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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Very, very nice indeed. Especially that Pz IVH! Keep them coming!
  2. I've just received my copy of 'An Infantryman in Stalingrad' written by Adelbert Holl, a 23-year-old Leutnant who fought in Stalingrad in the 94th I.D., translated by Jason D.Mark and Neil Page. Well written in the same tradition as 'Death of the Leaping Horsemen' (24. Panzer Division in Stalingrad) and no doubt a good source for making scenarios. I recommend it. Not many books like these around. If you want the real thing, you've got to read this book. http://www.leapinghorseman.com/index2.php [ May 31, 2005, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: aragorn2002 ]
  3. Looks like a well researched and interesting operation, KG, thanks for your work and thanks to the people who helped you. One of my favorite periods of the eastern front. Keep them coming!
  4. Forget my post. It now shows 44 times. No problem there then.
  5. Did anybody notice that the number of downloads seems to be not working? I've downloaded Dey's Pz IV and it still showed zero downloads. Tried it again and still no download counted. Perhaps not really important, but it might be something to keep in mind for the modders. [ May 31, 2005, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: aragorn2002 ]
  6. Almost trashed it? Not quite that bad? You really have a serious lack of self confidence, Dey.... Thanks again for another great mod.
  7. Hmmm, sorry to hear that, must be very discouraging to put your time and energy in them and getting no feedback afterwards. Perhaps we are just a little bit spoiled with mods nowadays...Personally I must admit I also don't always give feedback to all modders I've download mods from. And now I come to think of it, it is pretty ungrateful. I will make it a point from now on to give feedback to anyone who asks for it. Keep up the good work, Dey, it IS appreciated.
  8. Hi Dey, I think you're too modest. Very nice mod. The grey 250/11's in 'Bridgehead at Fedorowka', one of the best scenarios I've ever played by the way, have now turned into white and they look a lot better. Thank you for this mod. I like it.
  9. In winter-scenarios the 250/11 always appears in grey colour, instead of whitewashed. Is there a whitewashed mod available somewhere? I've seen a yellow whitewashed version, but not a grey whitewashed version.
  10. Give my regards to Charlie as well please, George. A big thank you to you both. There's nothing I like more than a well researched and realistic scenario. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Scotland forever!
  11. Another excellent looking map and no doubt (after playing Bridgehead at Fedorowka several times I'm certain of that)another great and challenging game. Thank you, George, for handling this fascinating period at the eastern front,I'm really, really enjoying your work!
  12. You mean to say you do not have enough scenarios for ONE weekend?
  13. Btw, does it matter whether I install the patches after installating CMAK, or after changing it to CMETO?
  14. Thanks for all your work, David. Highly appreciated!
  15. I usually end up in adding some more armour to most scenarios I play. I know it's not fair to the scenario or the person who made it, but I like lots of armour and in the end the only thing that matters is having FUN and learning a little bit more about how things must have been on the battlefield. Having said that I also realize that one can learn most from the smaller scenarios, so I also play those smaller ones to gain experience and insight. I never bother with time pressure, if necessary I also change the number of turns.
  16. Besides, just accept the fact that this guy wants to draw our attention to the facts mentioned and leave it at that. It happened and we should remember, although this forum ain't the place for it. No need to end up in such an untasteful discussion. Personally I also don't like to see this kind of topics on our forum, because it has very little to do with our game or the way we are enjoying it. Quot capita, tot sensus... [ May 06, 2005, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: aragorn2002 ]
  17. Is Magua's Normandy Mod available for CMAK? I'm thinking about installing a second CMAK on my pc and make it look as much like Normandy as I can. I've just recievied Blutt und Ehre for CMAK from Eric (thanks again, Eric, looks great), so I am in the mood for Normandy again (well, it hasn't stopped since CMBO is still my favorite CM game). And what other good Normandy mods are available? I mean not just for landscape and buildings, but also troops ,tanks and other equipment.
  18. Sorry, George, didn't have as much time this weekend as I hoped for, only reached turn 8, but I like it. Your scenario 'feels' good and I like the firepower of the 'Schneidbrenner'-battalion. [ April 13, 2005, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: aragorn2002 ]
  19. Very impressive map. Looks like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to playing your scenario in the coming weekend,George. Thanks for all the work that you've put into it.
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