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Posts posted by JayJay_H

  1. Originally posted by Russ Bensing:

    Having subs fighting the Murmansk convoys would be cool, but not in this kind of game.

    Hmmm. I was just thinking of the same scene when axis subs operate against north atlantic convoys: The appearing of a small popup message saying that axis subs disrupt allied convoys in the Barents Sea/Norwegian Sea or the Northern Ocean and USSR looses a specified amount of MPPs when they (the wolfpacks) are within the range of murmansk; that works with Liverpool and St Johns also. Wont be too unrealistic, and wont cause any needs for changing the SC game engine as well!

    [ November 10, 2002, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  2. Originally posted by Cap:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cap:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yohan:

    Axis subs are devestating against the Americans and Brits.

  3. Originally posted by acambria:

    Abandon your small force in Norway and put it to better use.

    Norway will be undefended then and opened for allied liberation ?! The loss of the iron ore from the norwegian mines would cause serious trouble to german armaments industry what axis player cant afford!

    [ November 09, 2002, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  4. Originally posted by Kuniworth:


    However this works...at least for half year or something. Then the russians breakthrough and you give up the Balkans which only make your downfall come more quickly. QB]

    I wasnt forced to give up the balkans, quite the contrary was the case, because the mountainous terrain is favourable for the germans and good to defend (high entrenchment value). I also took a try to defend Riga prolonged, with few armies and corps and a HQ, but not very succesfully. At least the russians never broke through my lines at the german border, where i operated most of the eastern army in the first turn. The situation in the west is more difficult, in may 46 my troops in the east were still in good order, but the anglo-americans took the capital. :mad:
  5. Originally posted by DLW2:

    I was just wondering whether anyone has ever tried building a large German navy.

    Sure thing, conquering the United states after europe is done wont work without a powerful navy mainly consisting of carriers
  6. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    I support that point emphaticly! The russian front should include the northern theater and spread to murmansk and the polar circle! This would also be a terrain for submarine action/disrupting allied convoys (like PQ17) and give the wolf packs a chance to combat the land-lease supplyroute.
  7. Originally posted by Flash Gordon:

    [QBIs it not available in Germany?[/QB]

    nah, you wont get it at any shops thought over there its the same :confused: only exclusively from mighty battlefront.com, okay shipping works of course if you got a credit card like some friends of mine
  8. Originally posted by IrishGuards:

    seems very strange that the reason the germans let the french go vichy was so they would have a country and government and that the fleet did not fall into allied hands ....?

    Thoughts :confused:

    The british took care so the french fleet would not fell into germanies hands after France surrendered. In real history, in June 1940 two fr battleships were in commonwealth harbors, one in alexandria, two battleships and two heavy cruisers in Mers El Kebir near Oran, and the Richelieu in Dakar. Her sistership, the Jean Bart (not yet full ready for action) had left its Dock at St. Nazaire one day before german troops arrived and went to Casablanca. Vice Admiral Sir James Somerville, commander of the Force H at Gibraltar (Hood, two battlecruisers and a carrier) skirmished with the vichy fleet at oran after an ultimatum elapsed to turn it over, most vichy fr ships were heavily damaged or run aground. Freefrench Force M under Gen de Gaulle operated against the vichy ships in Dakar and took over the rest of french-westafrica. so far by now :rolleyes:

    [ November 07, 2002, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  9. I was totally convinced by the demo as it seemed like i was exactly waiting for a WW2 grand strategy game of the featured scale with a bit politics involved and technology research as well. In Germany its not as usual as in the US to pay everything with credit card so i had to bid for it @ a well-known auctioneers and paid far more than the original amount but so what!!! No question it was worth it :rolleyes:

  10. Originally posted by ev:

    If there is a statistician out there, please come and correct me. But if you place 5 chips into one single cathegory over 10 tunrs you have:

    * a 98% chance of getting at least one tech improvement and a 50

    * a 96% chance of getting at least two tech improvements

    * a 92% chance of getting at least three tech improvements

    * an 84% chance of getting at least four tech improvements.

    * and, a 68% chance of getting all five tech improvements, within 10 turns.


    Yep so it is at least a little more predictible in which sector you will get an advance in research if you spent max research points on that. Was just wondering where you did get the statistics from seem to fit
  11. Originally posted by ev:

    Should the game allow joining and splitting units?

    It would be nice to be able to join two experienced units that suffered heavy damage and thus savee my experience level instead of diluting it with green reinforcements.

    Not a bad idea, i was annoyed by the loss of exp while reinforcing my elite veteran units as well quite sometimes. But on the other hand, its not too unrealistic that the most battle tested fighting formations which suffered heavy losses will be filled up with replacements that never saw action in the field! With increasing losses, High Command will be forced to send less trained youngsters to the front because of the lack of reserves. What should recommend your suggestion is the fact that elite formations will be equipped with the best armament available and so, this fact could be reflected in the large combat experience.

    [ November 05, 2002, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  12. Originally posted by Panzer39:

    ...and America goes back to being neutral and stays that way for the west of the war. Germany gets no plunder but no longer has to worry about USA influence. I think this would be a much more realistic approach given the fact that the Axis could in no way hope to garrison the USA while still conducting a war in Europe. What do yall think?

    I heavily agree with Panzer39 but a USA beeing neutral again could be attacked once more like every nation with status neutral?! The ideal solution would be a map covering the rest of the US (as well as USSR) so the gouvernment could move finally to Los Angeles or something :D (And the soviet would evacuate to Nishnewartowsk or Jakutsk in Sibiria right)

    [ November 03, 2002, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  13. Originally posted by USGrant:

    Ditto for the Russians.

    Dont want to repeat this subject over and over again, but to speak for my point of view, i never understood why the Germans wouldnt have any problems with partisans/resistance after USSR surrendered. The bolshevists surely would have continued fighting the Germans with guerilla tactics. In fact, it seemed more easy to conquer the russian soil than to hold it under control without occupation forces.
  14. Originally posted by I/O Error:

    Hmmm... and I don't know (speaking from ignorance) whether or not Corps and Army sized units were ever given nicknames like that.

    Ha! Sure thing; in the last years of WW2 Germany build up at least the Panzerkorps "Großdeutschland" & "Feldherrnhalle"; unit symbols would be available for those. On the other hand, the historical symbol in the info screen from a newly purchased Army or Tankgroup could represent the elite spearhead of this formation!
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