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Posts posted by Hortlund

  1. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


    You have been fortunate this time.

    Try back on Monday.

    Who IS responsible for this...fellow?

    Really, someone needs to teach him some manners, and I would hate for it to be me. You are on the short list boy. Dont go adressing me with your yappings again unless you are prepared to back up your sad attempts at wit with an equally pathetic setup.

  2. Now now Boggs (Spelt not Bolded because I have no idea what you are). Instead of retreating like that, why dont you take your time and write a long post on this topic

    "Me and the afterglow

    -How I got in touch with my feminine side,

    a short essay by Boggs"

    Anyway, methinks Nidan aka "the proud lady" is very very fortunate that this particular incarnation of the M.B.T. is nearing its end...

  3. See...? Sad really. Where is the wit, the audacity, the bravado, the style. Nothing...

    I mean all he does is verbaly vomit all over himself and expect it to provoke some sort of reaction other than utter disgust amongst the listeners. I mean its so bad I dont even want to quote his post because it will only clog up my own like a big fat smelly turd on a birthday cake.


    Where is the horse and rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain in the mountains, like wind in the meadows.

  4. Soddball Im calling you out. You spineless blarg. Its time to fight over siglines again.

    We all know how it ended the last time...when my mighty Russian horde smited your evil über-Germans. And we all know there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth from your side. Well, I kinda enjoyed that. So I have come here, to the home of the ibscure emoticon-fetishists to call you out.

    You pick date, place, type and points, I'll pick sides. Winner gets one sentence in losers sigline for 3 months.

  5. Well, actually, a friend of mine is a tad adventurous. You know the type, was a paratrooper in the army, spent most of his vacations doing odd adventure travels etc. He has done loads of silly/über-cool (depending on point of view) things, his claim for fame is that he has skiied from canada to the north pole.

    ANYWAY, a couple of years ago he and a buddy wanted to take a year off school (we were in lawschool together) so they decided to walk from Cape Town to Kenya. I dunno which of those two came up with the idea, but that is what they decided to do anyway.

    So they got to South Africa and they stayed at some fancy hotel in Cape Town, and they asked someone at the hotel a question that is a tad similar to that one up there. They wanted to know the best way to walk up to the northern border. The guy looked at them like they were retarded and said something along the lines of "you idiots, you will get robbed and killed before you manage to get through the northern suburbs". This made my friend think twice about walking through South Africa. The next day they were both robbed not more than 100 meters from their hotels. They managed to escape by running away from the robbers (they only had knifes, and my friends are in pretty good physical shape).

    After that they decided to go by bus through South Africa. But they did manage to walk the rest of the trip. It took them something like 7 months.

  6. Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

    iik iiik iiik

    I'm sorry, are you talking to me? In that tone?

    I'd say the quality of the squires around here is depressing indeed. Where is the wit, where is the panache, where is the quality? Its bad...bad I tell you.

    How bad?

    First, imagine getting stuck at work doing three extra hours of unpayed overtime just because some idiot forgot to tell you about an important deal that has to be prepared before tomorrow....Then he calls you at 5 pm and tell you the good news. Then after spending three hours writing that horribly horribly boring paper, your computer crashes, and the auto recovery wont work, so you have to start all over again.

    But thats only the beginning...THEN, after spending those extra six hours at work, you come home and find your wife in bed with some guy. Not only that, but the guy turns out to be the same guy who beat you up in school twice a week. Now he looks at you with a smile that brings back all those moments of agony and pain from your youth. Your wife has a breakdown and admits that that guy is the father of "your" two kids because she never wanted to have kids with you so she made damn sure to have protection everytime you had sex, but made sure to get pregnant with that guy instead, because she has always loved him. And now she wants a divorce.

    Yeah, pretty bad, but still not bad enough. No, its worse, like if you would leave the house after that and go down to the pub to get stinking drunk. After spending a couple of hours doing nothing but downing shooters and tequila, a really good looking girl comes up to you and she starts rubbing herself against you. So you stand there at the bar making out with this woman, when the bartender takes you aside and whispers "doesnt that "woman" have a rather large adams-apple?"

    Alright, so after spending 6 extra hours at work, finding out your wife has been cheating on you for the past two years, and you are not the father of your kids, and after spending 45 mins making out with a guy at your favourite bar, you decide to go home.

    But on the way home you are abducted by space aliens. They whisk you out into space in their fancy ship and then they remove all your clothes and lock in some bent over position to a metal table. Then they spend hours experimenting with their newest anal-probe.

    Then they return you to your house, but they forget to do that "erase-memory"-thingy they always do, AND they forget to remove the anal probe. So now you have to call the paramedics and ask for help to remove some metallic thing from your ass "because the aliens left it there". Then at the hospital they remove the probe and it turns out that the newest model alien anal probe looks exactly like a spoon. So now you are getting weird looks from the doctors who are asking themselves "so why did this guy shove a spoon up his ass?"

    THAT bad.

    Now Shoosh.

  7. Originally posted by Mace:

    Oh a bit of size comparison happening huh?


    Let's see.

    Rune, Berli and I have had CMAK for a few months now and we also get our names in the manual!!!

    Yep, Ours is bigger.


    Swine. But MY name is in the manual of ANOTHER game, and I'd say that even though we measure the combined length of you three against me alone, it is still a very close call.

    This can only be settled in one way.

    Send me a setup. 2000p, 1941 somewhere in the desert, everything random. You pick sides.

  8. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    See? Here he is again, flaunting his ownership of CMAK in our faces.

    Boo Boo Boo I am terribly sorry to have upset you in your wait for The Game of Games (aka CMAK). It was really not my intention to rub it in. But let me just say that I have, in my hand, this very second my...oops...hrm...one sec...


    That I have in my hand a copy of CMAK. While you and all the other Americans only have a tiny demo to play with. ...Or CMBB which is sooo 2002.

    Now then, I shall not hold it against you. Instead I'll gladly teach you a lesson or two about the finer aspects of desert warfare. As soon as the game reaches whatever bug infested swamp you call home, send me a setup. Git

    Edit to appease the gods of html-coding

  9. I love it.

    I got it yesterday, spent most of the night playing. I've played two battles. One in Italy and one in Crete. The default grapics are really great, and apart from the stunning pieces of art the über-modders can conjure up, I dont think I will be dowloadning that many mods.

    As for gameplay, some things have changed. Its hard to put the finger on it, but it is clear that the flow of battle is a little different here. Maybe its just me, but I get the impression that some units surrender a tad quicker, and some are faster to turn and run than they were in the east.

    There are 62 scenarios and 7 operations. There is also a "To the volga"-type battle, Totensonntag...remember that one from ASL? I would like to try it, but I doubt my poor AMD 1800+, 512 RAM, GF2 computer can handle those 10 000 points/90 turns (!).

    As for the operations, I started with the Descent on Maleme operation, and the first battle in that operation is about as intense and nail-biting as I have ever seen. It took me something like 5 hours to play that one through. Unfortunately, for the second battle I got some really weird setup zones.

    Here comes a little spoiler










    For example, I spent most of the first battle trying to get across the dried river bed. Not an easy task at all. But suddenly in battle 2, I was allowed to set up well north of that river-bed...

    However, since I'm not the gamey-bastard-type of player, I will simply set up the reinforcements roughly where my units were located after the first battle...so it is only a minor gripe.

    All in all, an excellent game. Just what I was expecting from BFC, and I can tell all of you who are thinking of not buying this game...think again, because you are missing something.

    My rating: 10/10

  10. Originally posted by Lars:

    Ah, my former Squire, I'm sure you'll be sending my copy right along to me, right? right?

    Yes yes, I have sent my only copy to you actually. Naturally, like a good former squire, I mailed it to my old liege as soon as I could open it and verify that it was indeed a copy of CMAK.

    Not only that, I also sent you the manual. And since the manual is actually 4 pages thick...or rather, since the manual is actually one page in A2 format (or somefink) of shiny paper folded in two to make the impression of 4 pages, you can understand the enormity of my sacrifice (mailing costs).

    To confuse any computergame-sniffing dog at the US customs, I was intending to spray the package with fox urine, but alas I ran out of my last bottle when I was trying to break up with my ex-girlfriend (trust me, the less details the better), so I had to pee on the envelope myself.


    Hortlund, always faitful ex-squire

  11. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    For that, I challenge you to a CMAK duel. The scenario is Clash of Titans. You get teh uber-British. I get the unter-Italians. Taking the weaker side will make my victory over your hapless troops (aren't you glad your pixelated legions can't frag you) all the sweeter.


    Uber british you say? UBER-BRITISH? With Cruiser tanks that will implode incase they are left in direct sunlight for more than two hours?

    ooo...you have some nerve.

  12. Maleme2.jpg

    The scattered remains of two platoons of paratroopers has managed to reach the outskirts of the airfield, and are now preparing to go "over the top"

    This operation is absolutely awesome. The map is huge, and the battle has quickly devolved into a series of small unit actions around the key points. Here is a picture right before the paratroopers attempt to clear the western part of the airfield.

  13. S











    So I decided to try the Maleme operation.

    First impressions while going over the setup. The map is beautiful, really really good. It captures the rocky mountanious terrain extremely well.

    The German player starts with his paratroopers scattered in small small groups all over the map. There is also alot of open ground to cross before reaching the airfield. This should be interesting.


    A view slightly above Hill 107, looking North towards the Maleme airfield

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