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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Will players be able to script the AI's research plans and investment priorities to a limited degree (ie not acccounting for opponents actions or AI strategy which presents another set of issues)? I suggest this for in SC1 I saw the AI research in areas and yet not have or build any units that could benefit from this research. Example: AI Russian Research Plan 1: Antitank 2 chits > Armor 1 Chit > AntiTank 1 chit > Jets 1 Chit. Thus the AI would research antitank, then armor, etc. Also, will the AI know when to reclaim tech chits? For example; when the upper limit of research is reached and when income is needed to purchase units to defend the home country. [ November 10, 2004, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Map Question - on the Full Size image of UK Naval Operations in the North Atlantic I see Iceland. It has a city but no port. Is this an island you can land in but not leave?
  3. Thanks for the answers. Nice touch with the campaigns. Simple, yet elegant.
  4. Hmm, I never tried invading Denmark as the Allies early in the war. But how can they retreat? There is no port and thus these two invading units are sacrificed.
  5. pzgndr, thanks for the information on diplomacy, it is much appreciated. Although fog of war will keep diplomacy efforts hidden during the game, at the conclusion of the game will there be a screen that shows you how much you and your opponent invested in diplomacy? Say a simple post victory stats screen by major power that summarizes spending on: Diplomacy MPPs, Research MPPs, Naval MPPs, Land MPPs, Air MPPs, and HQ MPPs. [ November 07, 2004, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. "These Chits are Not Cheap", please elaborate. The cost of a corps or an army or an armor unit? And will intelligence give you any chance to gain insight as to the your opponent's spending on diplomatic efforts?
  7. Stalin and Churchill had such a big influence on the war that perhaps they should be represented by special HQ units. HQ Leader Unit: Joseph Stalin Special Quality 1: On the turn that the Stalin HQ unit is destroyed each Russian unit not controlled by a HQ unit can not move as a leadership struggle erupts in the ruling Politburo. Special Quality 2: This HQ unit can benefit any one combat unit on the map for the duration of the game, until that unit is destroyed, as long as a line of supply can be traced to it. (This reflects the priority given to supplying one unit by the supreme commander). Special Quality 3: Once a year the Stalin HQ unit may may elect to replace any Russian HQ unit with a randomly selected HQ Unit. The replaced HQ unit is destroyed( ie purged). HQ Leader Unit: Churchill Special Quality 1: UK does not surrender if London and Manchester are taken and the Churchill unit survives. Special Quality 2: This HQ unit can benefit any one combat; air, naval or land, unit on the map for the duration of the game. Special Quality 3: This HQ unit may not leave England unless an Axis unit has landed in England. [ November 07, 2004, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. Additionally, I wonder if it would be possible for players to add event popups that include photos? For example: IF USA Troops Land in Iceland: 10% Popup: American Troops practice Gunnery skills after arriving in Iceland IF USA Troops Liberate Salerno 10% Popup: Italians Welcome American Troops who liberated Sicily. Note: This pictures are public domain images from the US Army: www.army.mil [ November 06, 2004, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. Excellent feature. Really adds flavor to the game. Question: How are campaigns named? As a related issue, will it be possible for players to add an image of the ship, tank, plane or general, to the right of the description of the unit at the bottom of the screen. When I click on the HQ unit for Eisenhower I would like to see a picture of Eisenhower to the right of the HQ's stats. When I click on a UK warship I would like to see a picture of the ship to the right of the stats. UK Ship: Nelson Eisenhower: Additionaly, when selecting a country on the Diplomatic Screen it would be nice to see a portrait of that country's leader. Stalin: I realize that these changes are not needed and merely chrome, but they would certainly add to the historical atmosphere of the game. [ November 06, 2004, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Pehaps, but the AI tends to nove German HQ units to Italy when there are no German units in Italy to Command. They would do better in Germany or France supporting the defense of Berlin. In some respects, the AI appears to treat HQ units as normal units. What the AI needs is a formula that will better deploy HQ units to support combat units and prevent illogical deployments of HQ units to regions where they can not support the key fronts. Perhaps something as simple as a Maximum Ratio by Geographical Region of 1 HQ unit per 4 Combat Units (with a minimum of one) for units outside the Home country of the AI player. ie HQ/Comabt Unit Ratio of .25: 1HQ/10 Combat= .10 - Limit 3 HQ units 1HQ/5 Combat = .20 - Limit 2 HQ unit 1HQ/4 Combat = .25 - Limit 1 HQ unit 1HQ/3 Combat = .33 - Limt 1 HQ Unit 1HQ/2 Combat = .50 - Limit 1 HQ unit Therefore, if 3 comabt units are in Bulgaria the AI could only deploy 1 HQ unit to this area, not 2 or 3. If there are 10 Combat units in Southern Russia the AI could deploy at most 3 HQ units to this region. [ November 05, 2004, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. In SC1 the AI seemed to follow one basic strategy for the conquest of Russia. Will we see more strategic diversity in the Axis AI's approach to Conquering Russia in SC2? - An amphibious invasion of Northern Russia? as many human players launch. - A strong southern push - A stronger northern push - An armor heavy assault - An air fleet heavy assault - An infantry heavy assault - A rare Black Sea Amphibious Invasion Force And of course, will we see a stronger defense for the inevitable Russian counter attack? All too often I have cut off large numbers of Russian units south of the Swamp by making a breakthough in the north and then sending units south past Warsaw to isolate 8 to 10 Axis units and destroy them. And in the crystal ball I see HC's answer: And HC, can you program the AI not to withdraw 3 or so HQ units to Yugoslavia/Bulgaria where they can not assist in the defense of Germany or Italy. Here these 3 HQ units support about 3 or 4 combat units. Ideally their should be 1 HQ unit per 5 Comabt units. Not a 1 to 1 ratio. And why did I see German HQ units in Italy and Italian HQ unit in Germany during the Axis end game? Obviuosly, its the Axis leadership seeking to relax on beautiful warm Italian beaches. Of course you know of these issues and my crystal ball tells me that they have already been addressed. [ November 04, 2004, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Agreed, the "Allies" would not trade territory. However,the UK and the French Government in Exile might have returned Syria to Turkey if they were desperate and that would have brought Turkey into the war on the side of the Allies. [ November 04, 2004, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. My Top Two Random Events: 1. US War Readiness Declines 30% + Early Siberian Transfer (Japan invades Hawaii and Alaska, Greater War in the Pacific) 2. No Siberian Transfer + US Production Doubled (No war in the Pacific)
  14. What about diplomatic related limitations on the movement of Italian units? For example: Once Italy joins the Axis its rating is Pro Axis +100%. Italy Pro Axis +100% = No Limitations on Movement. Italy Pro Axis + 75% = Can not move Italian Units into Russia or Finland. Italy Pro Axis + 60% = Italian Units in Russia, Romania and Bulgaria may only move/operate in a Westerly direction. What actions would reduce Italian relations with Germany? Giving Vichy Morocco, Vichy Algeria, Vichy France or Egypt to Spain. The Allies spending diplomatic chits on Italy that are not countered by German diplomatic activity. The Allies seizing an Italian city. With this system, Germany could use territory to influence Spain into joining the Axis at the cost of damaging relations with Italy. Furthermore, the willingness of the Italian government to send its troops into conflict far from Italian territory is reduced as the Allied threat to Italy grows or Italian aspirations are disregarded. Germany could improve relations with Italy by giving territory to Italy, at the cost of damaging relations with Spain. Example: Vichy Algeria to Italy = Italian Relations +5% to +10% and Spanish relations -5% to -15%. Gibraltar to Italy = Italian Relations +5% to +10% and Spanish relations -20% to -40%. [ November 03, 2004, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. Wachmeister, excellent observation (and another reason for making Morocco a Minor Country controlled by Vichy France). I wonder if the diplomatic system in SC2 will allow one to recreate this? Example: Use a diplomatic chit to give French Morocco to Spain = Improved Relations with Spain & Reduced relations with Italy (and if Italian Relations drop low enough they return to Neutrality! or you can not move Italian units into Russia!). What about diplomatic related limitations on Italian units. For example: Italy Pro Axis +100% = No Limitations on Movement Italy Pro Axis + 70% = Can not move Italian Units into Russia Italy Pro Axis + 50% = Italian Units in Russia may only move/operate in a westerly direction. What actions would reduce Italian relations with Germany? Giving Vichy Morocco or Vichy Algeria or Vichy France or Egypt to Spain. The Allies spending diplomatic chits on Italy that are not countered by German diplomatic activity. Effect of Germany Giving Territory to Spain: Vichy Morocco = - 5% to -15% Vichy Algeria = -10% to -20% Vichy France = -10% to -20% Egypt = -10% to -20%. Allied Diplomatic Chit = -1% to -5%. [ November 02, 2004, 04:23 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. True, but Germany did try to convince Turkey (and Spain) to join the Axis. After France surrenders I can see Turkey joining the Axis, as Britain alone would be too weak to threaten Turkey. Some hothead Generals might believe that now is the time to strike, while their enemy is weakened and the UK is on the verge of, they believe, defeat. Remember the 1967 War, Jordan was mislead into attacking Isreal believing that the Egyptian Air Force and Army was victorious agianst the Israelis. In reality, the Israeli airforce had destroyed the Egyptian airforce earlier that morning and the Egytian generals were too afraid to tell their leaders the truth. The biggest problem that Turkey has is it; during that time period, was basically a 2nd world nation with a large uneducated and agraian population - think Russia 20 years earlier. Excellent idea, and of course Egypt needs to be a country for partisans to occur. My thinking was that the Allies might at some time decide to withdraw all units from Egypt and that there would be a small chance each turn (say 2% 1 in 50 turns) that this would trigger an Egytian revolt. Then as you said a partisan unit would appear and the Allies and the Axis powers would have the option to invade Egypt. [ November 01, 2004, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. Hubert Cater, thanks for the comments. Greatly appreciated. Now, if only I could convince you to add 2 more major powers,which in most games would remain neutral unless activated; Spain and Turkey, and 2 more minor nations; for Egypt and Morocco. Curry, I agree. SC2 will be a great improvement over SC1. [ November 01, 2004, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Jersey John, most interesting background information. I never even thought of a German - Russia - Japanese Axis. Another take on this variant, is that Germany does not DOW USA and the USA concentrates the full force of its Military on defeating the Japanese. This frees up the forces that Russia kept in Siberia and the Siberian Transfer occurs sooner than normal, while the US enters the European war much later than normal, if at all. On a related matter (RE: SC2), I wonder if it would be possible to require the surrender of France or the UK as a prequisite to US entry into the war in Europe. Why? If France and the UK can stop the Axis War Machine dead in its tracks I doubt if the USA would have entered the war in Europe.
  19. Building on SeaMonkey's comments could one have a script that sets a Flag for Turkey to "ActiveNeutral" and have the following linked events. Example: When France Surrenders 5% (1 in 20 games) Turkey Becomes ActiveNeutral (FLAG) Popup: NEWS FLASH: Government of Turkey vows to reclaim the lands it lost at the end of World War I. (This is a hint to all players that Turkey is now an Active Neutral Nation) IF Turkey ActiveNeutral(FLAG) THEN When France Surrenders 50% (1 in 40 games) Turkey Annexes Vichy Syria. (Former part of Ottoman Empire) Popup: NEWSFLASH: The Government of Turkey announced that its army has entered Vichy Syria and reclaimed the lands it lost at the end of World War 1. IF Turkey ActiveNeutral(FLAG) THEN IF Turkey Activated 50% Turkey Gains HQ Unit IF Turkey Activated 50% Turkey Gains Army IF Turkey Activated 50% Turkey Gains Corps IF Turkey Activated 50% Turkey Gains Corps (Reflects build-up of Turkish Army while it is neutral) IF Turkey ActiveNeutral(Flag) THEN If Bulgaria Neutral 25% (1 in 80 games) Turkey Annexes Bulgaria (Former part of Ottoman Empire) AND Romania Joins Axis. Popup: NEWSFLASH: Turkish Troops have invaded Bulgaria. Romania, fearful of an invasion by Turkey, has signed a Mutual Defense Treaty with the Axis Alliance. IF Turkey ActiveNeutral(Flag) THEN WHEN Germany DOW Russia AND Iraq Neutral 50% (1 in 40 games) Turkey Annexes Iraq. (Former part of Ottoman Empire) IF Turkey ActiveNeutral (Flag) THEN 50% (1 in 40 games) on May 4, 1940 Popup: NEWSFLASH: Turkey purchases 100 Fighter planes from Japan after signing the Japan-Turkey Economic & Military Assistance Treaty. AND WHEN Turkey Activated it Gains 1 Air Fleet. [ October 30, 2004, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. HC has not elaborated on random events recently, so here are my thoughts in this area: 1. Strictly Random Events linked to a date or condition --- ie Prior to Data XX/XX/XX --- ie When France Surrenders --- ie USA is Neutral --- ie No units in Country X 2. Random Events with 2 or 3 selectable Diplomatic responses --- ie IF Spain is Neutral Franco requests military assistance Response 1: Send Spain a minimal amount of military assistance (Spain gains 1 Corps, Cost 50MPP) Respinse 2: Send Spain a significant amount of milirary assistance. (Spain gains 1 Air Fleet, Cost 250MPP, Relations with Spain Improve by 5% to 15%) Response 3: Respectfully decline the Franco's request for assistance. (50% relations with Spain decline by 5% to 15%) 3. Naturally an option to turn these events on or off 4. Events can be linked to an AI player and the Intelligence level of the AI. --- Ie Random Event that only occurs for the AI at expert level. 5. Random event can only occur a specific numbers of times per game. --- Ie once per game, twice per game 6. Random event can be linked to the Losing Side --- IF Germany Takes Moscow THEN 5% Russia Gains Bonus HQ Unit. --- IF Russia Takes Warsaw THEN 5% Germany Gains 3 Corps. 7. Random Events have Chrome IF Germany Takes Moscow THEN 5% Russia Gains Bonus HQ Unit. News Flash: Russian troops rally to General [XXX] after fall of Moscow. IF France Surrenders THEN 5% Turkey Annexes Vichy Syria. News Flash: Turkish troops enter Syria to restore law and order after collapse of French government. IF No Units in Egypt Then 1% per turn Egypt becomes a neutral country with 1 Corps. News Flash: Egpytian Army Corps overthrows King Farouk. New Egyptian government declares neutrality in European war. Orders all foreigners to leave Egypt. [ October 28, 2004, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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