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Posts posted by Hortlund

  1. Originally posted by Snarker:

    Maybe a large battle, only ACs and tankettes 20mm and below? The last car race we had going was fun.

    Oh God that brings back horrible memories. But after earning my knighthood I swore never again to embark on an armored-cars-only battle.

    But if I remember correctly, your cowardly and horribly gamey use of lend-lease tanks against my poor starving outnumbered pixeltruppen earned you a victory in our previous battle. I demand restitution.

    Brits at Anzio. I'll be the tea-drinkers, you be the sauerkraut-munchers.

  2. Soddball is doomed...DOOMED I tell you. He foolishly let me have the Krauts in an Italian scenario. Little does he know that I have purchased:

    1 Tiger

    1 Marder II

    1 PSW 233

    1 88mm PAK

    1 50mm PAK

    1 Sdkfz 7 to tow the 88mm PAK

    1 Company of Fusiliers

    1 Company of Jägers

    1 Platoon of Pioneers with flamethrowers

    1 Platoon of Recon infantry

    3 x Psk

    1 Tank hunter

    1 LMG

    3x 75mm Arty spotters

    1 81mm arty spotter

    He does not know that my plan is to advance across the hills closest to the town and set up a fire base at the top of Hill 153 (the name I have secretly given to the hill closest to the town) From there my Tiger and my 88mm PAK will dominate the countryside.

    Under cover from those monsters, my infantry will advance to the village and secure it. I will deploy my infantry in the buildings, and my flamethrowers will hide in the nearby woods. Then I will wait for his clumsy attempt to take the town. Poor lad, he doesnt stand a chance.

    Now...some of you might think it is foolish of me to post my forces and my tactical plans like this. However, Soddball is completely worthless when it comes to playing Combat Mission, and he will royally screw up this battle too, like he always does. Besides, Im pretty sure that he cant read anyway...judging from his senseless ramblings in these forums, its pretty obvious to anyone that he only sits infront of his computer hitting keys at random on his keyboard. The tosser...

    In fact, I was toying with the idea of only buying unarmed trucks to at least give him SOME chance, but alas, the purchase limits prevented that.

    Oh..and as a particularily nasty surprise for old Soddball, Im going to use my artillery and plaster the part of the map where I suspect he has placed his units in the setup.

    Man...he is really worthless...already before turn 1 has he tanked the battle.

    Snarker how about a game?

  3. Originally posted by Soddball:

    We meet on the field of conflict, in a horribubble, brutal scrap. A nice fat 2,000 points?

    If I win, I rule and you suck - plus I own your sig for 3 months.

    If I lose - no, really, I might, it's possible - I still rule and you still suck - but you own my sig for 3 months.

    How's that? Hoormonkey.

    Fine fine. Except the sucking part, if you are looking for homosexual love, you should turn to Boggs

    not that there is anything wrong with THAT....

  4. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    Two guys on a bicycle, covered with a poncho hardly conjures up an image of an armored spearhead.

    Stop complaining, whatever you have its got to be better than the two guys in a bathtub on wheels I have to put up with.

    And for your information Boggs just because you convey the mental image of a lute-playing hippie, that doesnt mean you automatically become my image of a dream date (which is Denise Richards AND Britney Spears btw). See some of us does not automatically associate dating with whatever mammal is on our mind at that second. Pervert.

    And your demise in the desert would go alot quicker if you would bother to send turns once in a while dammit.

  5. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    Snipped to protect the innocent

    If you spent half as much time with your setups as you do with your poetry, you might actually be an opponent to worry about.

    But since your setups suck (I know this even before seeing your setup, I can sense it), and since you convey the mental image of a guy wearing a dress, sitting barefoot on a rock somewhere humming while composing his next ode to the flowers...lets just say that Im not worried one bit. Soon you can start working on your next poem "The woeful end of the Italian tanker".


  6. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    CMAK Scenario

    Author: Berli

    Name: Fight for Water

    You: British

    Me: Italian

    When: Tonight USA EST

    Any further issues?

    I see that you are following in the footsteps of your liege like a good squire. Naturally there is no scenario named "Fight for water" on the CD. There is one called "Clash of Titans" though...but I understand that you got those two confused...I mean both scenario names consists of three words, and some of the letters are used in both.

    Anyway, Im already spoken for when it comes to that scenario, so I sent you another one. Since you wanted Italians vs Brits, I picked "Scouts out".

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