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Posts posted by JayJay_H

  1. Had the same problem once. Axis minors joining is somehow related to sealion indeed, perhaps if the Wehrmacht turns away from the continent to knock out the Brittish, Romania, Hungary + Bulgaria feel kind of left alone against the soviets?!!!!! So you gotta make em join the hard way

  2. Originally posted by Brad Tennant:

    WHAT?! You wanted living space so you shuved minoritys into dispicable concentration camps, and creating genicide, (I do NOT hold any German back for that, inless if they still believe in those views) to solve that yet at the same time you had almost all male teenagers and men join the army?

    Read the book: Why Auschwitz (G. Heinsohn). It proves for what reasons the holocaust really was committed. Not for religious reasons. Hitler wanted to get the Germans a strategical advantage over our enemies with having no conscience. And he wanted to get rid of the christian social values and ideas of morality, which are strongly related with the jewish values, especially valueing the life over everything else. If the jewish people would have been obliterated from the face of the earth, their ideas of morality would have been either. Hitler always admired Dschingis Khan, who also murdered out living space for his people, thats what Hitler exactly wanted again: The right to kill

    Why wasnt there a need for this? It was a need to overcome the shame of versailles, and thats what it was. Of cause there was no one gonna invade, that doesnt matter here. The point is as with all the other Violations youve stated, Germany was just rebuilding her glory after Nov 1918

    [ December 17, 2002, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  3. Curious about other replies on that thread. Even though i dont believe yourself really took part in WWII, its good your reminding on who actually declared war on Greater Germany. I also got some previous posts in which i point out that the stolen territories have no historical authority for beeing anything else but German. Lemberg for example was founded by the Hohenstaufens. Go and have a look: Architecture and any cultural testimonies in the eastern provinces are all German to the bone, not slavistic or something, for it had been colonized by the German Order of Knights in the middle ages. WE WILL RISE AGAIN! WE CAPITULATE NEVER! :mad:

  4. Originally posted by the-smr:

    They have a website with a free standalone demo of the Napolean Era availabe, as well as a variety of online maps from various years to sample. --


    Looks quite nice, but didnt find additional online maps to sample :rolleyes: , especially the WWII-relevants
  5. Originally posted by Tommy Joad:

    In my experience, it only happens if the Germans get within a couple of hexes of Moscow.

    Thats right, be prepared for strong russian counterattacks when you launch Taifun. Best is to create substantial reserves as the Germans before marching against the soviet capital, so you can throw replacements into potential breaches that the sibirians will eventually rip into your lines. Or at least get strategical air superiority.
  6. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    To all you "AI" players --- When you get tired of sitting in your room playing a computer program, let me know. "AI" doesn't count. The whole world has lost their minds on computers. Step-Up to the plate & be a man.

    Try playing in this mode,

    Human vs Rambo

    So AI doesnt count right? so what So far i never lost a PBEM match either :cool:
  7. Just playing my first v1.06 game, its summer of 42' and the war in the east is half a year old. With Allied exp+100% I conquered the rest of europe as i did in the versions before without serious problems doing so. My formula is it always to mass quantums of land units at the russo-german border after france fell, and you will have all time of the world to build up your eastern army.

    I conquered france and scandinavia simultanously, and shipped my northern troops (2armies, one tank group, rundstedt and most of my airforce) from sweden to koenigsberg after the battle of scandinavia and then deploying them along the border - so USSR will think twice before she raises any join value.

    Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria joined the Axis voluntary, making them join the hard way would cause fastened USSR WAr preparations. As well as attacking Yugo, which should always be avoided, and no need for that because the coup is just a matter of time - And no single pro-allied yugo ever escaped right.

    By Feb 1942 they (USSR)finnaly made preparations for war so they got invaded. At that time i had tanks+2, jets+1 and antitank+4, even though my 10 research points are all spent. I noticed the following: V.1.06 makes the russians get research progress very soon in the sections that germany has. Gameplay really is more balanced

    [ December 10, 2002, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  8. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    I'd very much like to see these things -- Perhaps something with map scroll and zooming in and out to play on different tactical levels -- but I don't think we will in SC II, which is a different game concept.

    That would be pretty cool. Currently such a highly accurate order of battle is not part of the game, but would be a very desireable feature, leading a bit to far within the present game mechanics. The player would have countless possibilities to build up his unique armies and corps from a sort of pool (best consisting of historical formations). Like the idea of zooming in and out to switch to different command/tactical levels. The idea of having unique formations like "Nordland" or "Wiking" with their very own insignias was supported in some previous threads either.
  9. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    I'm glad it's being brought out that a lot of these diplomatic dealings predate Hitler and the Nazis in European politics.


    Most of these Polish/German antagonisms go back to Germany's victory over Russia and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed in 1918, in which the Bolsheviks ceeded much of European Russia (including ALL of Poland) and the Eukraine to Imperial Germany. Had the Kaiser's government accepted the Anglo/French peace propossal they would have held all those territories.

    Prussian aristocrats like von Seekt never accepted the fact that they'd been cheated of the conquered East. The Ukraine and three Baltic countries would have been German protectorates while Poland was absorbed as a province. To add insult to injury, the Versailles genius's cut the Danzig Corridor through Germany and gave it to Poland, putting the traditionally German port of Danzig itself under League of Nations control (an all but pointless finesse).

    It wasn't till the nazis came to power that the Polish issue took on racial overtones.

    I'm not saying the Nazis would have suddenly come to love them; I'm saying they would have been perfectly willing to use them, then invade them later, as they did with the Soviets.

    But first -- the nazis also had the hots for other small countries, such as Holland et al, which Hitler said only existed according to the whims of their powerful neighbors.

    overwhelmed by your massive historical knowledge, didnt think these subjects (somehow out of time but still determining the socieyties of our days)would still be enlightened so much by any wargamer at all. Great to see JerseyJohn has qualified informations on these questions.

    [ December 08, 2002, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  10. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    So thats what tech 6 jets look like :D


    your SO DAMN RIGHT


    Dont anyone of you anytime believe its all over


    Maybe that we wont be alive to see but Nothing will ever keep the post-war-plan away from beeing fulfilled


    Some new prototoype of Wenherr von Brauns undefeatable V-Weapons - still held in disguise

    [ December 08, 2002, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

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