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Posts posted by JayJay_H

  1. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    After making the entry I thought about it and realized I'm satisfying a single immatture trouble maker without considering all the responsible wargamers whose ideas I enjoy and want to continue being in touch with.

    Last but not least, JJ is also glad to read that Jersey continues :rolleyes:
  2. Originally posted by Andre Bolkonsky:

    The Russians do the heavy lifting in the war; but without allied Air superiority, control of the Atlantic, and Murmansk convoys (Coupled with US engineering marvels that allow the Ural industrial move); russia falls like a stone.

    Damn right, the ridiculous

    'top-10 'takes' on WWII (like David Letterman)'

    completely disproved once again

    [ November 15, 2002, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  3. Originally posted by murks:

    In the end, germany was increasingly loosing the war of men, too, having to rely on the very old and the very young and "volunteers" from occupied eastern european countries.

    That was a particular case with the ukranian Hilfstruppen, most of the normandy coastguards were WWI veterans, undertrained paratroopers or Luftwaffe Field units which were not very battle tested
  4. Originally posted by Marlow:

    [QB Hitler was always looking for a chance to go over to the offensive, and did in a number of situations. The 21st panzer at Normandy ...[/QB]

    The Pz IV's from Panzerregiment 22, 1st batallion 80 tanks, 2nd batallion 40 tanks had their engines running, alarmed and ready for combat + waiting for orders while the infantrymen from 716.ID were bleeding to death at the coast; the grenadiers saying: with 20 panzers we could throw em into the sea. operative decisions were made more than 1000 Kilometers away from the battlefield. The high command refused to believe it was the real Invasion, thinking (because of faked intelligence info) d-day was only a distraction from the forthcoming landings near calais. When finally the orders for counterattack were given, the sun had risen - no german tank could make a move in daylight. And like the 21st PzDiv was ready and would have been able to drive the anglo-americans back into the sea before the bridgeheads had been too strong, the 12.SS-PzDiv was ready also, while the decisiviest hours passed and the armoured reserves near the coast were not released. Rommel was visiting his family at home in Germany, otherwise he would have given the necessary orders on his own authority. Another example proving that falsities and coincidence are the most powerful generals in any war. This has been so since the greek, the romans, Wallenstein and Napoleon.

    [ November 14, 2002, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  5. Originally posted by urgrue:

    just a little idea i had for helping play balance and realism. share techs between allied countries. especially between brits and US, if brits have L5 jets/tanks then i would assume it logical and historical that these improvements should help the US as well.

    I vote for YES on tech sharing between allies (especially western combatants) :rolleyes:
  6. Originally posted by aaronb:

    Just as my expeditionary force landed, france fell, and the entire airforce vanished.

    You can imagine the effect this has had on the campaign!

    Should they not have been displaced instead, perhaps to British-controlled Egypt?

    That feature represents that all french units on french-controlled hexes lay down their weapons and surrender. Operate french units of any kind to commonwealth territory, and they will be available for further action after the fall of france.
  7. Okay, at least von Manstein would have been able to achieve a stalemate on the eastern front, even after stalingrad. The tragedy (if you want) was that countless wrong decisions were made by high command, lord have mercy if the fuhrer had given his field commanders free hand. So what, this discussion doesn't belong to this forum right

  8. Originally posted by Marlow:

    You don't read much either, do you? [/QB]

    Aha, temper temper! tongue.gif I knew exposing that statement would cause some opposition.

    But believe what you want - Volunteers from the Waffen-SS for example, were ready to die for what they believed in. As a quote from a field post message once stated: "Some believe in life, but life aint everything - We have to finish a holy task" I think that makes the fighting spirit very clear and most enemies would have the jitters if they had to face these 'boys'. The only formula against them was hundreds of guns per kilometer and air bombardements that nothing could survive.

    [ November 13, 2002, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

  9. Originally posted by sogard:

    The Red Army produced generals by the end of the war who were every bit as good as any fielded by the Wehrmacht. Patton, Eisenhower and even Montgomery were every bit as good as their Wehrmacht counterparts.


    In fact, the Wehrmacht was simply outnumbered. Their soldiers tactical mastery and readiness for duty were second to none - Nobody can argue that point.


  10. Originally posted by John DiFool:

    I managed to

    unsupply the entire Axis army (which at that

    point was knocking on the doors of the Big Three

    Russian cities). All cities dropped to a supply

    level of 3. I was in Berlin 10 turns later. :D

    John DiFool


    There must have been some perfidious traitors among our front!

  11. Originally posted by Martinov:

    Not that weird against a computer player!

    As a boardgame once pointed out, ...

    Dont know if that fits under this topic, but could anyone give some hints how i will get COS running (under windows aint possible eh) DOS mode always gets f***ed up and wont work
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