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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Well, I don't know about this book, because I haven't read it yet. But in 'Stalin's secret agents, the subversion of Roosevelt's government' it is mentioned that indications of the coming attack came from several directions, including from dutch intelligence in the Netherlands Indies. '
  2. Nearer the truth hopefully. But it ain't necessarily conspiracy, it is historical research by good historians.
  3. That is also mentioned in detail in the book, John. Same story from many different sources.
  4. Well, right wing or left wing. A lie is a lie. I trully don't understand how people can prefer distorting the truth over telling the story like it was. And get away with it.
  5. No, you're definitely not, Bulletpoint. Didn't mean to offend. Sorry.
  6. Unbelievable what damage all these left-wing bastards cause to our societies and selfrespect.
  7. I've watched the series about the Danish-Prussian war some time ago. Although it had good moments, there was also pretty some self-hate in it. I'm also puzzled about the self-hatred which seems to be a constant element of European historical series and movies nowadays. Same usually happens with series or movies about the dutch past in the Netherlands Indies and such, so unfortunately it isn't restricted to Denmark. Patriotism is out of fashion nowadays....
  8. Bulletpoint. Yes, that is indeed something to keep in mind while watching. Strange how such sensational details have to be added nowadays to attract our attention to a movie. Good to know. Thanks for pointing that out.
  9. Erwin. If you like naval warfare you should also try Atlantic Fleet. Same nice graphics as SH, but with naval surface ships like the Bismarck and the Hood. It is SUPERB.
  10. Here's another movie, this time about the aftermath of the war. Young Germans who were forced to clear minefields at the Danish coast. Nothing suspicious about this movie, just very moving and well made.
  11. Gundolf, no, McCarthy isn't mentioned in 'Stalin's Secret Agents'. The author has written another book, called 'Blacklisted by History', which concentrates entirely on him, but I haven't read it yet, so I can comment on your question. From the reviews I understand that McCarthy wasn't exactly a likeable person, but he was right about a lot of things and in a certain way also a victim of communist lies and accusations. The situation as described in 'Stalin's Secret Agents' must have played a mayor role in his crusade though. And the Venona project (the breaking of the Soviet coded messages with their agents in the US) also brought a lot of information about the size of the communist penetration in US government and society. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blacklisted-History-Senator-McCarthy-Americas/dp/1400081068/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1474344449&sr=8-1&keywords=blacklisted+by+history
  12. These books are written by respectable and decent American historians and have nothing to do with anti-semitism. They are discussing espionage and the influence of American communists upon US policy during ww2. The origin of the persons is irrelevant and never mentioned, not even once. If these books contained anti-semitic sentiments I would never have mentioned them in the first place.
  13. I wasn't looking for this kind of idiotic reactions, but I accept the blame. This thread should be closed and in case I'm banned I accept it. In case I'm not I've learned my lesson about what to post and what not.
  14. Iron Cross. Yes, these books change the way we have to look at history. Read them, they are worth your time and money. EVERYBODY should read them.
  15. Indeed, that will save a lot of work. Great to see the improvement of the game engine continues! Personally I hope features such as burning buildings, trees and terrain plus smoke will also return. And also more convincing fog.
  16. And mine. If I can't sleep I just think about the coming module and I'm gone in no time. And yes, that's a compliment to CM, because concentrating on the game always makes me forget everything.
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Stalins-Secret-Agents-Subversion-Roosevelts/dp/1439147701/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1474006642&sr=1-1&keywords=stalin's+secret+agents https://www.amazon.com/Operation-Snow-Soviet-Triggered-Harbor/dp/1596983221/ref=pd_sim_14_7?ie=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1596983221&pd_rd_r=TQNJVKA1MAE3BB55DJ5M&pd_rd_w=WQFiL&pd_rd_wg=RdiMg&psc=1&refRID=TQNJVKA1MAE3BB55DJ5M Enjoy. Don't forget to read the reviews and the example pages (Look inside option).
  18. Kevinkin. The US policy of FDR and his advisors of giving Stalin almost all he wanted, without asking much in return. If you are interested in the subject I suggest you read 'Stalin's Secret Agents'. It describes this policy from Lend Lease to Poland and from China to Chiang Kai-Shek into detail. It's a real eye opener, no matter what your political conviction is. This US policy enabled Stalin to get his hands on millions of people and continue his bloody road through history. This book shows how at the same time Stalin did everything he could to damage the interests of the US and the rest of the free world. It's sobering reading really. This US policy was heavily influenced by a large number of pro-communists or even communists (many of them working for the Russians) around FDR, but also throughout the rest of government, army, press etc. who made sure that decisions made were in the interest of Moscow and were astonishingly succesful at it.
  19. In your case that might be true. And yet, I think the time has come to realize that we know little about what really happened. More and more historians see this and start to write amazing books about it. They are not revisionists or neo-nazi's, just good historians who base their findings on archives, facts and thorough research, instead of repeating the same old dubious stories. Does a link to a movie about the Waffen SS indicate neo-nazi sympathies? Not to my opinion. It's just history, or at least history related. A lot of us are fascinated by that strange mixture of heroism and ruthlessness, that's all. Most of us watch movies with criminal heroes who massacre their way through life. Does that make us criminals? Or would we imitate their behaviour in our own life? Would we approve of such behaviour when it happens in front of our eyes? As Roger Scruton says western culture has suffered immense damage because of disastrous ideals such as nazism, fascism and communism, or less disastrous, but often mishandled ideals like democracy. It has probably caused the downfall of western culture or will do so in the near future. The only way to stop this, is to understand what went wrong. And a lot went wrong. As an American one should know how and why US policy in ww 2 was heavily influenced by American communists and what the consequences were, because millions of people died because of it.
  20. You are so wrong. FDR gave in much more than Stalin ever expected. But it is obvious you know little about this subject, so better to leave it at this. Just read the books.
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