grant, Sherman, Lyon, Lee, Jackson.....the +2 reaction dice roll leaders. We made special rules just for them because if one dies, you die. Bid system, victory point calculations for the end of game. Name it.

    The reaction rolls & Army operation was awesome. "Pulses" within turns. Action points. More action if dice tie. Naval blockade...

    I am Legend,


  8. Crispy, you played quite well. Your SeaLion was a surprise & a perfect fit when the Royal Navy left the Western theater. I moved out, didn't think you could pull off the late Fall move. Your tactics within the SeaLion were well done, moving the Italian Air Force in pre-HQ was planned? Worked well. When I saw the Nazi +4 Panzer, I immediate left the Island with all the air, it was expensive, but necessary. Funny thing is, I had great Russian tank +4 already, you just didn't know it. No wonder you got it, had to be "catch up" effect.

    You had me quite concerned. If the Russians didn't pull that little port possession trick, the Nazis would have had a nice quiet '43-'44 winter behind the rivers. I never thought Africa would have been such a hard nut to crack, those Nazis pilots held me off.

    The Chinese became an excellent fighting force once the Yankee fighters came to town, there was no fear of Carriers pounding me on the ground on the offensives. I went rather conservative in the Pacific, it was a Carrier / Fighter creep strategy. You never spent alot in China, so I was expecting a big Carrier attack. Left my Carriers in fighter mode, and pick my spots. Getting Hanoi in Viet Frickin' Nam was the momentum swing.

    Good game,


  9. Okay, I just rolled the dice on this script. Got a CA (strength 8 +2 tech), CV (strength 5, don't think it had tech, lame).

    DE 507 - Germany: Seize The Gold In Fort De France? Event fires: If DE 100 was responded to positively, Paris is in Axis hands, France has surrendered to the Axis, and Vichy France is pro-Axis but neutral. Cost of accepting: 75 MPPs (at 25 MPPs a turn for 3 turns) Yes: Germany is given access to Fort De France in the Caribbean by Vichy France. USA swings towards the Allies and will continue to do so as long as there is an Axis unit in Fort de France. Minimum of 4-10% if the Axis only enter Fort de France and then leave on the following turn. Vichy France may join the Axis if Allies enter and maintain a presence in Fort De France prior to US entry into the war. USA immediately receives a fighter in Puerto Rico, Germany receives a cruiser and an aircraft carrier once they enter Fort de France, and is presented with DE 512. No: The USA swings 1-2% towards the Axis simulating the signing of the Greenslade-Robert agreement. The UK will be presented with DE 108.

  10. Gotta pick the right project that is profitable. WW-2 sells. Repackage & new features is easy enough. New gamers are born every while ones die off. So make SC-3, 4, 5, 6, 7.......

    US Civil War won't sell to Buntas, but that's what I want. Who buys these types of games? Old dudes with money who love History Channel, former military people, college kids, & Buntas. Safe play is keep the SC series running like John Madden football. Quick changes for the franchise to serve the new poll of ppl. Repeat, I want Victory Games version of USCW, the army chasing, rules, reinforcements, etc is 2nd to none. Probably bad business move UNLESS the game engine leveraged.

    Tactical level Squad Leader would be awesome.....make it a series, but wouldn't sell. Ppl like iPhone apps, iCandy, FPS for this. Would have to start from scratch.

    Could roll the dice & try subscription type game, but tech wise, not happenning with small software team.

    European games beyond WW2 won't sell in USA. Its either SC-franchise or USCW.

  11. Bob, agreed. SC-Global is a great game, I've got the addiction bug which I had for SC-1. SC-2 & SC-Pacific were building blocks for this masterpiece.

    I could easily disappear from real life & play this for months. There's something special about SC-Global.....years of fine tuning.

    If you want to do TCP/IP, let me know. I can do 5pm for an hour or so. TCP/IP is best for new games because turns are short, then continue into PBEM.

  12. [China] One more city down, onward soldiers, the Rising Sun is marching to the Alamo.

    [Egypt] Bock + 2nd Legend's Panzer pounded Alexandria for good solid 7 points of damage against British Army. Blackshirts hear of the strong Nazi movement up North, decide to march out of the Sudan, take a look around.

    [Atlantic] England is having a bitter winter of snow & lack of supplies. Axis surface ships placed beside Manchester, London, Bristol.....U-boats raid & protect my surface ships. Lets not forget those British Carriers, where are they? Guessing they are hiding in Jacksonville or the Gulf of Mexico. Some brave British soul is raiding Norway for a point a turn, feels like a damaged DD. The damaged Bismarck strength-6, tech +2 rejects orders to return to port for resupply, instead pops a shell off the Southern English shore.

    Yes, Jolly is correct, it's just one phase of the game. The Allies are never out of the game. I'm sure his teacher Yodl (Yoda + Terif + Jodl) is reading this, maybe sending Jollyguy trans-thought. Axis cannot afford to make mistakes, the Allies can.

  13. SC-Global is going to be hard to beat. Between Hubert's default '39 Campaign & Vypuero's Mega Campaign, everything is covered. Financially, WW-2 games sell, but what else needs done to SC-Global?

    I'd like to see U.S. Civil War game based on Victory Games box classic. But would the sales be there?

    I'd also like to see remake of Squad Leader as turn based PBEM. Once again, can you get paid doing it?

  14. October 1942


    Winter is come, another all out attack. Russians just charge, looking for HQ's to pop. We slip in a few units, do a little damage. Everybody else might as well attack. It's a slugfest. Russians put new troops right into action......."When the one with the rifle". Russians are low on units, we clean out all of Manchura & operand them to the frontlines, dont' care.......I smell German blood, it's time for the Nazis to bleed. No way can the Nazis handle two front pyscho war at this exhange rate of MMPs.


    Pressing towards Tobruk.....7th Armour bangs up Italian Infantry rather nicely.


    Air & Sea level the city of Brest, port is intact. We land Special forces, couple corps to cut if off, ping Paris which has HQ. It's all out, going for broke on 2-front right now. Lets get this kid.

    [Aussie Sea]

    Bye-bye to three Jap surface ships. Carriers hiding clouds hit & run with the scouting of last turn ships. We sink them & run. No idea where the Jap CV's are at, can't risk it just yet.

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