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Everything posted by theBrit

  1. Apart from immersion of course, why not toggle off units too and just have coloured blocks? You sound like a wargamer in its purest form.
  2. Oh please....what next toggle the terrain flat!!! lol Keep the tree's the more varied the terrain the better.
  3. Is it feature toggled? if not, perhaps in the first round of patches it could be.
  4. BOOOOOOOOO cutting trees! Shouldn't be allowed!
  5. Trees and bushes only degrade LOS, they dont block it! NB In my opinion if there are enough vegetation in the way, you SHOULD lose LOS.
  6. Hmmm I thought this would happen....its not clear in the official statement above.
  7. You are obsessed with destroying trees!!!! lol People are merely pointing out that its not impossible but not common practice for tank commanders to drive directly through woods or forest. Yes it looks impressive...and demonstrates the power & weight of these chariots of war, but why risk being immobilised in a dense mature forest for the sake of pushing trees over? I think you are getting hung up on the idea...common sense is not prevailing. If you want documented evidence of the policy of NOT driving tanks through dense forest I can only think of the forest of the Ardennes. There knowing the restrictions on movement, German engineers blasted paths through the forest...I am not saying some tanks didn't help with the odd stubborn tree, but in practice Armour columns consider forests as an obstacle, and definitely not a chance to have fun!!! [ March 21, 2007, 12:21 AM: Message edited by: theBrit ]
  8. Aye, definately dont use Gamespy!
  9. Arrrrhhhhhh I see, I wasn't aware of that! No matter I am sure the manual and back up CD will come in handy. Thanks for clearing that up.
  10. Hold up moon.....let me get this straight because your previous post does imply $35. So for Digital download customers only - pre-ordering gives no savings, its $45 regardless?
  11. Dont let this hold up the game, but can we have one? Thx
  12. It would not be a pre-order if you could DL that day....think about it!
  13. You sound like my wife!
  14. I think a huge round of applause is due for everyone involved (fans included). Through hard work and perseverance TOW will finally see the light of day. Congratulations BF & 1C Now where's my visa
  15. lol such a small statement for such a big event.... Very understated Moon, but its not missed by me or Cincinatvs!
  16. I agree... trees and tanks dont mix!!!! And any tank commander that thinks he can just drive through a forest or even wood is a fool.
  17. I for one am pleased you are working on the MP, for me its one of the most important apsects of the game. AI can be good, but a human is far better!
  18. I will say this in BF defence... I've not yet had the honour of viewing all 40 maps, so I may be pleasantly surprised.
  19. Good example Marc... TOW battlefields are a bit idyllic, dare I say bland. I like to see some woods, forest...large towns, even factories etc.
  20. I think the woodland is sparse...due to the IL2 engine.
  21. I understand we have a problem with the code...but in essence why does that stop buying the game pre-order? Surely we are entering into a contract that when the game is released we have instant access and download rights...not to mention a reduce 'Pre-order' price. 'When' at this stage is not important, as we know its not going to be delayed by months, dont we?
  22. Cheers Nicdain for the heads up.....
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