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Everything posted by theBrit

  1. *Finger currently poised over the buy button*
  2. Yeah thats been around sometime...still good though.
  3. I cant wait to see what the community comes up with...
  4. Looking at the screenshot... do I see the option to place trees, houses and roads?
  5. I take it its the Russian version 'patched' we are looking at.... good animations. Thanks!
  6. Things just get better and better..... All we now are regular *FREE* terrain map packs and we'll have the complete product. (More village and town maps) [ March 13, 2007, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: theBrit ]
  7. You've made my day.....thanks!
  8. Can we have an idea of when this month we can pre-order? Middle or late this month?
  9. When you do say additions, would that be expansions or another release TOW2 for example?
  10. I think you ought to speak the our Russian friends before you say the word "playable"! Showing my age here, I think BF are taking this game to 11.... it'll be 1 better, wont it!
  11. In a 'combat' simulation (I know its not in its truest sense but near enough) having medics would make no difference to your gameplay, other than using up valuable resource extracting the wounded. In a protracted campaign with resource management then yes include it, but in TOW a guy is shot....wounded? Lightly or heavily? Incapacitated? Dead? Thats all you need to know!!!!
  12. I use both!!! I build websites, so having both highlights any problems in the code and layout.
  13. Great post!!! Firstly I hated Company of Hero's. Thank god it was a freebie for me. Talk about click fest, a RTS in its ugliest sense of the word!!!! Im hoping that TOW is a far more cultured wargame. One where RL tactic's can be employed as opposed to CoH's arms race. Give me gameplay over pretty effects anyday. But as a fellow Graphic Artist I too hope that the icons are toggled (function key or tabed), they do detract from the battlefield view and immersion of the combat somewhat. As for the other suggestions, sadly with only a month to go before release, its too late...
  14. Perhaps it'll be included in the first patch, along with more varied maps!
  15. I love the bounces in RO, those bloody T34 are so good at it.
  16. I've searched the forum, but found nought! Is the game speed variable ie Slow/Normal/Fast? Thanks
  17. Im sure if its not in...someone will mod it.
  18. Nice one Moon... Reading now, thanks! [Edit] Read and a good little read too. It helps get a clearer idea of control, which is nice. I did note that in the Anti-tank walkthrough that the germans panicked quite easily..and from a serviceable tank too. I hope for the games sake they were GREEN troops. [ March 02, 2007, 04:14 AM: Message edited by: theBrit ]
  19. This may be of interest: http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ttt/trench-warfare-eastern-front.html
  20. **Double Ahem** Thats the detail/confirmation I was asking for in the first place, thank you. Remember my friend some of us dont own the game.
  21. *ahem* And my opponent in MP will he display the same self control or will he just tell me he will?
  22. Thanks Moon, I read that, a good blog....but how does that effect the camera movement. Does the camera movement advance as far as the lead unit? Or can the camera fly over terrain features hills, houses and stuff that would normally be beyond the vision of the unit and see the beyond? Having the ability to view over the shoulder of the enemy is unrealistic. It'll clearly give you an idea of thier LOS and thus exploitable!!!!
  23. Dont use your Jedi Mind tricks on me Rune, I never mentioned 'Final' build, you did! hovers hand of lightsabre I'd hope but I've not had any official comment on it. :confused:
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