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Posts posted by Hortlund

  1. Originally posted by v42below:

    Anniversary of Barbarossa today. Not that you dimwits would care, but I would like to remember the border guards and soldiers who on this day in 1941 attempted to defend their country, whilst being under strict orders not to fire on the advancing enemy. Life is a cruel joke sometimes.

    We will remember them.

    Ah yes... I see you are using the phrase their country in the widest possible sense, since the Soviet soldiers were well inside Poland and Lithuania at the time.

    Must not let pesky facts get in the way of your teary-eyed salute to the communists of Stalinist russia though eh, so carry on lad. Have a drink for the gulag-guards while you're at it.

  2. Yea...because if there is one thing I do on these forums its trying to get as many hugs and kisses as possible...Im truly pining for that.

    Shouldnt you be out somewhere insulting ppl btw? Now begone little fella, Im sure you can find plenty of ppl in the GF to give the Rambo-treatment..

    Edit to insert more colors

    [ June 19, 2004, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  3. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Hortlund you poison toad, tell me I have beautiful eyes right now or we begin the folk dancing!

    Whats with the obsession of following people around while pestering them to tell you pickup-lines? Are you that lonely? Pickup-lines, I might add, of such abysmal quality that one would think they were stolen from some hideous 1970-era German porn movie? Complete with hairy buts and loud screams of "Ja Ja Olga, in die bumme".

    German porn btw, is so wrong on so many levels. One of the more obvious levels is that the german language is one of those disasters from ages past, where someone probably set out with the intent to create a nice language, but failed miserably and instead got stuck with a language only usable for directing panzers or bullying people around. So when you have a german porn movie and the "actors" are telling eachother what to do next or how much they appreciate one thing or another, it always sounds like they are planning to invade some innocent country or ordering their panzers to attack the hills to the left.

    I mean what other language could call a butterfly Schmetterling?

    (butterflies btw, has to be the most harmless creature on the face of this planet..even a furry rabbit looks like a bloodthirsty werewolf when compared to a butterfly)

    "Schmetterling"....thats something you would expect translates into "dive bomber" or "machine gun" or "vicious sword with lots of pointy knobs".

    Anyway, talk to the eurohomo if you are looking for some male flirting and leave me alone you imbecille.

  4. I just realized that I cannot stand Kobal2 (sp not B). Much like a bowl of snot he just sits there, annoying the hell out of anyone who accidentally happens to spot him...filling everyone with a strange combination of disgust and confusion.

    Actually make that a bowl of french snot, smelling like garlic, with horrific little lumps of cheese in there.

    Yuck That french bastard.

  5. I knew it "He cannot possibly be this dumb" I thought, "he is probably just lonely and acts all provocative to find a new victim to stalk.

    See I have this all figured out, you are very much like that bullied dreadful kid in school who used to chase all the girls around with a booger on his finger. The more they ran the more excited he was because of all the attention he was getting. Well, I can picture you now, sitting there infront of your computer with a devlish grin on your face, sweating heavily from your upper lip as you feverishly hit the refresh-button waiting for another reply from me..."your enemy".

    But no, I will not be your mortal enemy Seanachai I will not give you that much attention, because I know you will only become worse after that. Sure it will start with some innocent posts in here, followed by some innocent e-cards with some hidious poem...but then the emails will start ...and eventually maybe even a setup will arrive in my inbox, a hideous setup, the kind of setup you would expect to see from someone who never ever played CM but instead works full-day as a tender of stillborn sheep... The kind of setup where someone has bought nothing but 3 pillboxes and placed them facing the wrong way in his own bottom left corner of a huge woods-only, 90 turns, night-map...and then plays at 1 turn/week pace...just to piss the other one off when he 90 weeks later realizes he has spent 90 weeks playing pbem solitare...

    But that is not enough...I know your type you liberal swine

    ...sooner or later, sooner or later I know you will stand outside my door dressed as a Bulgarian folk-dancer with a bottle of $5 whiskey in one hand and a sleeping bag in the other, wanting to move in with me, with vauge promises of lan games, folk-dancing and free whiskey dripping from your lips.

    it aint gonna happen

    so you might just as well look for another target for your perversions.

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