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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. But........OK xwood, you're right....No..I'm running the show here and in my Germany we're going to enforce a different ideology, we're going to leave the "racism" behind.:mad: Our indoctrination consists of discipline, respect for authority, anti-Bolshevism, national expansion and a quasi-religious faith in the movement. All the Nazis elements save one and I want the Ukranians to help with the anti-Bolshevic part.:cool: Think about it....not so far removed from the WW2 German culture. It belongs in my SC Global model.
  2. Early, save your UK and Chinese MPPs for rebuilding eliminated units that were in 5 or greater supply, reduced cost. Research IW and to a lesser degree AT and anti-air, later get UK mobility for the road back. USA = IT, PT, NW and advanced and LR air, heavy bombers, IW and on and on. Build HQs, you'll need to provide supply to those air assets and staging your amphibs from close islands for the next assault.
  3. Heck yes! DDs and CAs as well as your CVs all provide strategic attack factors. Now get after'em Son!:eek: But be wary, the IJN lurks.
  4. I'm wondering why my Balikpan, Tarakan and Brunei oil tiles all show a supply level of 5 but my occupying units don't get that supply. In fact the oil doesn't provide any supply, although it designates supply 5 in the info screen, it is only the ports that are inconjuction with the oil tile that deliver supply. Doesn't it make sense that a coastal oil tile should have a port connected to it, as how is the oil loaded and moved? This is my business and I've been to some of the most remotest spots for oil shipments and there is always a dock. So why doesn't the Tarakan oil field not have one, 0 supply for occupying units?:confused:
  5. Don't fret, doesn't look to me that the para unit has the required 7 supply to form up(prepare). If you want to make sure, take the supply and efficiency of the nearby port and city down a level or two(strategic attack).
  6. Don't forget your subs' "silent" mode, raid a few turns and then maneuver, never stay long in restricted waters.
  7. This is a viable alternative, could be a very real development in a credible "what if". Remember, most of us would not embark upon such a foolish scheme as Hitler and his cronies did. We, as the Axis dominant partner, would apply a plan of world conquest on the old Bismark Prussian beliefs applied with more chivalrous methods.
  8. Masterclaude, I see your talents run into the amusing arena also, what a hoot! I'm especially fond of the Hotseat, playing against my son and two nephews sometimes does involve a wrestling match. Luckily its been awhile, at my age the pain doesn't retire quickly enough.
  9. If you want to stop the Japs cold in Burma, park a US HQ within 4 tiles SW of Lanchow on the road, it'll have supply 8. Next get your LR upgrades and Heavy bomber tech up while building all the US bombers, start the bombers build cycle first. Now operate those bombers to proximity(supply 6) of that Lanchow HQ and have at the Japanese supply lines and especially target their HQs. Game over for any Nippon designs on India. When it rains down south you can take the same luxury with Japan's Chinese incursion. Of course a good human Japanese player(I don't know about the AI) will research AAA right away, but with the UK ftrs and TAC and later the Eighth Army, they really don't stand a chance.
  10. I thought better yolo, seems like I'd seen your name before, but I didn't want to assume anything especially in light of your low number of posts. I think many of us are sick of the unpolished releases coming out of Matrix but I do like what the Wasteland guys are doing, their land combat model is spot on. Still they have a long way to go before they get the grand strategy down. Hubert is the leader in that department.
  11. So Honch, are you saying this is a world campaign in its scope?
  12. How refreshing it is masterclaude to read your summation, we are obviously on a parallel plain here. My one question. When will you design a WW2 simulation? OK, one is never enough. Don't you think that ToW's strong suit is its land combat model? Seems to me it was originated as an operational scale game that tried to expand into the strategic role, but just didn't quite make it. Maybe SoP!:cool:
  13. Could it be that there are too many layers? What if the road and rail layer was removed? How about the weather layer? Perhaps weather could be scripted as a diminished unit effectiveness by region. What else could we do without? Perhaps our AT and AAA units could be attachments, make engineers' construction of enhancements a fuction of right click tile "properties" spending MPPs to accomplish their task. Just some thoughts......I always have those!
  14. Darn it! Yolo, welcome to SC and let me be the first to help you graduate. You need to learn to use the SC HQ if you ever want to be successful in SC. That's the reason your units have low supply(also morale and efficiency), SC HQs coordinate logistics and enhance combat abilities. Make sure they are in range of a supply source(ss), cities and ports. If the ss has a supply of 5, make sure your HQ is only 4 APs away from it and the HQ will display 8 supply, if ss > 5 and the APs are less than the supply value to your HQ, HQ will have 10 supply to pass on to your units which will have the appropriate supply based on APs away from HQ (HQ supply - APs to unit = unit supply). Make sure your attacking or defending units are attached to your HQ, green border around unit when HQ selected, make sure HQ mode is auto-assist, or manual. Blue illuminated border around unit means unit is elligible for attachment, but you are limited in the number of attachments. There are plenty of MPPs to follow a reasonable strategy, just be selective with their use, you don't always need to reinforce units to max strength, allow your units to build experience. A unit with 3 experience and 6 strength is as good if not better than a full strength unit with no experience. There's a lot more, but this should get you started. Oh yeah .....research IT and PT and you'll have more MPPs and builds will be cheaper. And don't forget.....a unit that is eliminated but has a supply of 5 or greater can be rebuilt at reduced MPPs, it'll have an asterisk by it in the build selection screen.
  15. I appreciate your sense of getting it right and after I thought about it for awhile, not a lot of sleep, why try and reinvent the wheel. Hubert long ago established a foundation for the "Army" usage and I really can't think of a good enough reason to modify it.....yet! It does serve a very good purpose of cleaning up the map and cutting down on unit density, thereby making room for our other specialized units. I decided what I really like about the SC corps units, which I use quite extensively in my games, is that with the upgrades, especially mobility, they become very hard hitting units when they have accumulated a bit of experience. I send them out on all sorts of missions, encirclements, scouting, garrisons, and in a group of two or three with the AT upgrade, they are great tank killers. Its not so much they do the killing, but they attrite the target, then the armies and tank groups do the eliminating and acquire the additional experience. Even when they're left exposed, as long as their supply is 5 or greater, they're cheap to rebuild. In short, SC's best, most versatile unit, the SC "Corps". You know, I knew that........way back when, arby(RB) and Oak convinced me of that in our PBEMs of SC1, I kind of forgot.
  16. I don't know Big Al, I kind of like the corps size units, but the divisions really don't fit this scale, the Armies are likewise a bit obtuse also. Thing is, what do you do to accomodate the dual size units? Corps are appropriate, armies and divisions???? We need to think of something else, but currently I'm at a loss other than the garrisons that you've already made with the ATs. Let me sleep on it. Forum???
  17. I ran through a couple of turns last night, just a hotseat against myself, trying to get a feel for the play. Noticed a lot of units, infantry is in Corps and Division sizes, many start overstrength, perhaps the map is a little cluttered. One thing, those land units didn't last long, combat is very bloody. For some reason the actual combat results are consistently more than the game's display of probable expected losses. The movement rates are higher for land units, lots of opportunity for maneuver, I haven't checked out the naval aspects yet. I also noticed a lot of cities with 13 map displayed values, but their selected supply values were only 10 in the bottom of the screen info panel? The map is well laid out, I just wish it was bigger to accomodate the extra pieces and added AP values. I can see there will be supply problems in some regions as the historical models. Lots of decision events and a nicely done splash screen at the beginning, a very professional job. This campaign looks very interesting with not a lot of units in the build Q, are there many scripted to arrive? Well Rambo, what do you think? Want to give a go, since our Nupremal game is obsolete (1.03) and the Amis are yet to come in (88%), already April 43.
  18. Gorgin, you are a man with great insight! Not because of the beer recognition, which dictates the best beer goes with the best game, the honorable "Dos Equis", but because you have indeed identified the cutting edge of Grand Strategy Wargames. Mr Cater (note the spelling and pronounciation of the last name, there is NO r), take a bow, and move your desk to, "The Head of the Class".
  19. Hey Big Al. I just Dled it on to a flash drive at work, couple of hours ago, did I get the new version? Looking forward to getting it on my laptop at home; so....its ready for h to h play?
  20. Has anyone tried Big Al's "Brute Force", other than of course Big Al himself? If so, how does it compare to Nupremal's world version?
  21. Man do I hear you guys, you've really got to be disciplined to play competitively. Many times I run out of MPPs and am not able to complete some crucial actions in other theaters, concentrating instead on the most critical areas, ie USSR. Off hand, how long would y'all say it takes to complete a turn? When all the majors are active, it usually takes me 30 to 45 minutes as Axis. What about you Rambo, Colin, Nupremal? Do the Allies take longer? Ha! Remember the old SC1 days, one turn, 15 minutes max.
  22. He once entertained an awkward moment, just for the experience!
  23. How about they are invisible until revealed by Intel tech?
  24. I don't normally drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis, stay thirsty my friend.:cool:
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