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Posts posted by Javaslinger

  1. So we all now balance is heavily dictated by skill... Would it be possible to incorporate optional balance adjustments into scenarios? Say slightly different bonuses or penalties depending on difficulty?

    Or in the case of HTH, you could have like a +2, +1, 0, -1, -2 set of adjustments agreed on by the player for each side...



  2. Hello, Original poster of this thread here...

    My oh my do I know how to start a firestorm...

    Ok, look real simple.. We're gamers... no lives so to speak... We're also customers, so yes, we do in today's retail climate have a certain sense of entitlement...

    Now, I'm not asking for the world here... I frequent many forums and the trend today is an increasing level of interaction with the developer.

    Frankly, I've always found Battlefront to be quite behind the curve in this regard and even a bit prickly. Again, fine...

    But please, a snippet of an update each week would go a VERY LONG WAY... And don't give me some crap about being too busy to take 10 minutes to soothe the masses with some tiny update, progress report, story of the woes of development, etc...

    If you love your work, it's really not hard to brag about it a little bit and we'd LOVE it...

  3. I'm really clueless on mods.. and it seems to me that it is very difficult to determine which are the 'must have' mods.

    I would like to try perhaps a sound mod or two, a graphics mod.. etc... things that are compatible. With 1.01.

    Can someone give me a list of their 'setup' so I can just do what you're doing?



  4. I'd like to get started with some PBEM and I'm looking for someone to show me the ropes. Nothing too terribly large to begin with. I'm pretty much fresh out of crushing victories all the, uhm, tutorial campaigns...

    I'm good for 'generally' a turn or two a day... sans when I'm backpacking in the wilderness (ie next weekend)..


    Ken Knott

    aka Javaslinger

  5. I might suggest basing your opinions on more than just a demo training mission that comes nowhere near adequately representing the game... You could at least try the rest of the demo training missions before bringing your whines here...

    This is much like choosing your wife based on little thumbnails on sketchy Russian websites....

  6. So scrolling across the map is just not working very well for me. I watched a few video AAR's and they seem so damn elegant by comparison when managing their units and switching views.

    So, how do people like to do this? Do you cycle through your units and lock their views? What is the method that would give some efficiency to the process?



  7. 1) I had a building collapse near a squad. There was a square between them. I got a lot of wounded but I can't tell if it was from the collapse itself or from suddenly not having a building between them and some Germans...

    2) How varied can a individual scenario be from play to play with regards to unit compositions? I am playing Task force Raff mission one again, and I feel like there are some differences with regards to the support units I received.

    3) Playing on Veteran... What kind of damage can you take from friendly infantry fire?



  8. I played the 2nd tutorial mission where you 'defend' the town and was sort of clueless as to what to do...

    I just left everyone in the set up positions and maneuvered the little group to 'check out the noise' and used them to flak a little... along with the eventual reinforcements. And I did direct my mortars...

    Basically I didn't do a thing with 80% of my forces and still won handily... much less to do it seems that when attacking.

    What am I missing?

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