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Everything posted by Becket

  1. For maggot's sake, how pathetic can you get in geography??? ZEELAND is a Dutch province!!! Kinda logical as it was found by the Dutch (Australia was originally New Holland, btw). I think you may have had a mix-up between New Zealand and New Legoland there. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  2. Learned over the weekend: the Kiwi country is named after some island in Denmark for pete's sake. Neat stuff alert: Axis & Allies Miniatures. I don't like the look of the Panther, but the rest look like they'll rock. Still, all tanks appear to be rare, which means it would cost a fortune to get a complete set.
  3. Actually, I don't think it was sarcasm. It was certainly a good example, of the use of irony but it was missing scorn and contempt necessary to be truly sarcastic. One should remember that the word, “Sarcasm” comes to us from the Greek “Sarkasmos” which if I remember correctly, and I am going back more than thirty years here, means to tear flesh like dogs (one has to wonder what sort of society the Greeks had that they found it necessary to come up with a word for that concept, but that need not detain us). I am sorry if I appear pedantic, and to post somewhat off topic, but while we are all lolling around waiting for CMX2 discussions to be formally opened I thought we could practice precision in the use of language, if for no other reason that such exactitude will greatly aid that debate when it comes. Also I am a sad bastard. Cheers </font>
  4. Another day, another tub of destruction sent to I'm_not_kiwi_mike_but_I_still_suck_as_if_I_were_the_wino.
  5. I have an obession with putting the word von in front of every German general. At least I haven't added it to Rommel. Yet.
  6. Turn out to mike_the_whiner. More of his tanks turned into scrap. I am fairly sure Axel owes me a setup. He can have his pick of the Gerries so long as I get my Soviets. In other news, been reading more of Rokossovky's memoirs. The censors had a heavy hand with the book (it was published in 1970), which is too bad. A startling comment is Rokossovsky's assertion that von Paullus was captured and did not surrender...a very bizarre statement to be sure. Has anyone else ever heard anything like that? I assume it's just KGB editing or a lack of information (the latter would, however, be very odd). What was that Glantz line that Keke quoted? "the public face of Soviet historiography was at best a half truth" or something like that?
  7. Axe, will be thinking of you guys. Just sent you the final turn for Evil, so you can open it up and cheer yourself with my Total Defeat. :mad: :mad: mike_the_whiner: Whar the hell's mah turn???
  9. Take back the major VL, then talk to me, sparky. (I hate you.)
  10. You know, that could be due to the fact that, while one can discern spoken language with one's eyes (by reading lips), I have yet to hear of anyone able to decipher written words with one's ears. Dolt.
  11. That's the best endorsement for mortality I've ever heard. :mad: :mad: </font>
  12. Watch out for the gnab gib. ("What out"? "What out"? I blame the Talisker.) [ April 07, 2005, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: Becket ]
  13. My god. I have just unleashed upon Axe a fury the likes of which would shock even the Titans (Greek, Teen, or Tennessee). His defending armies quit the field en masse under the unsettling rain of Mistress Katyusha. (She's a fickle one, too, seeing fit to wipe out a few of my squads a mile away.)
  14. Why? Did one of you maggots finally say something interesting? Not bloody likely... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Michael </font>
  15. We would have never surrendered! And nothing strategically significant out there? How about the Murmansk railway? Significant proportion of the L-L aid to the Russians was channeled through that route, especially in 1941 and 1942. This must be one of the most unrealistically modelled games for ages, I have to say. bleep! bleep! </font>
  16. Quite the opposite. Though I am, of course, uber. I just think the game is neat, especially in how it models the opening attacks. I was shocked by the disintegration of the Western Military District.
  17. Winter effects & Leningrad Ice Road are modeled. Nothing special for areas north of Leningrad, I assume because there's nothing strategically significant there (for this game - only a tiny bit of Finland is shown, and if you take Helsinki, the Finns are out of the game).
  18. Screw this computer stuff. Got L2's Russia Besieged about a month ago and am finally getting around to trying it out. Before and after pics of my Barbarossa attack (this is just the first impulse of the first turn, I get to attack and move one more time before the Soviet response). Before: After:
  19. Turns out! Thanks to Axe for picking a high wind scenario. I only wasted about 100 smoke rounds before figuring that out. Thanks to wino for being gamey. I missed that. (And it's just at the force purchase screen.) Any of you wenches getting World at War? If so, let me know.
  20. New Rule: No more pictures from any of you. Two turns owed. None sent. C'est la vie.
  21. Snarker, thanks for the link. Found a lot of instances of Broadcast in my registry.
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