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Eden Smallwood

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Everything posted by Eden Smallwood

  1. Ah, I agree with you there; at a minimum, we should have enough intel to figure out just a little bit about what would help and what wouldn't, and be able to obtain at least some of what we want. Even the greenest attacking force should be able to figure out whether they are attacking at night or not, eh? "Ohmigod, it's dense fog!!! Did you look at the weather report?!?" "No, I didn't look at the weather report! Did you look at the weather report?!?" Oh, ok- that would explain why I personally didn't understand the "bug" fix. I've played a good two dozen QBs so far, and I've only had *one* perfectly flat terrain. ??? I play with absolutely everything on Random which can be set that way, with the one exception that I pick my own force. Naturally I didn't think once in two dozen times was unusual. Hmmmm. Eden
  2. And try the Tutorial Scenarios *before* fully reading that part of the manual, since the manual will always be there, but a fresh start won't. Jaegermeister should be very easy. Eden
  3. Give me six reasons to answer you. Just read this forum for awhile. Eden
  4. Never!! On the subject of relative strength and A/D ratios and yadda yadda... I have no idea. But when it comes to QBs which might be imbalanced because if we multiply the matrix of the defense value of all hexes by the vector of categorized attack units... I really think you guys are missing the cool spirit in these QBs!! So maybe it's imbalanced today... SO WHAT?? I've had some really knuckle grinding battles in QB, maybe it was imbalanced, I dunno, but if we as commanders can only do our best in a battle which is balanced...??? I'm not saying you guys are wrong to be concerned about this whole thing, not at all. I'm just saying it's *also* valid to say that it's fun to have an advantage or disadvantage too. I wasn't- for about the same exact reason. What, completely flat is not a valid terrain for Asia?!? If the terrain is NEVER flat, then Random is no longer Random, now is it? I thought I was a moderate Trekkie, and Kobayashi translates pretty well as "Smallwood", ISTR, but I've never heard that expression. Where's if from? Lastly, all of you guys, seemingly, even the _Cemetery Hill_ designer! It's "cemetEry", "ceme-goddamn-tEry"!!! Please, if not for yourselves then for the non-English speakers who read here. Thank you. Eden
  5. Wow, now that's what I'm talking about! How you figured that out I can only wonder, but I'll look for that on the next scenario. Never would have guessed that in a campaign of years. That bit o' usefulness should go in the FAQ... Eden
  6. Gawd, that was really good. I petition for joke8 to be hosted permanently by BFC. PanzerMon- Gotta Kill 'Em All! Eden
  7. But that's how the tutorial says you should do it!!! Eden
  8. That's probably what saved me. I didn't have a clue what my units could really do, so I lined them all up and started firing all at once. Hee. After a few minutes of that I figured out that it just wasn't going to crack that egg, but meanwhile KV had decided it was annoying enough to back up as far as possible. Now I was able to drop one of my 88 guns in LOS, but you do know what I'm saying in re it's being an "iffy" guesstimating gamble, right? Eden
  9. The "SS" logos look alot better than... than whatever mod I previously installed! Thank you. May I ask, what are the two on the very right hand side? Eden
  10. I would be really surprised if such a BMP exists- they are probably drawn "manually". Eden
  11. SPOILERS, BUT HONESTLY YOU SHOULD PROBABLY GUESS THAT WHEN THE SUBJECT IS THE NAME OF A SCENARIO... • • • • • • • • • • • • • OK, so how does one properly deploy those 88s? I sent those vehicles which towed them into the trees and then Reversed until the 88s were where I GUESSED they were just in LOS with that KV. But I had to GUESS, really- I can't click "L" and get the LOS for the 88 while it's a "passenger", right? So I have to stick it between two light tanks which are risking their necks to give me a good guestimate. But truth be told, a light tank on each side might have LOS, and I stick the 88 right between them, and Lo! that spot is not LOS. And of course once it's separated it ain't movin'. Anybody know what I'm saying? Eden
  12. I see nothing on that site to help us Mac people open RAR files; could we possibly just stick with ZIP...? Eden
  13. This is a ridiculous idea. Exactly what do you *mean* by "forum", eh? Ever stopped to thmink about that one? Why not a threeum or a fiveum? Does it not bother you that it would offend the Againstum? Where is the environmental impact study, hmm? And why "Mods"? The psychedelic sixties were not even *around* during WWII, and the Grateful Deadicated fans did NOT get along with the Mods, Prince Ferdinand was NOT a "Mod", and he was from that other war anyhow. QED. Not MOD, QED. Silly rabbit- this thread is for kids. Eden
  14. We did it!! We suckered this turkey into buying a completeley worthless pile o' software! So what are *you* guys gonna do with your $1.50 kickback? I think I'm going to get a caramel latte... Eden
  15. It's firing over a certain area, rather than one exact target. Yes, that's exactly the idea. Eden
  16. Jaegermeister------------Spoiler+++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I was able to knock out all of the Tigers and all but one of the Panthers. Won a minor victory, it was tough.</font>
  17. I thought that might have been it, but the yellow line going up to that "unit" sort of emphasized it's "notness". Anyhow, thanks- that feels better. Well it depends on what you mean by "could". As I say, the reason a workaround doesn't work is because it requires me to remember, and it's just in the nature of the situation... When does one's computer go to sleep? When you get distracted with something else, zoning out... See what I mean? If only it were that simple. ( BS in Computer Science and Math from UCDavis; Macintosh only freelance programmer, btw ) Well, thank goodness this is the only bug that really bites me, but it would be great if they could fix it. Eden
  18. On Macintosh, G3 iBook, OS 9.0 , nuthin much special about the machine. Thmink it has an ATI 128 card of something, but these are not graphicky I don't think. BUG #1 In CMBO Demo, CMBB Demo, and CMBB, there is a huge gaping maw of a crash when the book goes to sleep then wakes IFF ( CMBB is foreground app AND Book Sleeps ) THEN Book Dies Really Really Hard Death Upon Waking. This is the kind of bug where the sys is frozen so bad that usually the "force-quit" micro dialog cannot even draw itself. I haven't mentioned it before, because I early on discovered a very easy workaround- just don't let CMxx run when book goes to sleep! But now that I spend 104% of my waking time with CMBB, that workaround works less, and requires my precious memory to function, so this is starting to "bug" me. Please Fix. Bug #2 Same system, load the scenario available at Scenario Depot entitled _Marsh Madness_. Description says "JaegerMeister", btw. Click continue, Crash. File itself does not appear corrupted. At a minimum, the UnZip application has not issues or errors with the zip file. On restart, there will be a new file in saved games folder called "Junk File Dkdfj Flkd jfkdE" or so. Bug (?) #3 In Valley Of Trouble::CMBB , the "upgraded" scenario available I guess the same place, I was attacked by a Stuka 87B which was exhibiting the latest Klingon Kloaking Device Technology- the shadow of the plane appeared, but the plane itself was invisible. Bug? Eden
  19. Yeah, SAMi, where's the REST of the d*mn army?!? Q: What kind of M&Ms does Tatoo from Fantasy Island like? A: "De Plain! De Plain!" ( sigh ) The plain one is hot. Yes, that stripe looks better, but I *still* think it jumps out a bit. If nobody volunteers to agree with me then just figure it's only me. I really like the other person's suggestion to show naked metal on those tiny bits of track which actually touch the ground. I'm not sure if that's right though, if a tank is just cruising around the steppes? I hope someone hosts it for you- I can't. Anyway- even the *Russian Judges* are scoring it a 9.99!! Eden
  20. Since all I do is single player, and I've already dropped the hobbies of eating, sleeping, and hygiene, why, I guess I'd have to call it worth playing. If you want to give your spouse a good reason to divorce you, this is a really cheap way to go. Yeah, sometimes it's a bit disappointing to see the AI do something dumbstupid, but that's a very minor beef when compared to the whole cow. The fact that the AI might sometimes goof up does not mean that you are going to be victorious in that battle without a severe challenge. Eden
  21. Hey SAMi V, that's looking really good. From your comments though, I think you misunderstood what I meant when I said the stripe looks like it's "floating". Essentially I mean it's just too white, or too bright- it "jumps" off the page, rather than seeming to be part of the tank. Look at your jpeg there- the only thing brighter in that whole image is in the info window where it says "Mid Day"! For a tank *that* dirty, a stripe that bright just seems like it's a light source rather than a painted stripe. See what I mean? I think MrNoobie's dirty tanks have the same problem with the logos; if you look at his latest pix, the ones which are white are just sooo bright and "jump" at you. But that one single Red logo "fits" perfectly on the tank. It "sits" on it. Hth, Eden
  22. ( Dang this forum moves fast ) There was no mano a mano. So, er, if an AT Rifle crew gets 7 Infantry kills with his pistol... does that really seem possible? I mean, going up against a rifle team? Eden
  23. I use all Random except that I pick my own units. At 500 points, I can play several a day! So far, I *swear* they're all so distinct and good it's kinda creepy. I'm tempted to upload them all and call them Designer Scenarios! Eden
  24. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. Dividing my force like that was a bad idea: bad, BAD, BAD!. 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