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Posts posted by JayJay_H

  1. Originally posted by Lou Wigman:




    Firstly, include a 'Historical' option for Russian entry into the war.

    Secondly, greatly speed up Russian war preparation on the 'Random' setting.


    If you focus on historical accuracy of course Stalin wont be ready to enter the war to soon for the simply reason that he has a non-aggression-pact signed with Greater Germany. As originally happened, the Russians were in fact not aware of the attack preparement or if some had been, Stalin wont believe the info. If you'd like to see Russia more prepared or declare war earlier before Barbarossa will be launched, create a custom campaign and edit the campaign data: Only thing to do is to raise the initial join value of USSR.
  2. Originally posted by Flash Gordon:

    I thought Canada surrendered rather quickly given as only the eastern-most tip of the country is modeled. Does the USA surrender as easily?[/QB]

    Sure Thing, build up enuff german carriers and crush the US Forces by the mighty Luftwaffe - after canada surrendered, you can also move up to four or five air fleets and a HQ there to crush the amis. Finally my german invasion forces will sorround the US capital and by that time, i have +5 tanks, air fleets etc, so the resistance wont ever cause a real threat anymore. Once the white house & the pentagon are conquered, the US will f****ing surrender :D
  3. On "bloodthirsty Russians". Many in the West complain about our seizure of the eastern half of "Poland" in the latter part of September 1939.



    Dont mind about my way of using terms, your right with the indians but i'm from Germany and so i'd love to see the stolen territories reunited.

  4. JayJay: Why recommend this? Any change in SC should be something that will change game play in some way, not be just merely cosmetic. There is no point in adding borders.


    Okay, i would imagine that mines etc would work more effective when they belong to new german eastern provinces!? More or less, your right saying it would be merely cosmetic, but i was just looking for a way to edit the border sprites. Something like a map editor would be very apprexiated.

  5. Not a bad idea--as long as we get to redraw the borders yet again when the Red Army troops return.


    Okay, if the bloodthirsty russians manage to strike back and gain control over the annexed territory again (which wont ever happen against a skilled Wehrmacht chief of staff and his glorious Panzertroops) the land should normally return to the bolshevistic empire.

  6. As an enthousiastic axis player, i'll find it really accurate if Germany would be enabled to create new provinces in the east and divide up parts of USSR. (Like new borderlines of Vichy France). When Riga, Minsk, Smolensk, Odessa and Kharkov are occupied, Germany originally build up the "Reichskommisariat Weissruthenien", "Reichskommisariat Ostland", and of course, the Generalgouvernement from rest of Poland before. Maybe this feature of creating new borders and add the territory to your home country could be supported in some forthcoming update.

  7. I played countless times as axis now, and was always able to gain total victory, even with exp bonus +2 and expert level. My first MPPs will never be used for purchasing units, until the Balkans is done i will invest everything in research. But you have to put an eye on the USSR joining status, so you have to line up enough armies and tank groups along the eastern border of Greater Germany and Russia will not declare war for enough time for you to power up your war machine (the latest date i think the asian hordes prepared for war was around october 1942). Than its time for the glorious Wehrmacht to unleash all its skills and throw down USSR as fast as possible. First step will be to conquer Odessa in the first turn of Russo-German War and to eliminate their entire line up right at the border.

  8. If you build an italian carrier, name her "Aquila": this was the name of the first carrier of the italian Navy, destroyed by bombing when building.

    Yeah, and the first german carrier should be named "Graf Zeppelin"! (So far i know, that project never got finished)

  9. Thats correct with the railway problem, didnt have that in mind but some upcoming AddOns should definately include this feature of killing value for conquered cities/mines/oil from Axis side. As you put it; otherwise Stalins hordes appear to drive into Greater Germany without having to deal with supply trouble.

  10. Have a suggestion for future developements of stratcomm: to be historically more accurate, German troops should be enabled to destroy all ressources also if retreating from bolshevistic territory. So when the red army re-occupies some city former occupied by Germany, the value should also immidiately change to zero - according to German engineers/pioneers who will leave nothing behind from what the enemy could take advantage - German troops on retreat in Russia had orders to follow strategy of "Verbrannte Erde" (burned earth).

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